Resistor Sound Quality Shootout

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...Just like his claims he can hear wire direction and bybees.

Understood. Don't know about wire direction under the conditions he claim to have found it. Do know that other people have confirmed that bybees can affect SQ in some cases, sometimes for the better, in other cases making it worse. One person told me that on better quality systems usually bybees made it sound worse. Of course such observations have nothing to do with the grossly overstated advertising claims made by Jack Bybee (RIP).
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...such as minimum audible levels...

IIUC there are not studies of that, not as you describe it anyway. There is something called 'threshold of audibility' though. If that's what you mean it is not a measure of minimum audible level. It is an estimate of an average minimum audible level for a population, as measured with sine wave tones. That means it is estimated that 50% of a population cannot hear below the SPL threshold and the other 50% of the population can still hear lower level sounds. We don't know what the lowest level sound, nor lowest level distortion, etc., any human on earth can hear. There have been efforts to estimate a lower SPL limit based on ear physiology, but still they are estimates. With respect to distortion, often IMD is higher level than HD. Therefore it should be expected that people listening to complex music might be able to hear smaller nonlinearities that people tested with the sine waves used to estimate published HD thresholds.
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Without, our hobby would be boring to death.
Or our hobby would be financially more frugal.
Do know that other people have confirmed that bybees can affect SQ in some cases, sometimes for the better, in other cases making it worse.
Which process did they use for confirming that? Without such info, what you posted is just another hearsay.
We don't know what the lowest level sound, nor lowest level distortion, etc., any human on earth can hear.
We also don't know how truthful the internet claims (i.e. quote below) are.
"I am very sensitive to distortion"
All is about experience & compatibility when you check by listening !

I have recently thought about that concept why all resistors are so different....

And i think its the very tiny voltage difference between resistor terminals... it occurs at various frequency s with different ambient temperatures, its like Glitch lol.

So called petlier effect, where between two ends of different material, there will be always a difference in potentials... and it depends on material, contact quality and temperature, maybe some electrical fields, coupling whatever, but its there.

EDIT in audio, voltage difference is very "hear-able", especially in sensitive circuits. A tiny "glitch" can change circuit behaviour in some point of the time, micro acoustics.

I experienced something similar by swaping resistors with same model & R value but diferent wattages. In some areas like the serie signal after a buffer of a DAC I'm able to perceive listening differences with for instance two Allen Bradley : one 1/4 W the other 1/8 W : experiences made without soldering so just the contact of the leads through the holes/vias w/o soldering. Soldering after changes also the result. Biased or no I don't know, but I experienced it by chance, not looking for something here but populating with what I have on hands ! :rolleyes: Main difference between the two resistors is the the leads diameter : very thin with the 1/8 W so even less contact in the vias (when not soldered). Remember also sometimes we use to wrap some wires on old pcbs...

I also never like the Dale cnf55 in my main system in a source or a pre in serie with the signal and prefer the Yageo metal film 1%... but maybe the difference is due to the difference of soldering quality after a swap, so something like you highlight in your post.
Biased ? Maybe ! When two hear a difference : group delerium ? Not sure !

Where is the old thread at Diyaudio where a member measured the noise of many resistors in a graph ?

My opinion is these passive parts may be better in relation to how the final hearing result; depending of all the other circuitries and devices. So a final listening ranking is hard appart something rational like noise level for a scientifical ranking. Halas a passive parts is also a compensation with the other parts and is about listening aesthetic in a particular Hifi chain. Hence the tweak, every is making for his particular Hifi chain at home. Hard to have a global ranking on a part like a resitor in audio but when it is very terrible, and even so we see that the noisy carbon comp can be handy mixed in a circuitry !

What you hear is the adition of all the circuitries, i.e. the filters when you change a single part. Plus ou moins the Bias !:D
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It is appropriate for SinGun to not respond further here. He gave his contribution, showed effectively how he made his test comparisons, but the usual bunch of critics went after him. I also refuse, after 15 years of really trying to help things here, to be bullied any further. I, too, was called a number of things, and my honesty questioned.
For example: What still annoys me is when SY challenged my credibility when I mentioned one of Feynman's texts #3 of his series, as one that I found most interesting. He presumed that I had not had possession of it back in 1966, when I first bought it, because I previously told him that I had not then taken a course on quantum mechanics. The truth is that I was forced to drop the class after a few weeks, because of necessity, so I never got to finish the course. Of course, he didn't ask me, he just presumed that I was lying about my background. And yet, he knew me, had my phone number, had been to my apartment, etc. It has been the same with many of the rest of you.
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This does not fully correspond to the thread topic, but let me put it here.
Attached is the photo of two RCA shorting plugs.

The screenshot is the noise floor of the same MC preamp with different input shorting plugs. :confused:
The one at right is NOT shorting.

Hint: resistance is not zero.
What are you trying to claim?

The world is full of surprises, like Alice in Wonderland, leading to some nice discussions.
Without, our hobby would be boring to death.

Nice discussions?
Yes, certainly.

Sadly not in this thread, where a bunch of do-nothings join to spew nonsense.

Certainly NO advance on Audio Quality or Technology, only frontally attacking Physics and established Psychoacoustics.

At least on a couple threads, DIY Audio is becoming the equivalent of Tik Tok video.
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Banned/scottjoplin ii
Joined 2021

Perhaps, but I think Jakob2 has a clue
Simply "no", the statistical analysis does not care about the number of participants it depends only on number of answers overall and the number of correct answers.
If for example 36 correct answers are provided by one participant or by ten doesn't matter, if the hypothesis to be examined is whether an audible difference for a certain effect exists.

According to Wikipedia:
In internet slang, a troll is a person who posts inflammatory, insincere, digressive,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as social media (Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, etc.), a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog), with the intent of provoking readers into displaying emotional responses,[2] or manipulating others' perception. This is typically for the troll's amusement.
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