The Pass Monster?

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The one and only
Joined 2001
Paid Member
OK, but I am reliably informed that Monster Cable is
currently suing everyone using the name "Monster",
supposedly even if they're not in audio. Sounds like an
uphill battle to me. What we need to do is find a little
company, almost out of business, that can prove it shipped
a piece of wire with "monster" on it before Noel shipped his.

I had that technique in my back pocket when the boys at
Klipsch got excited over the use of the name "Forte"

Heh Heh.

I do like the Id reference though, and have always liked
"Beast With a Million Watts", which already has a terrific
poster and makes a fine homage to Roger Corman, whom
I admire greatly.

Unfortunately, I'm not too certain about literally delivering the
million watts. On the other hand, CyclotronGuy is already
agitating, particularly since he can lay his hands on two of the
tube types of which one powered the cyclotron at Crocker.

I believe he can do this, as he showed up in my driveway one
afternoon with one of them in the back of his pickup. The
filament runs at 300 amps.

Let's see, leaving the tube thing behind, I'll run up some
numbers on a megawatt and see if it's worth bothering with.
I've only just started following this thread- but it seems to me that a good upper limit would be around 11,000 watts- 220 volts on a 50 amp breaker. Sure we'd have to unplug the clothes dryer or the electric stove- but I think that a few of us might be able to pull it off.

Incidentally, I recall using 3 phase power in the pro sound club at RPI. I can't remember the details of it since I was only a member for a few months before homework took me out of play, but I remember our amps were supposed to add up to some 14 kW.

no WAY am I going to be the one trying this- but I would absolutely love to see some web pages describing this kind of insanity!
The one and only
Joined 2001
Paid Member
So my calculator tells me that I can peak at 1 megawatt by
delivering 1000 amps and 1000 volts simultaneiously into
1 ohm. It's doable, but not where I live.

OK, so let's run with the 240V at 50 amp concept: If we had
perfect components (no losses) and a really stiff Ac line,
we could imagine about 28,700 KW peak into 4 ohms.

I think, though, that we will have to assume some losses.

Nevertheless, would something like this make you happy? :wiz:

pass /: thinks you should be careful what you wish for.
Pass DIY Apprentice
Joined 2001
Paid Member
Missed the poster the first time around. Very nice. I'll have to find some other way to contribute.:cool:

How about some parts from the gravity drive wer're working on out here at Groom Lake?:darkside:

This is from this month's EDN.


  • 1000vpp.jpg
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Anti-gravity, at least in principle, isn't all that difficult. All you need to do is generate anti-phase gravity waves and you'll create a null.
Who needs Cavorite?
The crux of the matter is that no one quite has a handle on how to efficiently generate gravity waves short of piling a lot of mass in one place. Or at least nothing that's been admitted in public.

Nelson Pass said:
So my calculator tells me that I can peak at 1 megawatt by
delivering 1000 amps and 1000 volts simultaneiously into
1 ohm. It's doable, but not where I live.

OK, so let's run with the 240V at 50 amp concept: If we had
perfect components (no losses) and a really stiff Ac line,
we could imagine about 28,700 KW peak into 4 ohms.

I think, though, that we will have to assume some losses.

Nevertheless, would something like this make you happy? :wiz:

pass /: thinks you should be careful what you wish for.

Next, we need to work out a licensing deal as my company name is Overkill audio inc! Surley someone would actually buy a pair just to say that have the biggest amplifiers ever made? Right????

If crown can have a 10,000 watt Macro Tech 10000, well then! Overkill audio needs a Megawatt or more!!!

I can see it now, a pair 7' tall, 4000 lb monolith's. BIG Meters on the face! the whole chassis is a heatsink. a direct tap off the power line, right into the house!

