Shigaclone MKII Black - The builders Thread

without the minreg ,sound already so good ,not sure still want install the minreg or not:D , what is the different after install minireg ? this is for V3 and V4 right ?


V3 and V4, when in place you get more ... natural juice. :D
Than go for C8 silver-gold-oil mundorf. This will give you punch and rhythm.
Naked Vishay resistors will bring superb resolution.
At the end, experience "WooooW effect" or "Holy Sh&t effect" with laser & pin mod and now you are in :cloud9:.

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So I have a Sanyo SF-P101N-16P that I purchased from Liberty Electronics which appears to be Sanyo optics and china parts, it has the layout for the upgrade to the better capacitor on the laser, this should work ok then? Thanks!

PS, anybody done a solder mask for the MKII to reflow?

All SF-P101N-16P, whatever is original or not, will work with Shiga MKII and can be modded to "WooooW effect".

As promissed I am putting some pics down.

In order to evaluate we (my audiofriend) decided to use 4 laserplatforms.
They can be swopped within one minute by taking out the ribbon and plug.

We installed a standard laserplatform with the X5Rs still on so straight out of the box.

We prepared the first laserplatform with a 47nF MKT and played "Sophisticated ladies".
First on the standard and again on the modded platform.

We were in disbelief...this was playing in a different league....more relaxed...full/rich voices...better stereo image.

This tasted for more so we changed platforms again...this time the 100nF Vishay.

The 100 nF Vishay turned out to be more musical than the 47 nF MKT.
More fluent...more electricity in the air...

We tasted blood so we decided we needed a socket.....
I wanted to listen to two boards each equiped with a Vishay, the only difference being that one was inserted in a socket.

Against all rules and with long leads we could not detect musical differences between the two platforms...operation and trackchanging went also perfect with a socket in place.

This made me a happy camper...because I was now able to listen to half a dozen other caps by simply puting the leads in the socket.

First the 1nF Silver Mica went our ears stereo image was precise but electricity was now out of the dry and Vishay still ruled for us.

The other caps were tested but remarkably close to eachother in performances.
We even tried a 1micro Fahrad MKP...this sounded very uhh...bloomed and overly warm.

In the end we chose the Vishay as a clear winner for us.

The biggest difference was to exchange the X5R for a cap...after that you could fine tune with the cap of your pays of to give the Vishay a serious listen.

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Finally it was time to build a laserplatform with the removal of all 3 X5Rs and installing
1 Vishay 100nF on top of the laserencasing and 1 Vishay 100 nF underneath together with a 1 nF Silver Mica replacing the third and last X5R...

We first listened again to the 1 Vishay modded laserplatform using again the Charlie Haden cd and this time also the Du Pre cd (HQ CD).
We exchanged the laserplatform with the Full Monty Modified Platform.


Complete transfer of my cd testboard....this was next level...different league stuff....
The last time I was so overwhelmed was with the implementation of a Dexa Neutron Star Reference Clock with dedicated PSU costing serious dollars !!!!!

The Orchestra was very detailed presented and a warm timbre was was very captivating suddenly...and analogue fluent.

No need to tell you that I am going to implement this in my PiTbull Reference !!

Thanks again Tibi...this is a must for all the Shiga Cloners...although I simply do not know where they all disappeared to?????

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Do you really mean not far off of a turntable level ? ? ? ?

Too low dynamic. too much distortion to compare to a deafelt cd
Maybe a compare wiht a very good cd transport will tell you were
you stay.
Believe me, I am very interest in your result and mods.
Best regards.

You obviously are not one of my avid readers...otherwise you would have known that even my testboard in a quite rudimental state was blowing away the Wadias like there is no tomorrow. (And yes there were serious comparisons with the Wadia owners present type 24...25...and later models)
All photographed and documented....btw I still own a Wadia Transport 24.

My testboard now is not realy game even for a High End commercial cd transport...let alone my finished PiTbull.

My PiTbull CD Transport in a "contest" with a Micro Seiki Turntable 555 with an EAR phono and a superb cartridge is still no game.
The turntable owner (my friend) is asking every now and then to build him a here you have it.

Ofcourse you can choose not to believe it all....I will understand:D
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