The Burning Amp Festival- an Audio Happening

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Zen Mod said:

I agree ..............everything is crystal clear now !!!!!!!

and Papa - his life ambition is to be called Santa Claus ............ that 'xplains everything regarding his involvement .................

hoax of the decade ............ and now you say that e-net isn't virtual!!



this line :
"AR2 needed a new preamp so he cooked the whole thing up! Sy made his pre up to invoke the competition! Choky fell for it and sent one over. Magura never left his house! How did you guys convince Nelson to go along with the whole thing?"

from now AR2 can use as his sig ..............

Just amazing a person cannot sleep after three days of 24 hour fun...:clown:
OK, let me see what I have here...
Nelson and Magura working on F4.


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It is very hard if not impossible to explain what Mr. Pass did for us: He showed up with his truck filed with all goodies that any diyer would die for. Transformers, big transformers, I mean gigantic transformers from X1000 and X600, full range drivers and buzzers for them, power Mosfets, power jfets, buttons, attenuators, more mosfets all that in hundreds and hundreds.
Here are the babies, I believe they are 4KVA, for anyone who wanted - present from Mr.Pass (These are just a few from several dozens available)


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wow..., omgfg, wow...

People were nice, enthusiastic, patient and helpful, the donors were generous beyond words, the sounds were heavenly, the weather was absolutely perfect.

Santa Pass came early this year...

First time I've ever seen, let alone been given, a toroid too big for me to lift one handed. I think the grab bag o' mj15003's was down to the last 10lbs as I left...

I had to leave early to meet my wife for a birthday party, it was the first time in memory where I was really, really sad to leave an organized event.

Fantastic job guys,

Thanks to all who made it possible.

Where do I sign up for next year?
AR2 said:
If we lost Morten in Bay waters (which almost happened) there would be no F4 and Pumpkin for the show. He and Cris saved us.
Magura hard at work:

Yeah, this event was sure great fun, status so far:

Maguras picked out of the S. F. bay waters by AR2: 1

Interesting people met: too many to count!

Number of Anatechs harddrives nicked by SY: 1

Goodies for the boys at home sponsored by Nelson: A few for each :)

Number of beers drunk at the evening of the event by Magura: 3

Result of 3 beers after very little sleep for 3 days: Severe drunkness

Great dinners at AR2's place: 1

Special presents from Nelson to Steenoe to be brought to DK: 1

People in Variac's small flat this night: 5

Magura ;)
I'm just so sad that I had to leave before the F4's powered those beautiful Basszilla variants. Wow!

This may have been the best $20 investment I ever made. Everyone at the event was great. For such a huge main listening room, the sounds were wonderful. I met some really cool people and heard some great equipment. Thanks Stuart, Mark and Vladimir for putting an excellent show. Count me in for the next one.
Joined 2003
Paid Member
It’s really good to see that you guys had a terrific time. I’m following the topic, looking at the biggest heatsinks I ever saw used in an amp, reading the comments and enjoying the Zen and other Mods…
Give Jan a hug before he disappears in the SF nightlife or worse, LA or Vegas.:)

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