We would of course have to build a full length 20Hz concrete compression horn loaded with a bevvey of Killowatt 18" drivers!

then..... the opening note of "Bela Fleck, Flight Of the Cosmic Hippo" strikes! BOOOOOooooom and the lights go dark! an Upper midwest black out has just struck! But Ohh what fun that one bass note would be!

I do Believe Mr. Watson that we will have found the "Brown Note!"

OK, Back to reality, While i have NO doubt. My hero the Amp God Nelson pass could actually build an amp that will supply something in the tens of thousands of watts. How about we settle for something that wont cost as much or more then a new Ferrari!!!

(Hmmm I wonder how many mosfets it would take for a 28Kw amp anyway? you got me thinking...)

Something that we can actually afford to build! and that is actually buildable!!!!

A Nice, High powered, audiophile grade amplifier suitable for any use!

Something that would be comfortable connected to a pair of Wilson Watts, JM Labs Grand Utopias, Avalons, or any other speaker that is highley reguarded. Yet able to pump out some serious bass if connected to a pair of 18"s in a bands pa stack?

(How about going the other way for a fun project, Build the loudest speaker possible that runs from 1 watt!!!! 120-130dB at 1 meter???? More????)

Again im off subject here.....

In all seriousness. I really want to build an pair of amplifiers. I have always wanted to build a PASS amplifier. But i have always wanted to build a BIG PASS AMPLIFIER! 200 watts RMS at minimum. 400 watts in reality, but 1Kw in possibility. I think a 1KW amp is monster enough for most, isnt it?

This, to me, would be the ideal amplifier. One i would actually build, use, enjoy, and keep!

My speakers are 4 ohms and not very efficient. I hit the clip lights on my amp often during transients while at reasonable volume levels. Something like the Dallas Wind Symponys "Tritico" has me reaching for the volume constantly to stay out of clip.

I dont need a KW for my home stereo personally. Some might? But i do need more then my anemic amp can deliver now!

How much power do i need? I dont know. 400, 600, 800 watts? Nah, 400 is probably more then enough for me. But it would be nice to be able to scale up, should the need arise!!!

Please Amp God, Deliver us a project we can build.

Grace us with one last conventional design that is versatile enough to be many things to many people. Class A to those that want class A, AB to others, Single ended and Balanced inputs. Scaleable power so we may choose what is right for our needs. or start small and scale up as needed or budget allows. Something solid, the kind of solid, clean design on par with the best of the best with all those special touches only you can provide. Something we can build ourselves and use everyday with the kind of satisfaction you can only get from enjoying your own hand built creation. Heck even if it was just a textbook design with the PASS touch would suffice.

But lets not stop dreaming of Multi KW monster amps in the meantime.


(the views and opinions expressed in this post are mine, all mine and may not reflect the views and opinions of the rest of the DIY world)
I agree, a simple Zenish 1000 Watt amp would be very attractive..

After reading the 'diy progress' thread and most, if not all, PassLabs lliterature.. I propose something like this....


75 Volt power rails for about bridged 1000W in 8 Ohm
20 x irf240 paired with 20 x irf9240 each output
2.7 ohm source resistors (thermal stability, transductance stabilisation)
100mA Iq through each mosfet..
Biased by a diamond-buffer configuration irf240/irf9240, 30mA each, bootstrapped source load, 10-22 Ohm biasing resistor
no feedback


90 Volt BOSOZ, irf610
coupled to a 75Volt folded cascode mosfet, irf9240

Well, what do you think?
OK here goes... this is not a practicle schematic, but just an idea, an zenish version of the X1000.... a BOSOZ, cascode, complementair 75Volt folower... 1KW in to 8 ohm, allmost 4KW into 2 Ohm for short durations? I trust you guys get the idea...


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Personally i was hoping for something more traditional, efficient and un-zenish like. Something more like an updated 2004/5 version of a Pass A75. something more like a A200, or A400 type thing. Or how about make it an ID1000 !

something that used both N&P channel devices. something that was scaleable to 1,000w at 8 ohms RMS and 2,000 watts 4 ohms RMS without bridging!

