TEAC VRDS T1 CD Transport

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I have a problem with the CMK4 VRDS transport mechanism of the TEAC VFDS T-1. When I insert a CD, the transport start to read the CD and finally goes back into the outer left parking position without playing the songs on the CD. In the handling manual it is stated that the laser will go in this position if the safety lock has been bridged. But I never touched the CD transport nor did I open the case! Does anybody of you know where to find the safety lock (is it a safety lock for the transport of the player
which is done otherwise with screws..?). And more importantly, does anybody of you know what is the matter with the CD transport? Does anybody of you still have the service manual for this transport mechanism? Thanks in advance for your comments. Any comments are appreciated!
Kind regards,
Does the disk spin?

I'm not sure about the safety lock. However I found that when the laser died, the mechanism tried to seek the disk but did not start the disk spinning and then returned immediately to the park position. I replaced the laser pickup and all was fine - mine uses a KSS240A available from most spares suppliers.

Looking at the manual, pin 5 on test point 1 is the output RF amp so should show something on a scope if the pickup is OK.


Thank you for your answer. I hope the laser is at least partly working. According to your statement, the transport must recognize that a CD has been inserted, because it accelerates it and the laser goes to the inner circles of the CD where the contents should be read. Could it be possible that the lens is simply dirty, so that the laser light is too weak for the sensor to receive reliable information? However, the display does not show any error.....
If you turn the display on all the time does it show track 0 for all of this time - i.e. no error message. Draw closes, pickup moves to disk centre, disk spins up briefly, pickup moves back to park

I've just put a CD-RW in mine and it does exactly this. This shouldn't work (as the T1 can't read CD-RWs), but suggests this is what happens if it can't read the table of contents properly.

Does it do this for all CDs?

I would suggest cleaning of the laser. Its quite easy to do as it is exposed when in the parked position. (bit of alchol on a cotton bud). Following this, it is possible to adjust the pickup circuit using the trimmers on the main board, but I'm not sure I would recommend this. The manual suggests doing it with a test disk/scope and frequency generator.

Other question is whether the disk spins up to the right speed to read the table of contents. Not sure how you would know this other that looking to see if it spins at a reasonable speed.

Re: TEAC CD transport

hifiboy said:
Hi Guido,

the diplay doesn't show number of tracs and total time! It remains dark! When I push start the CD doesn't spin. Therefore my doubt on the capability of producing sufficient laser light...


You can measure the RF while it takes in the disc. I assume it is OK, and suspect that the Sony CDX2500 is defect

time to find a service centre.....


hifiboy said:

yes, this happens with all the CDs. I think, that I have to check the disc speed and the RF signal. What is the function of the Sony CDX device?



Try to find if the rror is in the control domain or in the readout domain. If you measure RF when the T1 takes in the disc, you know that it can read discs, and that lenses and such are non-issue.

The CDX2500B is the decoder, but also gives back some status signals back to the uC circuit.

The datasheet can be found here


hifiboy said:
I have a problem with the CMK4 VRDS transport mechanism of the TEAC VFDS T-1. When I insert a CD, the transport start to read the CD and finally goes back into the outer left parking position without playing the songs on the CD. In the handling manual it is stated that the laser will go in this position if the safety lock has been bridged. But I never touched the CD transport nor did I open the case! Does anybody of you know where to find the safety lock (is it a safety lock for the transport of the player
which is done otherwise with screws..?). And more importantly, does anybody of you know what is the matter with the CD transport? Does anybody of you still have the service manual for this transport mechanism? Thanks in advance for your comments. Any comments are appreciated!
Kind regards,

Hi Hifiboy, I think the laser has reached end of life. Reading the TOC is the most easy thing to do but does not warrent normal track playing. If even TOC reading fails you have a serious problem:att'n: How many hours or years has your unit on its counter?
[TOC= Table Of Content, number and time of tracks]
Re: Re: TEAC VRDS T1 CD Transport

Elso Kwak said:

Hi Hifiboy, I think the laser has reached end of life. Reading the TOC is the most easy thing to do but does not warrent normal track playing. If even TOC reading fails you have a serious problem:att'n: How many hours or years has your unit on its counter?
[TOC= Table Of Content, number and time of tracks]


You cannot conclude this. There are many reasons why the info would not appear on the display. As Hifiboy describes, the disc is taken in, starts rotating and stops.

If he can measure the RF at that moment, he is sure about laser dead or not.

Re: Re: Re: TEAC VRDS T1 CD Transport

Guido Tent said:


You cannot conclude this. There are many reasons why the info would not appear on the display. As Hifiboy describes, the disc is taken in, starts rotating and stops.

If he can measure the RF at that moment, he is sure about laser dead or not.


Even a laser with a correct eyepattern can be defective.
Usually IC's do not wear out in old players but lasers do.
I have spent much too many hours trying faultfinding in CD players while eventually the laser was the culprit.
Did you know that an old laser makes the player extremely clock sensitive? And also very sensitive to the adjustments.
The new laser can serve as a backup in case the old one is not defective.
Just my experience from repairing these CDP machines five days a week. And some courses taken at JVC and Fodor.
Re: Re: Re: Re: TEAC VRDS T1 CD Transport

Elso Kwak said:

Even a laser with a correct eyepattern can be defective.
Usually IC's do not wear out in old players but lasers do.
I have spent much too many hours trying faultfinding in CD players while eventually the laser was the culprit.
Did you know that an old laser makes the player extremely clock sensitive? And also very sensitive to the adjustments.
The new laser can serve as a backup in case the old one is not defective.
Just my experience from repairing these CDP machines five days a week. And some courses taken at JVC and Fodor.


If the eyepattern is correct, what can be wrong with the laser ?



the display shows 4 zeros when I insert a disc. The fact that it does not show an error, indicates probably that the laser is working but perhaps not properly. I have the impression that the transport recognizes that a CD is inserted and can read something...? Otherwise it would show an error, wouldn't it?
The other question is: could it be that the laser pickup needs to be adjusted?
Concerning the change of the laser pickup: Is t possible to change the laser pickup without adjusting the optical lens etc? Is it a job simple enough to do it by myself? What pickup do I need, what is roughly the price, where can I buy it? Has anyone the service manual in electronic form?


Hi Hifiboy,

The best way to get your CD Transport running again is by replasing your KSS-240A pickup unit!
I've had the same problem with my VRDS-7 and a few other T1 Transports from four friends of mine.

If you can't get it fixed, just send it to me and I'll fix it for you.
You'll need to pay for the shipping costs and the laserunit.

Labor is FREE! I'm willing to help you! If you just want to order a few parts from schuro for me (I'll pay for the parts and shipping) I'll be more than happy to help you.

I think it's better not to thouch any adjusting pot, that'll make it only more difficult to repair.

Best regards,

Audiofanatic ;)

P.S. be shure to send it inshured, if it get lost on it's way to me, you'll not be left empty handed.
Re: TEAC VRDS T1 CD Transport Malfunctioning

Elso Kwak said:
Hello José,
So you think I am right?!:)

Hi Mr. Elso,

It's just my experience with those LASERUNIT's KSS-240A they usually fail before or just after you buy the product. (be aware, SONY makes 3 different KSS-240A's) How I know? just open a few players / transports that uses this pickup unit, and you'll find out .

Maybe Guido and / or others are right, but this problem is the same one I found in all the defective transports/players using this pickup unit including my own VRDS-7!


Audiofanatic ;)
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