I stumbled on this photo of our cat enjoying audio...sort of...and thought I'd post it. If you have a photo, post it. I'd love to see it. Mama Katz resting among RCA and speaker cables I'd put aside while we rearranged the living room for the Christmas tree.
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I have two snowshoe siamese which I keep as far away from my system as possible.. If I run across any pictures of them at one of my audio fests I will post them here.
In general mine don't seem too interested in audio gear which IMHO is a good thing with 300 degree F GM70 envelopes for them to contact.
In general mine don't seem too interested in audio gear which IMHO is a good thing with 300 degree F GM70 envelopes for them to contact.
My Cat Tom apx. 1990
Ah, the coveted amp spot. For some reason our cat has never wanted to be on top of amps, and now that they mostly have exposed tubes for me, that's a wise choice. My kids don't go near the tubes either. Another good thing.
Kevin, are they even allowed in that part of the house?
Nice pic, Zapnspark. I can imagine the thoughts in your cat's head at that moment.
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Hey Carl, they're not allowed in the man cave at all, but that doesn't mean they don't sneak down there at every opportunity. Manxie so far has not shown any inclination to do so as the new kid on the block, but Mushu will at the slightest opportunity.. lol
The house cats in Florida learned about my lab and my system.
Fat Cat jumped up on the turntable once while a record was playing resulting in a destroyed record and stylus. So, I instituted a training procedure. If either cat was asleep or otherwise found on any of the components, I would set the tuner to a loud rock station dime the volume control then flip the power switch on. Fat Cat took about 2 weeks to learn, during which time he would leap straight into the air and begin running at full speed before hitting the ground. I had a Carver / Phase Linear system at the time which was LOUD.
Fat Cat was always curious about what was going on in that room with the closed door. The other cats could care less. My wife and daughter did not enter unless I was present and stated that it was safe. Fat Cat would try to sneak in but I would blast him right between the eyes with "cat repellent," a squirt gun filled with water. After proper training he would sit in the doorway and watch unless it got loud in which case he could be found under the console TV. Yes, it was the late 70's
The cat that has been trying to adopt us for the two years we have lived here has never been inside this house. The neighbors let her sleep in the basement on cold days. She sleeps on one of the chairs on my deck otherwise. "Kitty" will follow me around the yard and cry for attention, or come running if I call her......but will she make a peep when I hold out my iPAD or phone so that I can capture her weird cry?....NOOOOO. I haven't been able to catch that sound in two years of trying.
Fat Cat jumped up on the turntable once while a record was playing resulting in a destroyed record and stylus. So, I instituted a training procedure. If either cat was asleep or otherwise found on any of the components, I would set the tuner to a loud rock station dime the volume control then flip the power switch on. Fat Cat took about 2 weeks to learn, during which time he would leap straight into the air and begin running at full speed before hitting the ground. I had a Carver / Phase Linear system at the time which was LOUD.
Fat Cat was always curious about what was going on in that room with the closed door. The other cats could care less. My wife and daughter did not enter unless I was present and stated that it was safe. Fat Cat would try to sneak in but I would blast him right between the eyes with "cat repellent," a squirt gun filled with water. After proper training he would sit in the doorway and watch unless it got loud in which case he could be found under the console TV. Yes, it was the late 70's
The cat that has been trying to adopt us for the two years we have lived here has never been inside this house. The neighbors let her sleep in the basement on cold days. She sleeps on one of the chairs on my deck otherwise. "Kitty" will follow me around the yard and cry for attention, or come running if I call her......but will she make a peep when I hold out my iPAD or phone so that I can capture her weird cry?....NOOOOO. I haven't been able to catch that sound in two years of trying.
I spent much of the day so far outside filling potholes in the dirt road and cleaning up the yard of fallen branches and other debris. Kitty has been following me around for most of the time crying for attention, which I occasionally gave her. This lasted until I fired up the chainsaw.....no more kitty. She is probably hiding under the old mobile home trailer, but I know she will be back tonight when I burn the pile of debris. Kitty seems to like a fire.
Cats and most dogs seem to know which humans to "adopt." I guess I'm a sucker for most animals. They will come to me when they don't like anyone else.
Cats and most dogs seem to know which humans to "adopt." I guess I'm a sucker for most animals. They will come to me when they don't like anyone else.
I spent much of the day so far outside filling potholes in the dirt road and cleaning up the yard of fallen branches and other debris. Kitty has been following me around for most of the time crying for attention, which I occasionally gave her. This lasted until I fired up the chainsaw.....no more kitty. She is probably hiding under the old mobile home trailer, but I know she will be back tonight when I burn the pile of debris. Kitty seems to like a fire.
Cats and most dogs seem to know which humans to "adopt." I guess I'm a sucker for most animals. They will come to me when they don't like anyone else.
George and John B, our cat came to us back in 2004 or 2005 sometime after she'd been dumped in our neighborhood. She'd had a litter recently (hence her name, also a play on Mama Cass) and had been terrorizing the neighborhood cats and dogs and chasing people into their houses. She conned her way into ours at one point and kinda never left. My wife was a dog person but now can't imagine the house without a cat. She's still feisty at around 13, never liked to be petted, but she'll climb right up on me if I'm sitting working on the laptop. So watch out... BTW, I too chose to assert my dominance early on with Mama Katz, and while some would say it isn't a good approach, she now tolerates me petting her much more than others.
John B, that's beautiful coloring on your cat! Acka, cute but those claws are too close to those cones for my comfort (Mama Katz has made a mess of a lot of our furniture)! Love the bowlback mandolins too!
My cat on her favorite spot. Old PVR that puts out lots of heat next to my Class A Pass clone (also lots of heat).🙂
Another amp cat. They seem to LOVE tight spaces, all the better if they are nice and warm.
Excellent thread, with very nice cats!
I want more!
Our cats are not particularly interested in the music.
Except if it contains some bird sounds.
My cat Huncutka or simply Cica, has a spectacular technical interest.
He is well enough to tolerate even the King Crimson.
I want more!
Our cats are not particularly interested in the music.
Except if it contains some bird sounds.
My cat Huncutka or simply Cica, has a spectacular technical interest.
He is well enough to tolerate even the King Crimson.
I love my cats, but sometimes they are really annoying an sit in the way all the time. As soon as you want to use audio or to build audio they are there..
Due to this thread these moments finally make sense...
Due to this thread these moments finally make sense...
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sometime after she'd been dumped in our neighborhood.
Kitty was born under or in the derelict house on our property before I came here. Her siblings and mother were all killed by cars, or predators. Kitty learned to survive. This property had a condemned house, an abandoned mobile home and a dense overgrowth of knotweed and other jungle like vegetation.
We came to the place with heavy machinery and tore down the house. Kitty was not pleased. We returned with some serious lawn equipment and wiped out her jungle hunting grounds, Kitty was not amused. One of the neighbors began feeding her, and captured her to have her spayed and tattooed for identification.
She would show up at feeding time, but disappear when the humans with loud equipment would show up. We began building our house, again no Kitty until all the loud people left, then she could be seen exploring the construction site. Kitty had no use for any of the humans except Uncle Joe, the 80 year old neighbor with the food bowl.
Now just over two years later she still has no use for many humans, and vanishes whenever any loud stuff comes, but if I walk outside and call "Kitty" she pops up and wants to be petted / scratched. As soon as I lit the fire last night she appeared, and remained until I went inside about an hour and a half later.
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