Technology Student Wanting To Build Full Range System

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Bud has a patent on EnABLE, but is freely helping and encouraging diyers to try it. I did (i sent Bud a set of FE127s and he treated them free of charge) -- i have since done up 7 more pair of FE127 with varying recipes. To say i was gob-smacked by the results is an understatement. I was very tired when i 1st got a listen, and the loss of the familiar was really hard to wrap my head around. Later listening sessions fixed that.

One of the more dramatic cases of validatory feedback came with a listening session in alert bay. 2 identical sets of mFonkens, a set of standard planet_10 modified FE127 and a set with a mix of the P10 mods & EnABLE. We had a blind listener in the sense that he knew nothing about hifi, and could care less, but he was a music lover. He had no idea what we were trying to do. We played the speakers with the standard drivers, then switched to the EnABLEd. He didn't have to say anything. His body language felt all the way to the other end of the couch said everything that needed to be said. The other fellow (my buddy we were visiting, pressured me really hard to leave the EnABLEd drivers behind willing to write me a big cheque. I'm making him wait since that pair is key to our research.

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planet10 said:

"I tot we was s'posed ta keep religious affears outa here?!?" says John in a thick Irish brogue.

"You better stop pushing my buttons and picking on my dear friend Bud" the shaky, nasal reply reply from Dave

"Fair enough, brotha! I'll keep me opinions to meself. Don't want to start no waar here!" John cheerily intoned.

:) :clown: ;)
Scott: In reference to the horn speaker design link you showed my earlier.

Does there have to be any ratio in particular of horn width to length in order for the sound to be of optimum quality, or is this not true.

I can't copy an existing design as that is practically plagiarism, so my design has to be original.

I'm hoping that the main part affecting the sound is the tapering of the horn?
You mean Terry's BIB cabinet?

You can do your own, optimised to the drivers you select quite easily. All you need are the driver's Fs, it's Vas, and its Qts (parameters supplied by the manufacturer). And a calculator. I'll guide you through the staps of the sizing formulas, but it's your box, so no plaigarism.

Re EnABLE, I see nothing in the physics that's questionable -actually the opposite, and several people with a heck of a lot more knowlege than I have are in its favour.
MJL21193 said:

"I tot we was s'posed ta keep religious affears outa here?!?" says John in a thick Irish brogue.

"You better stop pushing my buttons and picking on my dear friend Bud" the shaky, nasal reply reply from Dave

"Fair enough, brotha! I'll keep me opinions to meself. Don't want to start no waar here!" John cheerily intoned.

:) :clown: ;)

John - it was your post #37 that raised the question:

Wow. Is there even one thread that is free from the preachings from the gospel according to Bud? :)

of course the answer, is: yes, there are many threads that are "free"

As I know you've been invited to do before, in regards to EnAbl or other areas outside your comfort zone, why not try it out for yourself? Sometimes it takes a while for logical, "scientific" understanding and analysis to devise metrics for what our senses readily perceive.
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Joined 2007
chrisb said:

you've been invited to do before, in regards to EnAbl or other areas outside your comfort zone, why not try it out for yourself?

All jokes aside, I have been giving it serious thought. Not that I see a flaw in Buds pattern, but I've started to develop my own that will (I hope) improve upon his efforts.
Best illustrated in the following picture.
Here I am working (favorite brush in hand) to produce a large scale mock-up of what I envision to be the ultimate Enabl pattern. I have tentatively dubbed this creation: "UltiAbl". Notice the use of several colours and shades and also the splitting of the cone into two hemispheres - to balance positive and negative energies. Also notable is the more complex pattern in the "northern" hemisphere.
I'm willing to bet more than a few of you are wondering about this "special" pattern in the top region of the cone!
This, I will reveal at a later date....


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OK, try this. I was discussing the subject with GM a little while ago, and this was his take (hope you don't mind my quoting your original post Greg) on the matter re reflections of the surface-wave on reaching a physical discontinuity:

"This is true, in the driver's TL BW any impedance discontinuity causes a notch in its response as shown by high res impedance/acoustic phase plots since it's typically traveling over/through the diaphragm material much faster than in air: Each of these are in essence a mechanical XO, so any smoothing of these in our acute hearing BW is moving in the right direction and what manufacturers do by varying diaphragm material thickness, doping, dimpling, adding expansion rings, etc., to iron out the worst of them (or not in Lowther's case and why they sound so detailed, yet harsh)."
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