Tang Band W3-881SI Box Design Thread

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I have been trying to come up with some clever WAF speakers (she hate anything that looks like a speaker) using the Closeout Tang Band W3-881SI. After lurking around for ideas I have noticed the popularity of these particular speakers is increasing due to favorable results different people are getting with a $9 speaker. I know they are not an a perfect speaker but for the DIY crowd on budget it is a good option. I have 12 of them I am not sure what do with them yet. I did build a test speaker enclosure using plastic Folgers coffee cans Not a WAF speaker I did it just to test them out) and they sound pretty good I will upload some pics as soon I find a way to do it.😀

Anyways thought is would be a good Idea to have a thread where everyone could consolidate there Ideas, designs as well as results for the Tang Band W3-881SI. I hope this is the correct place for this thread since most are using this speaker in a full range application. I did find a boutique speaker manufacture that has a speaker for sale that looks like they are using the same driver in the link below...

Ya that was my reaction when I saw it, but it is marketed more for it's modern look than anything else... I like the way they look but the wife did not appreciate them. Bummer since it would be easy to build something similar. cogitech I like what you did with the Nano's do you have any pics during the build process?

Do you have a recomendation of a free site to host pictures so I can post my expeiriment with the coffee cans? I did make a video but it was rejected on YouTube since I did not have permission to use the song I used. Any tips using music in a YouTube video?
Sounds like you & the missus need to go to a local Arts & Crafts "Fair".........When she asks why, tell her your going to find a suitable "Artsy" enclosure for your project.........just about anything can be used that is hollow...some silly ceramics will do just fine. You will have to estimate internal volume of what you find & meets with her "approval".
The seemingly standard " Dolphin pair" would work. Calculate the optimal volume & see what you can find.

Rich I know what you mean, she loves music but in here mind she is content to rock out listening to Pandora on here Iphone as she walks around the house. (and to me it is like nails on a chalk board) I know I could keep it simple and just install some in ceiling speakers and she would be happy with that... but where is the fun in that?
Ya that was my reaction when I saw it, but it is marketed more for it's modern look than anything else... I like the way they look but the wife did not appreciate them. Bummer since it would be easy to build something similar. cogitech I like what you did with the Nano's do you have any pics during the build process?

Unfortunately, no, I didn't take pics. It is a dead-simple build though. Build a box of the stated dimensions, place the driver on the front as close to the top as is practical and the port (of stated dimensions) on the back (or front, I guess) at/near the bottom of the box, and then (very important) line the entire inside with 2" fiber-glass (and possibly add some polyfil and adjust to taste). The biggest thing to remember with the build is that it takes considerable lining/stuffing to tune it right.

Do you have a recomendation of a free site to host pictures so I can post my expeiriment with the coffee cans? I did make a video but it was rejected on YouTube since I did not have permission to use the song I used. Any tips using music in a YouTube video?

I have my own server, so I cannot recommend a free service. I know they are out there, but I have never used them. WRT youtube, I just uploaded the videos and then youtube notified me of copyright issue, but they left the video up. Have no idea how that all works.
You can also upload photos to the photo album server on diyaudio. It may require upgraded membership to do that. I just attach photos using the "Manage Attachments" feature under "Advanced" reply to posts. Make sure you scale them down to 1200 pix or less otherwise they are too big to be viewed on a reasonable monitor.

The W3-881si has been used with success on the Cornu spiral. I forgot who did it but do recall someone did and liked the sound. I think it was 20 in x 3.5 in deep.

Another option if you are looking for WAF friendly enclosures include:
Flat folded MLTL (in stereo) http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/full-range/223313-foam-core-board-speaker-enclosures-147.html#post3400954
Flat BIB (FIB) http://www.diyaudio.com/forums/full-range/223313-foam-core-board-speaker-enclosures-120.html#post3353428
These work well because wall hanging speakers don't take floorspace and don't look like speakers. You can also decorate them. This has worked as high-WAF designs around my house.
Thank you for the links I am reading through the Foam Thread right now currently on page 49 I imagine I could build something in the time it will take me the read it all the way through! the flat design could work I could mask it with some transparent cloth that has a pattern or image on it on it to mask the speaker.
Thank you for the links I am reading through the Foam Thread right now currently on page 49 I imagine I could build something in the time it will take me the read it all the way through! the flat design could work I could mask it with some transparent cloth that has a pattern or image on it on it to mask the speaker.

Indeed. Or a painting or pattern that includes the speaker in a way that makes it appear as a part of the design or painting. A very light coat of spray paint, carefully applied, could help integrate it quite well.
IMO, unless sitting on a desktop or something, this driver is best used with woofer support, like a mid/tweeter. So box design isn't all that critical. 4L sealed and you're done that part. Cross over around 350hz to a 8 or 10" woofer in a ported box. Amazing sound for very little money. And quite easy too.
@cogitech - you are another smarty pants aren't you?
$249.00 seems like a good price IMHO
$45.00 Drivers + $10.00 Shipping - unless you have wholesale account and buy
hundreds of drivers at time.
$120.00 100% Wool Felt - per linear yard
$240.00 sheet of Carbonized Bamboo 1/2" Ply
$80.00 sheet of Carbonized Bamboo Veneer
$10.00Wire/Banana Plugs/Passive components(perhaps)/acoustic damping material
This alone is $505.00 - of course this is less if you make more pairs...🙂
but if you are starting from scratch and want to make an identical or similar pair...?
And how much is you labor worth? - even if you are making minimum wage @ $8.00 an hour you not looking at any profit aren't you? ....🙂
Not to mention website costs/shows/promotion etc...

