The Burning Amp Festival- an Audio Happening

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diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
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While I was in the room a visitor begged Dr. Linkwitz to pose for a photo with him. Linkwitz suggested that they go into the corridor outside and I was pressed into duty to snap the photo. I immediately dropped the camera and a passerby was give the duty.

He comes across as incredibly kind and gentle and his wife is very elegant, attractive and sociable.
Whew! One week to go, and I can finally confirm that I will be able to make it to BAF this year! :)

I'll be bringing the Foxtex F120A and Jim Griffin JX92S / G2Si monitors for a side-by-side comparison.

I will be looking for a small tube amp to power these with. Unfortunately, my own tube amp is not currently in condition to travel to the show. Something in the 15 - 30W range, with good dynamics and transparency - like a P-P EL84 or EL34 - would be just about right, I think.

Any volunteers? Balanced or unbalanced input is fine. I will be providing the source and preamp, and I have a solid-state backup plan just in case, but I think the F120A's especially will sound their best with tube power.

Can't believe a year has gone by already! See you all there!! :cool:

Now I have to catch up on this thread to see what everyone else is up to this year...
hifiZen said:
Whew! One week to go, and I can finally confirm that I will be able to make it to BAF this year! :)

I'll be bringing the Foxtex F120A and Jim Griffin JX92S / G2Si monitors for a side-by-side comparison.

I will be looking for a small tube amp to power these with. Unfortunately, my own tube amp is not currently in condition to travel to the show. Something in the 15 - 30W range, with good dynamics and transparency - like a P-P EL84 or EL34 - would be just about right, I think.

Any volunteers? Balanced or unbalanced input is fine. I will be providing the source and preamp, and I have a solid-state backup plan just in case, but I think the F120A's especially will sound their best with tube power.

Can't believe a year has gone by already! See you all there!! :cool:

Now I have to catch up on this thread to see what everyone else is up to this year...

Is 80W Ok?
diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
Paid Member
John Atkinson from Stereophile moderated a fantastic discussion about current problems with digital sound and solutions to these problems. In my interpretation of what was said by all, they are in agreement that the CD is flawed, but that 24bit 96 khz solves nearly everything, including allowing jitter to be filtered out with little damage to the signal. All agree that jitter is the huge problem and that reclocking next to the DAC is one very good solution to this. Of course it is still good implimentation that makes a good DAC....

A problem with USB is that you have to be very careful or the computer will revert to 16 bit, but truncating in a very nasty way..
especially with XP and Vista.

There are 24/96 files downloadable on the net.

I would say half the rooms had a laptop with files running into a DAC (usually a Benchmark) and into an amplifier-

According to a conversation I had with one of the panel members before the show, there is an AES committee developing a standard specifically for sound and video over the robust and fast ethernet connections. Since this standard will be developed for the purpose it will be very good- for one thing it allows the computer to establish a connection that doesn't have share other types of data- it takes over the stream and is dedicated to just music or video. My impression is that this will be very common within a year!

So after the discussion I approached Mr. Atkinson and thanked him for covering Burning Amp. (I suspect we will get a paragraph if we are lucky, I'm not expecting an article)

He said that it reminded him of his early days in audio when people got together to make and discuss audio stuff and how exciting it was . Well I just had to also start telling him about diyAudio and how great THAT was. Eventually he turned around and just ran away!!! I know I talk too much and my only hope is that he had an important meeting or something! Still a great way to get out of an overlong conversation!!;)

Wavebourn said:

Is 80W Ok?

80W would be TONS! In fact, I need to be careful with the F120As, which are only rated to 10W (or 30W "music" power, whatever that means). They don't handle the low bass at more than modest SPLs anyway, so distortion / excessive excursion should be evident well before we get near the thermal limit.

What kind of 80W would this be? 6550?
hifiZen said:

80W would be TONS! In fact, I need to be careful with the F120As, which are only rated to 10W (or 30W "music" power, whatever that means). They don't handle the low bass at more than modest SPLs anyway, so distortion / excessive excursion should be evident well before we get near the thermal limit.

What kind of 80W would this be? 6550?


You will need TS jacks on ends (1/4"). 4,8, or 16 Ohm outputs, asymmetrical line level inputs (TS as well).
Wavebourn said:


You will need TS jacks on ends (1/4"). 4,8, or 16 Ohm outputs, asymmetrical line level inputs (TS as well).

Hmm, something off the beaten path... sounds interesting! My preamp has transformer coupled outputs (floating secondary) so is compatible with most anything. I don't have any cables with TS ends, though I probably have some cheapo RCA-TS adapters kicking around. Likewise, speaker cables I have are spades on both ends, with banana adapters. Don't think I have a means of converting spade to TS jack.

Oh, I should also ask - is it stable with no load? It would be nice to hot-swap speakers for the demo, just to decrease the changeover time. But so many tube amps just aren't stable without some load on the secondary.
hifiZen said:

Hmm, something off the beaten path... sounds interesting! My preamp has transformer coupled outputs (floating secondary) so is compatible with most anything. I don't have any cables with TS ends, though I probably have some cheapo RCA-TS adapters kicking around. Likewise, speaker cables I have are spades on both ends, with banana adapters. Don't think I have a means of converting spade to TS jack.

Oh, I should also ask - is it stable with no load? It would be nice to hot-swap speakers for the demo, just to decrease the changeover time. But so many tube amps just aren't stable without some load on the secondary.

It is stable, but I would not run it without a load (it has input attenuators so I can switch off ins when reconnecting speakers). I'll bring some RCA/TRS cables (male/male) for input and plain wires with TS jacks for speakers.
This year BAF is going to be very interesting. We have a lots of people registered, much more than last year as well as we have much more donations in terms of equipment. Of course Nelson Pass will have his annual Santa event, but there will be some more. Like RAAL ribbons set, some goodies from Scott Wurcer, Jack Hidley will have speakers... Stuff that we will have for auction and donations are incredible. What an awesome group of people you are!

After I received this message from WBS, I was amazed. Thank you Vincent. This is the message that I have received from WBS:

"I'll be donating a pair of Magnepan MMGs to the fundraiser/auction on Saturday. One of them needs a new diaphram but those are readily available from the factory. I do have new socks for them however!"
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