The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Off topics like yours are always welcome here...just look at the response:) Being on-topic is being off-topic...does that make sense?

what if you are off topic about being off topic??

Or is that being on topic about being off topic about being off topic??

Or is this post on topic of the topic of being off topic about being off topic but is still on topic about the off topic nature of this topic? :confused:

I was making good headway until a new child came along immediately followed by a job

I'm sure that reads familiar to quite a bunch at this club.
So does starting out so ambitious, without a return for all that was invested in dollars and effort.
Please do return in 5, you'll likely even get serious responses from the cuckoos at this thread (provided no2 isn't over the top again).
Old bloke joggin away in the main street.

He goes in the grocery store and carry on joggin while he waits to be served

His turn came up and grocers ask
Grocer) How are you and what can I do you for?

Old Bloke) I am blody marwelus and would like same fresh cabbage.

Grocer) You do look well how ald are you?

Old Bloke) I am 75 and evvery morning I jog 5 miles then get same fresh cabbage and same lamb chops then go home and have dinner.

Grocers give him the cabbage and old block jog away to the butcher.

In the buther the old Bloke jogs while he is wating to be served.

When his turn is up the Butcher askim what he can do him for.

Old Blocke) I will have same lamb chops for my breckfast.
evvery morning I jog 5 miles then get sam fresh cabbage and Lamb chops
being doing this since I was a kid and he don me well.

Buther) Inded inded you lok well.

Old bloke) Gues how old I am?

Old Lady) (very old lady) I tell you how old you are.

Old Bloke) Nah no way.

Old lady )Just bear with me and I tell you.

Old Bloke) all right then lass

Old lady kneal down in front of the old bloke take the dentures off lover the joggin pants and start to give him one.

Same time later....
Hi Nelson

As long as this thread is quiet, there's a big chance that one of two things are happening:

1. We are busy doing the homework, as ordered the supreme commander (wife). Shopping, fixing things around the house and going to work. Doing it more often than usual tends to kills a sense for humor...

2. Our soldering irons are hot! I'm just going to plug-in mine and log off... :p

See ya later ;)


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il Padre doesn't look like the pasta type.

1. fixing things around the house kills a sense for humor.
Shut up, you annoy me after 5 days of sanding/varnishing.
(the bent over thing in the window left corner is not a donkey (=> TBWMBO)


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