SOAP MKIII (Simple OpAmp Pre) With onboard PSU

zei said:
Hi Richard.

For resistors use standard metalfilm types 0,4 -0,6W

That trimmer you pointed to wont fit on the board.

I,ll see if i can make a new BOM with Farnell numbers..



Hi Zei

I have found everything that I require from Farnell. It’s only the trim pot and a query regarding the resistors.

When you mentioned the board requires 0,4 -0,6W resistors, do you mean some are 0,6W and others are 0,4W, or can I safely use 0,4W throughout the board?


All built and ripe for testing...


  • side.jpg
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Puffin said:
Looking good

Did you source all your parts from Farnell? If so what is the total cost. You have not fitted an op-amp, which one do you intend to use?

Why thank you...flattery will get you nowhere!

Yeah I did source the parts from Farnell, I am not sure of the total cost for this project as I purchased several other parts for an ill fated DAC project ;) I will email the Farnell parts list to you.

I am going to use the OPA2134PA as suggested in the BOM.

As I have not tested the circuit, I thought I would leave the OPAMP until last.
zei said:
That looks great :)

If you could be so kind and put the farnell list here in this thread?

Would save me some time . :)


Please find attached BOM with Farnell part numbers.

A couple of things to note...

C9 & C10 - The pin spacing is a little bit too wide for the 0.1uf Wima caps so I mounted them flat to the base of the board.

C11 & C12 - The 100uf Panasonic capacitor pin spacing is a little bit wide for PCB will need to bend the legs closer together.

The pin spacing is correct for all other parts

I hope this helps :)



  • farnell & maplin bom by
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WOW...It worked first time! (Its all in the title)

I have only just applied the power, but on first impressions it doesn't sound bad at all. I will let the components burn-in and report back later.

I also have an OPA2132PA Dual FET op-amp that I may try later.

Thanks Joakim
