Shigaclone MKII Black - The builders Thread

Shiga MKII -->> 1.5m Furutech FX-Alpha-Ag for S/PDIF -->> Quad CS4398 DAC with output trafo -->> Vicol-Audio Silver-Gold interconnect --> Quasar Q17 amplifier -->> Vicol-Audio High density speaker cable -->> highly modified B&W speakers.

I have also a Subbu V2 DAC mounted by DanZup, an ESS9018S DAC, a pair of Triangle Genese Quartet, a pair of Vienna-Audio Beethoven.


Nice - abt. IC's mine are DIY. There were a guy whos posts I cannot find again splitting antenna cables and rebuilding them with silver wire, teflon bandage and as a last bit, adding +-36V thru the center and shield. Well, I have forgot the teory but I havn't found anything yet that sounds as good - and really don't see the need for it :) Takes a bit of work to create them and they are a bit on the stiff side.
Yes, I am in the process o building an 9018km2 DAC but I don't believe that it will improve sonics noteworthy.
I also have different high-end headphones and amps of different origins which I havn't had time to test yet.

Of course I'll improve it up to par :)
Nice - abt. IC's mine are DIY. There were a guy whos posts I cannot find again splitting antenna cables and rebuilding them with silver wire, teflon bandage and as a last bit, adding +-36V thru the center and shield. Well, I have forgot the teory but I havn't found anything yet that sounds as good - and really don't see the need for it :) Takes a bit of work to create them and they are a bit on the stiff side.
Yes, I am in the process o building an 9018km2 DAC but I don't believe that it will improve sonics noteworthy.
I also have different high-end headphones and amps of different origins which I havn't had time to test yet.

Of course I'll improve it up to par :)

That technique is called DBS - dielectric bias or polarization and have very strong audible effect. Audioquest make use of this technique in some interconnects. As far I know a second war invention with applications in radio location.

Best regards,
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That technique is called DBS - dielectric bias or polarization and have very strong audible effect. Audioquest make use of this effect in some interconnects. As far I know a second war invention with applications in radio location.

Best regards,

Hehe, snakeoil or not they sound good enough for me :)
OMG - look at their prices...

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Yesterday I switched to separate V1 and V2, using two LM117 tracking pre-reg + reg combos, like in the schematic I posted a while back. Just using only two red leds for the 5V reference, instead of 3 leds and 2 diodes for the 8V reference.


Nominal results are about 100dB of line rejection mostly coming from the tracking pre-reg, and separate load rejection from the second chip.

Cost including a heatsink that acts mostly as a chassis is around 10euros

Excellent results with big improvement in dynamics and microdetails.

Hi Dimitri,

I agree with you that it made a big improvement separating v1 and v2. I used burson super reg for this application piggy backing v1 and v2 with one ps.
Did you use individual ps for v1 and v2 or did you just piggyback v1 and v2 with one ps?
i'm thinking of using individual ps respectively for v1 and v2 but I wonder if this will be a benefit.

Tibi, you are the greatest. I have a list of items and upgrades to choose from depending on your price. Shall I send them thru pm? Thank you. :D

Hi Tibi,
Thanks again. I know you are busy, but below is list of mods I would like if you are interested and have the time. If so, please send cost.

-Tentlabs XO
-1nf Mica for C11
-v3, v4 mini regs (I can install)
-naked vishay resistors for output
-New mechanic with 4 "wow effect" caps.

Many thanks.


Hi Dimitri,

I agree with you that it made a big improvement separating v1 and v2. I used burson super reg for this application piggy backing v1 and v2 with one ps.
Did you use individual ps for v1 and v2 or did you just piggyback v1 and v2 with one ps?
i'm thinking of using individual ps respectively for v1 and v2 but I wonder if this will be a benefit.


I am using a single transformer with two MSR860 diodes and a 10.000uF cap right on the diodes, then about 30cm umbilical cable, and the two regulators are connected in parallel.

There might be some benefit in using separate transformer/diodes, but I have not tried it. I have some spare toroids so I might give it a try... I am running out of MSRs though...

Has anyone tried Tibi's suggestion of Cree diodes and compared them to the MSRs?