Tda2030 his tory

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Joined 2009
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Ok so chipamps are not really my thing but I just saw a post on a tda 2030 amp....

Doesn't time mean progress for integrated electronics? This is a chip amp from more than 20 years ago !!

So that got me thinking
What's the history of this ilittle pentawatt ?
Is it surviving still because of momentum or because theese devices have actually got some nice features? If so what are they ?

I recall building some off Thomson datasheets in my youth and they sucked then. So I'm a little surprised they are stil around.
Well I guess I had better hf hearing then.
And maybe more testosterone.
And 3-head tape decks.
And some unmemorable Japanese 3 way spekaers that had treble control pot on the front.

I had 2N3055 based ap then that sounded nice even with the handicaps above. The 2030 chipamp.. Well let's just say that it was a special kind of sound that may have suited a special kid of person. Too bad that didn't include me,, caveat though I did not have scopes or analyzers then other than the aural kind .....
Fact is they are so good and practical to use that they are still an Industry standard, go figure.
Only problem is that they didn't supply as much power as your 2N3055 based amps.

But as far as distortion, flatness, etc. they beat them big way.
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