In general you guys slam manufacturers but you often forget how much time it takes to put together a pair of decent speakers or any component matter of fact (unless you stuff raw/unmatched drivers into a empty coffee container) How much is your time worth?
What do you do for living? I thing you would be appalled if someone tells you that you are charging too much for your services.
Live and let live...🙂 and enjoy this great forum and music!
@tuxedocivic - there you go! I suggest 2L sealed enclosure as 4L will give you too much cone movement and distortion + if you are crossing @ 350 Hz it does not really matter too much how big the enclosure is. I suggest cross it at 100Hz for desktop and at 150Hz for other use - living room etc.
@yupvegas - The Tang Band W3-881SI is el cheapo alternative - the Tang Band W3-881SJ (similar one used in Yorkies I suspect) is much better with better high end extension, better midrange transparency and good looking cast frame - yes it is more money but as usual you get what you pay for...my five cents...🙂
@cogitech - you are another smarty pants aren't you?
$249.00 seems like a good price IMHO
$45.00 Drivers + $10.00 Shipping - unless you have wholesale account and buy
hundreds of drivers at time.
$120.00 100% Wool Felt - per linear yard
$240.00 sheet of Carbonized Bamboo 1/2" Ply
$80.00 sheet of Carbonized Bamboo Veneer
$10.00Wire/Banana Plugs/Passive components(perhaps)/acoustic damping material
This alone is $505.00 - of course this is less if you make more pairs...🙂
but if you are starting from scratch and want to make an identical or similar pair...?
And how much is you labor worth? - even if you are making minimum wage @ $8.00 an hour you not looking at any profit aren't you? ....🙂
Not to mention website costs/shows/promotion etc...

In general you guys slam manufacturers but you often forget how much time it takes to put together a pair of decent speakers or any component matter of fact (unless you stuff raw/unmatched drivers into a empty coffee container) How much is your time worth?
What do you do for living? I thing you would be appalled if someone tells you that you are charging too much for your services.
Live and let live...🙂 and enjoy this great forum and music!

I don't agree with your analysis - dude, this is a DIY forum, our time is our passion and we freely put that in to build stuff that sounds better for less. With a little creativity and an open mind to using pre-existing stuff to make audio, you can save a lot of time and money. If we didn't want to put our freely available time we would be lije other consumers and just pay people to make it for us. $250 is a fair price if someone else made it for you, I agree. But this is DIY and you can't tell people to charge for their own time for their own project.

For example, the carbonized bamboo enclosure is a done deal at $18 ea on Amazon, add $10 W3-881si, $3 for usable binding posts (I would just run wires and skip the posts for such a small speaker). Free pillow stuffing, find some felt at Joann fabric or I prefer to leave the bamboo bare as it looks good that way. The stands can be cut from $17 cutting boards.


Amazon.com: ThinkBamboo Small Air Tight Bamboo Canister - Carbonized Brown: Kitchen & Dining

Make the stands from cutting boards.

Amazon.com: Core Bamboo 10488AM Amazon Exclusive Bamboo Cutting Board Set, 3-Piece: Kitchen & Dining

I am at about $80/pair and they will look pretty good as the finish is already done for us since we started with kitchen ware. I bet they sound just as good. Given that retail is 3x markup to account for labor and profit, 3 x $80 is $240 - a fair price. But DIY saves that $160.
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@xrk971 - thanks for your input - your research put a smile on my face...these are good suggestions for DIY buddies...🙂

I understand that this is a DIY board and its members have the right to express their
opinion and help each other to a better build but it does not mean that members have to use expletives towards manufacturers.
Especially if they are providing great product for a fair price.

Just to clarify few things:
The W3-881si is not in the same league as the Tang Band W3-881SJ - yes for the $9.90 it is great buy (buy while you can as there is only few pairs left) and it is lot of fun and I can recommend this driver 100% - but it is not the same as his bigger brother..🙂
So add another $28.00 to your calculation if you want to get the similar sound.
Now you are over $108.00 for a pair with the containers from Amazon...🙂
Is it comparable? Hard to say unless you can compare directly - anything else is a speculation or perhaps an educated guess but guess nevertheless.
So assume that it does sound similar and your price is $130.00 for a final build (had to add for shipping, wire, screws etc...) this is not accounting for any of your labor as you mention this is a hobby and labor of love - agree there and you save $120.00 futzing all weekend doing so - that is OK with me if you have the time and money...🙂

To finalize my blurb - $249.00 is a fair price as we both agree and that was my point.
Also to consider - if the manufacturer sells at wholesale keystone pricing they are below the $130.00 (of your final build) so the margins are super thin and not the 3x markup. Nothing is as simple as it seems at first...

Btw like your thread on the foam core builds - I have been using foam core for my protos for 20+ years now...🙂 great starting point and in some instances could be used as a final inexpensive build - good job there Dude..🙂
The joy of building and learning is hard to factor into a cost analysis. It's either means everything or just doesn't factor at all.

I've ordered a few of these to try at my desk at work. I'll post some results when I get them. I've heard Ryan's execution with woofer support and it was excellent.

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