Skinning capacitors

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Skin off!

"Post #40
Apart from allowing them some freedom to better circulate their electrons, caps like to be cosy in the winter or the sound is much to cold!"

All this is true! but,remember in summer take the "skin off",that way it will soud cool! and in winter put the skin back,that way the sound will be warmer!lol.:yes:
I've wasted money too...

....I bought some Blu-Tak to put on my CD Player clock back in the 90's. Something someone said about vibration, I should have used varnish like on the transformers. I didn't waste money on an On/Off switch for the display light though, what a sonic improvement that made. I went from view the T.O.C , to not seeing nothing in a snip of a wire!

lanchile07 said:
Well,I do not understand why you want to take the "skin" off?.(they are inside the chassis)nobody is going to open the chassis and see the "UGLY" capacitors.if you really do not like the "UGLY"skin of the capacitors,get some "NICE" spray paint and paint it to your liking!.but in the future when you get "old" and do not remember "what kind of capacitor you used", do not blame nobody but your self...I am using BLACK GATE capacitors,and if I could put them outside to show them ,I would do it!.but I would never,I said never skin off a capacitor no even the cheapest electrolytic capacitors...WHAT FOR?...NO RESON...
But again,this is my opinion.:headbash:

It's because they are in a clear case and I thought they would look better. Excuse the rubbish photo taken with my phone.


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Nuuk said:
Nice case Quickshift! Did you make it yourself? I've been dabbling a bit with clear cases to!

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

LOL you should put Rated PG or something on that pic.

not sure if I'm seeing right but the side panels don't seem to be fully closed at the edges so there is a bit of vontilation there. :)
The heatsink is an old Zalman CPU heatsink. It's made of copper plates bolted together, I seperated it and popped a block of alumunium between the plates to bolt the chips to.

There are gaps at the front and back of each side for airflow, the heatsink doesn't get all that hot.

Cheers Nuuk :) Your case looks great, did you bend the perspex yourself? Mine is home made, it's just sheets of 10mm perspex which are welded together using plastic welding solution. It's magic stuff, if the edges being joined are totally flat, it's difficult to see the joins.


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Cheers Nuuk Your case looks great, did you bend the perspex yourself?

Yes, I have been practising with some pieces of scrap acrylic to see how well I can bend the stuff. It takes a few tries to get it right but I'm getting there hopefully!

Why is that part blurred out?

So you can't see it Ritchie! :D It's something I am not at liberty to divulge! ;)

BTW, the item is a Pedja Rogic Jfet buffer with regulators. :att'n:

naked PS caps.

Only the Obligatos are naked! :angel:
djQUAN said:
how do you guys cut and make really flat edges on your plastic sheets?

I just used sandpaper and a flat edge. I used a router to get the angles, it worked OK as long as only did little bits at a time and let the bit cool down or the perspex melted and made a dreadful mess of the surface. Mind you, it's the first time I've tried making anything with perspex so there may well be better methods.

Nuuk said:

Yes, I have been practising with some pieces of scrap acrylic to see how well I can bend the stuff. It takes a few tries to get it right but I'm getting there hopefully!

The bends look great, perfect in fact. I guess you used a hot air gun? I can feel an experiment coming on... perspex OBs... I have been trying to figure out a construction method to get large radius edges and bending perspex may well be the answer!
I suspect those are BYBEE Quantum Purifiers and gold fuses so no wonder you don't want to show them

If I could afford those Peter, I would invite a TV crew around to take pictures! :D (And there isn't a fuse between that buffer and the house fuse - just circuit breakers)

how do you guys cut and make really flat edges on your plastic sheets?

It's difficult! I score the sheet using a Stanley knife and curved blade. Then I cut along the score with a band saw and clean up the cut with a Stanley blade. I believe that you can also play a small blow-torch along the cut edge to smooth it although I have not tried that as yet. You can buy special circular saw blades for cutting acrylic too!

I guess you used a hot air gun?

Yes, a bog standard hot air gun. The trick is to keep it moving and get the heat spread evenly without causing the acrylic to bubble up!
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