Spawn Olson/Nagaoka Horns the Next Generation

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Joined 2001
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No not yet, but really close...

Thr 3 optimized horns for the Fostex FE126En, FE166En, and FE206En have been approved as drawn. I have a bit more tidying to do before official release.

They could have been called Saburo v2, Hiro v2, and Sachiko v2, but that is a bit boring. They will be known as Kongō, Haruna, and Kirishima.

Here is a preview of Kongō. As can be seen differences from what preceeded are only in the details.




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Never mind smaller, how about bigger? Am I right in thinking that horns, broadly speaking sound better the bigger they get? Hence the Kleinhorns and such. How about a design that used the length of sheet material as a limiting factor, so 8ft/2440mm.

Broadly speaking, yes - up to a point, but don't ever forget the room as the biggest variable in the equation. Just cause you could shoehorn something as large as a pair of Kleinhorns in a space doesn't mean everyone would appreciate how they'd sound.

I heard this system at VSAC2008

in a very long executive suite, playing vintage Jimi at "realistic" ( very loud ) levels, on an evening when there happened to be a thunder and lightning storm going on - obviously very memorable. These were one of the hits of the show, but simply too over the top for me - maybe this perspective gives a clue as to the potential WAF

If you count, you'll see 4 front loaded horns, and a big-a$$ sub woofer


clearly these boys, or Nelson, laughed at the constraints of 4x8' materials or real world domestic considerations
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Never mind smaller, how about bigger? Am I right in thinking that horns, broadly speaking sound better the bigger they get? Hence the Kleinhorns and such. How about a design that used the length of sheet material as a limiting factor, so 8ft/2440mm.

Sort of. Depends what is meant by 'better.' When it comes to horns, more is more: for a given tuning frequency, the larger the cabinet, the less compromised the horn expansion is likely to be, assuming it's well designed and efficiently uses the internal space available. However they're also general DIY designs, so they need to have at least a chance of domestic acceptability for a reasonable number of people, and they're already at the top-end of that in size-terms.

Awesome!! Are there any plans for double mouth front exit horns for the bigger MA drivers? I thought I remember there being one for the A12 before but I could be mistaken.

Thanks. We did some initial designs, and a couple were prototyped, but a lot more work would need to be done, partly to refine the boxes, and partly because all the drivers have changed. Maybe in the second half of this year. Possibly.
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The reason I'm thinking 8x4 is that it would be very easy and 8 ft will get under a typical ceiling, I've built a pair of Vulcans and I love them, now I'm thinking could they be just a bit better? Also I have a 1000 sq ft room for them to live in.

well, just siamese twin them, C-37 the boxes, upgrade drivers to Fostex's next ES/R driver that size, or try something really silly....

sooner or later, you just gotta sit back and enjoy the music

I should try that sometime:rolleyes:
Could the Vulcans be scaled up Scott? Congratulations on a superb design by the way.

Thanks. Glad you're still liking them. :)

No, scaling cabinets is at best problematical. I would have to do a complete new design from scratch. It's possible, but unless there is significant demand for such a cabinet, which I doubt (I respectfully beg to differ that 8ft would fit under most ceilings; my own for e.g. are exactly 8ft tall, which is typical for a post-Victorian suburban semi in the UK), I probably wouldn't be able to get around to it any time soon. Note too that if a symmetrical configuration is employed, the driver would end up 4ft above the ground, significantly higher than most people's listening position, so it would need to be angled down appropriately. I like the excess of the idea though.
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