Shigaclone MKII Black - The builders Thread

xr5 replacements

OK using your picture with red annotation for each xr5 there are:

Traces: [T-1] [T-2] [T-3] [T-4] [T-5]

Pads [P-1][P-2] ( XR5)
[P-3][P-4] (XR5)

Ribbon Cable
which pad goes to which trace??? Sorry to keep after this I just want to get it right!
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I don't see solder points in blow up of image, can you specify points to solder caps. I have the old smt pads cleared but it doesn't look like the are both used????Thanks!!

You can not solder exactly on the same SMD pads. To solder new caps, I used only the ground SMD pad - if you zoom my pictures, you can see that there are two pads connected together, these are ground pads.
The other solder point is directly on PIN IC pin.

The pictures I have attached, are high resolution and you can zoom them - click on picture and then on left down corner on zoom button.

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OK using your picture with red annotation for each xr5 there are:

Traces: [T-1] [T-2] [T-3] [T-4] [T-5]

Pads [P-1][P-2] ( XR5)
[P-3][P-4] (XR5)

Ribbon Cable
which pad goes to which trace??? Sorry to keep after this I just want to get it right!


Here you lost me ...
You want me to note each pad ?

Information related to ribbon cable is in datasheet page 8.

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Tibi I was looking for a way to read the error flag output as a means of getting a better idea of what happens when we change stuff, but I see from the MK1 schematic that pin 49 of LC78601E is pulled up to V3.
The datasheet specifies that the pin output is available only in test mode. Any idea how this might work?
Tibi I was looking for a way to read the error flag output as a means of getting a better idea of what happens when we change stuff, but I see from the MK1 schematic that pin 49 of LC78601E is pulled up to V3.
The datasheet specifies that the pin output is available only in test mode. Any idea how this might work?

First, you need to disconnect pin 49 from 5V and connect to a scope or trough a gate to a LED.
Second, you need enter in test mode. This is possible only by adding a additional button to keypad - see LC78601 datasheet page 8 and look at keys.
Once you have activated TEST button, trough pin 49 you'll have C1 and C2 detected and you can add a counter to see how many errors a CD may have.

That cheap 1-turn trimmer does not even have much accuracy anyway... We should be ok within reasonable limits of accuracy.
Still I cannot pull the trigger :) Fraidy cat... :)

I bypassed the trimmer with a 1nF Silver Mica.

Since I pretty much have no standard laserplatforms left I came up with a nice listening test using my two very first platforms.
One equiped with the 47nF (the looser) and one with the Vishay (the winner)
I equiped the looser with the 1nF Silver Mica (500v) for the monitor diode trimmer.

This time the "looser" became the "winner" seems like you gain a bit more power in the music and musicality rises a notch....I think I will leave it there :D
