Simple Killer Amp - Listening impressions

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Re: Pirating

hifryer said:
Get real, loosen up and get less paranoid guys!

Yes some wheeny somewhere in Asia probably has already stolen Greg's and other designs.

BUT if anyone worth worrying about was going to steal something with serious intent they would buy and reverse engineer a Halcro, Levinson, Krell or Chord etc and NOT and unknown and unproven design not yet marketed!!

These people's customers buy LABELs, NOT sound! The people do not engineer and refine etc. Gregs details would be all too difficult for them.

Greg will not lose one cent of revenue from such pirates.

From your post, its clearly states that you have NO idea of what is going on Chinese markets these days.....All the designs you have mentioned are already copied well, and these guys always searching the talent to sell something new,because their customers are manufactures themselfs not the end-users itselfs...
The Chinese firms just Sell Designs their Customers, who want new designs for churning out new products...
These Guys copy the designs, then mentor it with their own skills to suit what their customer wants and sells it to the manufacturers...thats the way they go....
The copeirs aren't manufacturers themselves but they are DESIGN VENDORS...

K a n w a r
tinitus said:
- all just to scare him off and leave the forum -

Originally posted by tinitus
No one was or is trying to scare any member from the forum.

From what I have seen by amplifierguru, Greg,
he is not the kind you scare easily.
Of course noone is glad hearing about bad people making copies.
And still you would want to know if this is being done.

Amplifierguru is good for forum. ( more good than bad )
He gives us reasons for argumentation and is not afraid tell his true opinion.
Amplifierguru will be back, when he is able to.
Just wait ....
those who dont know about the truth of manufacturing scene in China should either plead ignorance or they should keep quite.
they copy,atom to atom of your creation.

see the zipped file.its extracted from the front page of 12/01/06 front page of Times of India.

Carlos might have seen this thing:smash:


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Joined 2004
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Hi Kanwar,
Many things go on throughout the world. You can not afford to worry about things you can not change.

The other choice is to worry yourself to distraction.

As a world market, we continue to buy from the cheapest source without considering the path or method of creation. It's all our fault. That includes you if you buy your parts from the cheapest vendor without considering the trail they took.

What I am saying is that the entire world's population is part of the problem. The solution is unpopular.


More than that; the solution is insoluble!

People talk the moral high ground, but deal from self-interest. It is entirely predictable.

That's why we have double standards - makes everyone feel more comfortable, and gives them an appropriate set of rules to choose from......

What infuriates me is all the 'level playing field' nonsense. Why do we need to drop all our protection so that low labour cost countries can cream our markets? Where's the ultimate sense in that?

What is the Chinese account surplus at present? From what I heard this week it stands at $US156 billion for 2005.


Joined 2004
Paid Member
Hi Hugh,
I feel the same way. But, I always buy from standard sources. Higher price, cheaper than redoing it later.

It's a mindset that has to change. Our waste disposal sites can't take much more of this. This may be the biggest reason we have RoHS today.

Ex-Moderator R.I.P.
Joined 2005
Sorry if I have offended any of you - I have great respekt fore all of you - you seem to be people with experince and skills.

How about this

A little while ago people started talking, " is this not a copy of mr. Levinsons RedRose amp - it seemed to be so, to the last detail - but then it turns out that questioned amp was a real chinese, mr. Levinson was simply selling it as a RedRose

Thats what I have heard anyway.

I am afraid that I have to agree with Hugh.

For those who cannot innovate and invent, I would build up the most imposible barrier to copy.

They do not deserve to get the money just because they can use cheap labour.

I imposed myself and my family not to buy anything that is MADE in China.

And that was 10 years ago, when they invaded.

Can I subsist without Chinese products?

Of course I can.
Joined 2002
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Hi all,

I have a different opinion. :D

We either share our wealth with everyone, or perish. As simply as that. I look forward to the day when everyone on this planet is equal.

Generally, people from wealthy countries are very reluctant to part with their hard earned cash for nothing. The flood of cheap goods from developing countries is a win, win situation that redresses this situation.

And although I haven't talked with Gregguru on this issue his signature, sort of indicates, similar feelings. ???

Joined 2004
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Hi Greg,
I'll accept that as long as we are talking good quality goods. Not trash or poorly performing items.

We can not afford to throw things into the ground as a world community. Too much energy is wasted manufacturing and transporting junk. It's an invisable price and it wil be high. Product support is another area that needs redress.

I agree with Greq;-)
If the Chinese faucet was closed this very moment, the average life expends would rise ca 30 % or more, I presume, perhaps more for the poor people ;-)
Western civilization wanted cheap labor, and don’t forget that all this ‘Chinese miracle’ begun with western interest, joint ventures and transferring of production to China. They are doing the job Westerns also wanted them to do, and they are trying to do it better and better (one way to accomplish this is to copy everything and everyone:) Cheap labor is technology’s and capitalism’s interest.
Someday Chinese products will be similar to western products, via copying, trying and making errors (don’t forget they managed to find their way out to space) they will succeed, Chinese labor will get much more expensive, and the world will look after other ‘cheap labor’ countries :)
Greg Erskine said:

We either share our wealth with everyone, or perish. As simply as that. I look forward to the day when everyone on this planet is equal.


Greg - you got it all WRONG. I didn't said anything about sharing the wealth and equality and so on.

I simply said that I do NOT want to share IDEAS, INNOVATIONS and INVENTIONS with China.

IF they can do it by themselves good for them. But stealing Inteluctual Property is really something very BAD - regardless of how poor they are and how reach other are.

A steal is a steal in ANY country and civilazation.
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