Tang Band W8-1772 Impressions.

I don't have a measuring rig hooked up but subjective impression was ~neutral to "warm" for 1772 - FE206E sounds brighter -either are good drivers - 1772 might do ok pointed vertically and with a deflector (?) I don't have anything to make a quick/safe deflector and am a Karlson-coupler person anyhow:D
I'm surprised no one has mentioned this yet, and I was even disturbed to see it repeated at least once, but:

'Tang Bang': Full range for rednecks.

'Tang Band': the Taiwanese driver company that builds drivers in China.


In an online community where effective written communication is relied upon as the primary method of communicating ideas, I don't think it's inappropriate to insist on proper spelling. I frequently use spelling and grammar to distinguish the informed/intelligent from the uninformed/unintelligent online. (The other spelling mistake in audiophile circles that really gets under my skin is 'Isobarik' - the proper spelling is with a 'c', 'Isobaric'.) Feel free to nitpick my spelling at any time.
Joined 2001
Paid Member
(The other spelling mistake in audiophile circles that really gets under my skin is 'Isobarik' - the proper spelling is with a 'c', 'Isobaric')

Ever since Linn spelled it with a k fro a commercial product the former spelling has been considered acceptable when describing a compound driver configuration. IMHO the letter c is mostly redunant in the English language (it seems to me that the "ch" sound might be hard to find a sub for).

I've been looking at the 1772b versus the alpair 12.............


Not that the Alpair 12 isn't a fine driver, it is really a 6.5" driver (Sd=143cm^2) while the 1772 is an 8" driver (Sd=215cm^2). I seriously looked at the A12 as a replacement for the FE167E, but I found that the new FE166En is a suitable sub. I may yet include the A12 in my product line, but tha will have to wait until I complete MLTL's for the 166En and 206En and a BR for the 1772.

"a 6.5" driver (Sd=143cm^2) while the 1772 is an 8" driver (Sd=215cm^2)."

very true Bob.

I'd imagine they sound completely different (paper vs mix, whizzer vs cap).

I like the idea of the design process of the alpair compared to the giant company of tang band, perhaps they have a lot of listening and tweaking.

Hi Bob...Can you please elaborate this infrasonic filter ? It is needed ? What would be the specs to make one ? thx

I didn't measure the distance, I just noted this while setting up the break-in frequency/power. My guess is that it is in th 5-6mm range. It really shouldn't be an issue at anything but dangerous SPL levels. Note that in my cabinet, a stereo pair will produce 105dB/w/m at 10 watts exceeding Xmax below 30Hz. Unlike Fostex or Lowther drivers, the TB really needs a high pass filter to eliminate infrasonics.

The 1772 is a very clean, low distortion driver. Under normal full-range rules, dynamic compression should not be an issue. However, Doppler distortion is still an issue, even more so since there is +/- 3mm travel available. I can hear this as I progress through Vivaldi > Beethoven > Pink Floyd > Led Zeppelin. Dynamics in the lighter stuff is super, but the heavier stuff starts to get muddy.

And the Exotic vs the DX-4?

"This falls under "you get what you pay for". If you can afford
the PM6A's they are likely the better choice."

The Exotic and DX-4 drivers are comparably priced, fairly divergent appraoches to the full range driver. Better is probably a matter of personal preference, but a comparison or characterization of their sound quality would be helpful. I think many are curious about the sound quality of the more 'premium' full range drivers. Disregarding 'bass issues' for the time being (yes, they are substantial), how are the mids and highs? Extension, definition, smoothness, overall balance, response 'warts', etc. Can those who have spent some time with these drivers have a swag at this? Nelson, Bob, others?