By my calculations, and not factoring in losses etc. this means to develop 1KW it would need to develop 89.5 VRMS from the output and have at least 126.5V rails.

A design i could build and use for my living room, yet be made stable and rugged enough to build for use with my band's PA.

I was thinking of at least 20 pairs of IRFP devices, but does 20 pairs have enough SOA for 4Kw short term and what 8KW peak?

My intent previously was to build a Holtan AV800 simply because it was the only high powered design/kit i have found. that is only 450W @ 8 however. but thats large enough for me.
but from what i have read, no one knows how to make it work. I have several questions about the design and Mr. Holtan has not responded to several pre-sales emails or to any post's here. so im quite shyied away from that design for good reason.... (a message to Mr. Holtan. Please speak up! lets get the construction manual errors updated and lets get one of these built for all to see!)

I have been following Mr. Borbely's designs for years in AA and really like his work. His designs are highley reguarded in many circles. while complex, they are buildable. his information is accurate and many many people have been succefull building these! but i have yet to see anything more then 100 watts or so, and nothing even close to 400. (please correct me if i am wrong and a high power design exist's)

I would love to build a Krell KSA-250 clone but as of yet i have not been able to find a schematic. and this is probably a bit too complex. maybe save this one for later....

So that leaves My Hero! Mr. Pass the Amp god!
Over the years it has just amazed me that everytime i find an amplifier i really like. Mr pass has had his hands involved somehow. The Thereshold amps, the Nakamichi PA-5,7, the soundstream D-200 car amp. the Adcom amps and many others i am unaware of i am sure. While i saved you for last, i assure you, your design would be my first choice!

AND, with Mr. Pass's Innumerable contributions to AA and the DIY community. I have always wanted to build one of his offerings. While all of his(/your) designs i have found interesting and very educational. none have seemed right for my needs so far.

i really would like to build a "Universal Pass, or Uni-Pass" amplifier! an "ID Killer".

I am sure such a design is something you could do in your sleep!
So whats the challange? Well, have you offered something to the DIY community as such yet?

Here is an idea i have been thinking of for many years. How about something that could be built as a series of modules.
that could be swapped at will?

Single LTP Vs. a Dual LTP Input stage, Single Ended or Balanced Inputs, Cascode VS Non Cascode. X transistor, VS Y Transistor, or W Mosfet stages. Class A, Class AB, etc etc all with a universal scaleable output stage.

Now were talking. the ultimate Amp testbed. DIY'ers could design and submit there favorite module for others to build and try.

Most traditional amp designs i have seen are all layed out about the same.

1-Input Stage,
2-Pre driver Stage,
4-Driver Stage.
5-Output Stage

Start with a tradtional well designed, well laid out, good sounding "Pass-ed" textbook type design as the basis for this. then let us test, tune and experiment from there.

A series of pluggable modules. and Input board, a Pre driver board a driver board and a bias board that piggybacks the pre or driver stages and an output board that all modules with either fit on or plug into or some such setup.

All you would have to do is the schematic! we can build it!

Think of the hours of fun we all can have adding our own touch to a board!

I dont know. maybe i am dreaming.... maybe this could be yet another future project.

For now. lets all pull together and concentrait!!!

all i really want is a 400watt Pass designed class AB, push pull DIY project.....

HMMMMM :scratch:

Maybe if i sent a case of some Red and White Liquid thinking :bulb: lubricant to :drink: Mr Pass :wiz: ........
tschrama said:
OK here goes... this is not a practicle schematic, but just an idea, an zenish version of the X1000.... a BOSOZ, cascode, complementair 75Volt folower... 1KW in to 8 ohm, allmost 4KW into 2 Ohm for short durations? I trust you guys get the idea...

Hmmm thats an interesting design, I would have added constant current sources and i dont see a way to adjust bias, but....nice!
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