The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

ZM is not exactly the most enhanced version, which makes him pre world war, aka ancient Germanium material.
Tests have shown, he has a high potential to Pinch off, but the spread is random.
Again an indication that he derives from a low technology level, in terms of substrate origin, ZM is from the edge of the wafer.
Extensive checking also showed that ZM has an insignificant early potential.
The data, derived from experiments over a lengthy period, including testing at the SF lab, clearly shows that ZM not just displays Base behaviour, but Gate charged as well.
The latter, is indisputable evidence that ZM is a cross-over type, and operates both ways.
Trans-istor literature refers to ZM as a doped moscow-vite generation, shortened to MOS-fit.
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Playing with willy-nilly => navy => (radiology => physical geography) => naval architecture, maritime business & innovative ship design.
Building boats since age 13/14. (grp, steel, aluminum, wood, composite)

My shrink says I have a boat obsession, as does my dentist, and my general physician. I tend to ask them if they're interested in buying one.

(for a sail relic, Ted Hood is a legend)
Hi There
Thomas tanks for PM really chuffed to find it
Just had broadband switched on in new house so you going to get same all same all nonsense from me prety presto
That is if slave driver let me
House is ..... dirty same dirty old man living here for last 50 years.
When one think great I can move in now and find that place need emptiing before cleaning things get prety depressing the fact that toilet waste pipe is also leaking is just cerry on top
But hey 100 foot garden is real bonus
Yea yea I know yours is 3 acres and such...
Any way catch you laters Bye