The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread


do you mind sayin' something about your present tool :clown: for listenin' da Muzak ?

from your stories , it seems you were always exposed to , well , gadgets on Frontier ........ so , I'm really puzzled

besides that , I think that taking few pictures and posting them on forum is good for heart ;)

hey , just crossed through back of my scull - sch of special Be's chip amps ?

had to go more wife friendly, so have a pair of Joachim Gerhard's Sonics Allegrettos with uprated drivers...the designer's cut as it were.

TT. Lenco + SP10 Mk11 both in slate + alloy plinths. Home made unipivots, Denon in Lenco, Original Audionote Io by Kondo in is on going here. All electronics now outboard and PS rebuilt by Vanguard.
CD. Big old Sony DvD player with dummy drop down tray cover as transport only!!!
Nasty Chinese DAC with small scale mods incl. Transformer output. Works much better than my old Arcam ...esp on classical music.

Various lumps of carbon almost everywhere.

Old Revox 160 Tuner

Amp: a mixed bag of old BY prototypes and am building some (Symasym-TO-3, a simple sym by Joachim, Mr Harrison's Symfet.) A full H pad (ex radar) stereo pot as a passive.

All cables by Be Yamamura.

When that lot sorted a pair of low frequency woofers and proper floor/speaker interface.

ONLY speakers in listening room...everything else in next room with cables through walls. (This was a great 'tweak').

Will take some pics and find some 'evidence'!:)
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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My Lenco I found outside a house waiting for the garbage collection! And I bought x2 SP10, ex.BBC for UK£225!!!! Both working!

I like big speakers too, but they
a) demand decent cabs.
b) very hard to control properly.
c) Big horns/OBs too unfriendly (for other people) in a domestic room; unless they are big Yamamuras or similar - these are a great conversation piece in terms of functional art....but most people are totally happy with a music centre/MP3!!

I freely admit to being a Dodo and agree that my hare alter ego needs to move his *** and finish some of dis stuff dats lying around:sleep::sleep:

I would like to have the chance to re-buy at the price I sold all of the gear that I have sold over the years!!! 301s/401s/124s and, Especially, arms and speakers. Original Breuer, Wheaton Triplanar IV, FR 64s (x3), FR cartridges galore, Yamamura ART cartridge...(in graphite body), Tannoys of every type including silvers. Asoustech (?) electrostatics with original amps (the Jensen panel type from year dot - found in dumpster!!). I am a REAL cheapskate with big fast eyes!!:D:D:D
Joined 2006
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My Lenco I found outside a house waiting for the garbage collection! And I bought x2 SP10, ex.BBC for UK£225!!!! Both working!

but most people are totally happy with a music centre/MP3!!

I freely admit to being a Dodo and agree that my hare alter ego needs to move his *** and finish some of dis stuff dats lying around:sleep::sleep:
Nah - juz ship over to me for proper disposal. For a good friend like you I will give you a reduced rate for disposal fee. :D:D:D

I would like to have the chance to re-buy at the price I sold all of the gear that I have sold over the years!!! 301s/401s/124s and, Especially, arms and speakers. Original Breuer, Wheaton Triplanar IV, FR 64s (x3), FR cartridges galore, Yamamura ART cartridge...(in graphite body), Tannoys of every type including silvers. Asoustech (?) electrostatics with original amps (the Jensen panel type from year dot - found in dumpster!!).

Great hockey game last night - my chaps lost in OT but there are more games to be played yet..... :D:D:D
Joined 2006
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Now what?
Because I work for?
This is really a stupid thing to do.

Sorry for that Gyuri - I'm just old retired dummy that remembers short 12 hour days and how much I don't miss them. :D:D:D

I wish I still had my repair shop tools and toys around me now tho. I had great fun playing with all of that expensive gear that I cannot afford to pay for out of my pocket.... sigh. I must have had $250K USD worth of electronic toys on my bench - I miss my toys now..... ;)