The Pass Pub: The High-End Off Topic Thread

Ah, me faithful old push-up bra.

(you guys just jealous you're not a member of the Herniators, as Papa, Choky, and me)

Better chance of getting to play some nazi role with a name like Curd the Turd, in a Spielberg production, i think :
(as i told Vladimir, i've dreamed of being a famous international porn star, if only i didn't have stage fright)
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The one and only
Joined 2001
Paid Member
We have commended ZM back into the hands of Vladimir (AR2).

Choky has left the building. We hope he will come back someday.

Here are the last photos.

The wine was supplied by an eminent DIYer
(he knows who he is, and many thanks).



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diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
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Grits-not complicated to explain. My mother lived in the South for a while and served them to us often. Basically think of coarse polenta. And if there were grits left over (usually) then you would pack them in a baking pan, refrigerate , then slice into bars and fry them for breakfast, again, like polenta.
and fried actually very good IMHO..
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
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I'm wondering if he will be able to make the weight allowance for the flight home. :cool:

hardly ;

if you see these days some creature hangin' from the wings , with 8-foot ladders in one hand - just ask Papa is it Gremlin , or maybe some other creature.

while you are there - you can also ask what lies in root of any illusion .....


ditto - most valuable gifts I took with me from SR aren't measurable in any way ;

even ladders are more as 8 millions than just 8 foots .......



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