Resistor Sound Quality Shootout

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He can hear the difference and has chosen ones that turned out to measure a bit better. It is folks like him that appear to offer some evidence
With due respect, self aggrandizing as having supernatural hearing does not count much as "evidence".

Besides that, statistically "samples of one" do not count either.

Show me an experiment involving 100+ people, consistently showing results statistically different than coin tossing, and we re talking.

A properly designed and controlled experiment of course.
Under certain impractical circumstances (like biasing at 25kV), a spark gap is a diode, rectifying or tunnel, depending on the metals on the two sides. It is called a metal-insulator-metal contact, and google will return lots of references on this well studied type of device. So your example doesn’t hold water. Any IV discontinuity is rectifying, no exceptions.

Copper/copper oxide is a classic example of a solid state diode, due to the band gap between the edge of the conduction band in the copper oxide and the Fermi level. That gap is called Schottky barrier.

Yes you can misinterpret anything I write. The point is that there are barriers to current flow that once punched through no longer matter.

As to copper oxide rectifiers they are still in production and used for a particular audio product. However in the application under consideration here the copper oxide is a spot on a conductor so any diode formed is shunted by a very low resistance conductor. That is why they don't matter. In the case where a bad connector design is corrupted by copper oxide the diode's reverse voltage breakdown is quite low and the diode can be destroyed or becomes a short circuit.

Of course there are almost no mechanical audio connections that are copper on copper. In most connections it is not the oxygen contamination that causes problems, it is often from sulphur at even very low levels.

But you are welcome to misunderstand as much as you need to. Pretty sure post 353 applies.
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With due respect, self aggrandizing as having supernatural hearing does not count much as "evidence".

Besides that, statistically "samples of one" do not count either.

Show me an experiment involving 100+ people, consistently showing results statistically different than coin tossing, and we re talking.

A properly designed and controlled experiment of course.


If someone tells me they use brand xyz because it sounds better to them than brand abc and the measurements show the same, I consider that evidence not proof. Even measurements are not perfect proof as there may be different conditions in use, production changes or something not yet identified.

It also means that if they suggest something I am more inclined to try it and see for myself. (Yes measure it!)

When someone tells me they read something on the internet and therefore it must be true... I see no reason to insult them. I think it is nicer to just ignore idiots, unless there is the chance their ramblings might confuse some.
When SinGun indeed used a similar circuit that he mentioned here
Resistor Sound Quality Shootout
that uses after the 22K shunt resistor a ferrite bead followed by a 560pF cap to gnd, I see no reason for possible instabilities that I feared, that could have taken their share in the mentioned perceived sound differences.

That's why I contacted him via a PM to ask for a picture showing his test set-up.
Let's see what happens.


If someone tells me they use brand xyz because it sounds better to them than brand abc and the measurements show the same, I consider that evidence not proof. Even measurements are not perfect proof as there may be different conditions in use, production changes or something not yet identified.

It also means that if they suggest something I am more inclined to try it and see for myself. (Yes measure it!)

When someone tells me they read something on the internet and therefore it must be true... I see no reason to insult them. I think it is nicer to just ignore idiots, unless there is the chance their ramblings might confuse some.

Sure, because no one measures first and then decides which "sounds better".
Again, zero proof.
Yes you can misinterpret anything I write. The point is that there are barriers to current flow that once punched through no longer matter.

So according to your logic, the 0.6V silicon diode barrier, or any Schottky barrier, are of a different physical nature...

Flash news, they are not. The height of the energy barrier is larger (0.6eV vs. 25KeV), but from a physics perspective they are phenomenological exactly the same, that is, the energy that an electron needs to acquire to pass into the conduction band. Applying a voltage over the device (0.6V or 25kV) is exactly that: potential energy passed to the electrons.

Really Ed, you need some undergraduate level solid state physics refresh, I'm sorry.
So according to your logic, the 0.6V silicon diode barrier, or any Schottky barrier, are of a different physical nature...

Flash news, they are not. The height of the energy barrier is larger (0.6eV vs. 25KeV), but from a physics perspective they are phenomenological exactly the same, that is, the energy that an electron needs to acquire to pass into the conduction band. Applying a voltage over the device (0.6V or 25kV) is exactly that: potential energy passed to the electrons.

Really Ed, you need some undergraduate level solid state physics refresh, I'm sorry.

Really, so in your world plastic is a semiconductor! Causing an insulator to fail is the issue. But again you just want to misunderstand the issue.
Originally Posted by JMFahey View Post

Show me an experiment involving 100+ people.

Now who's moving the goal posts?
Moving nothing, only asking for satistically significative experimenting.
Similar ones have been made by the hundreds or thousands and there is where our Acoustics knowledge comes from, nowhere else.

How do you think it was determined that currently accepted standards, such as minimum audible levels, equal loudness curves, etc. were determined?
By asking ONE guy? :eek:
Gimme a break.

ALL were determined STATISTICALLY, exactly what I am suggesting.

A couple examples.

* on hearing threshold:
Several psychophysical methods can measure absolute threshold. These vary, but certain aspects are identical. Firstly, the test defines the stimulus and specifies the manner in which the subject should respond. The test presents the sound to the listener and manipulates the stimulus level in a predetermined pattern. The absolute threshold is defined statistically, often as an average of all obtained hearing thresholds.[4]

Classical methods

Classical methods date back to the 19th century and were first described by Gustav Theodor Fechner in his work Elements of Psychophysics.[9]

In the method of limits, the tester controls the level of the stimuli.
Notice in Psychoacoustics the listening subject does not control what he´s supposed to hear or test which irremediably contaminates the "experiment" (what the OP did by soldering different resistors and claiming sound changes) but "somebody else".
At least blind testing (for the listener) and if possible double blind.

The term "psychoacoustics" also arises in discussions about cognitive psychology and the effects that personal expectations, prejudices, and predispositions may have on listeners' relative evaluations and comparisons of sonic aesthetics and acuity and on listeners' varying determinations about the relative qualities of various musical instruments and performers. The expression that one "hears what one wants (or expects) to hear" may pertain in such discussions.

I HOPE you are not discarding Fletcher-Munson´s painfully
researched experiments in favour of a random Forum member and his wild "samples of one" claims:
Equal-loudness contours were first measured by Fletcher and Munson at Bell Labs in 1933 using pure tones reproduced via headphones, and the data they collected are called Fletcher–Munson curves. Because subjective loudness was difficult to measure, the Fletcher–Munson curves were averaged over many subjects.
No kidding!!!! :eek:
Really, so in your world plastic is a semiconductor! Causing an insulator to fail is the issue. But again you just want to misunderstand the issue.

No, plastic is not a semiconductor, plastic is a solid state material. The physics of solid state (and the physics in general) applies.

Please do some reading on what is called a "MIM diode", Wikipedia is a good start. MIM stands for metal-insulator-metal diode, where insulator can be anything from vacuum to plastic. Lack of knowledge is no ground for denying reality: any IV discontinuity is rectifying, no exceptions.

I guess now everybody understand why I invoked tongue-in-cheek "microdiodes, Ed's specialty". Your claims have in common with the OP the lack of grounding in physics, as we know it, and/or inventing a new private physics to support outlandish claims.
No, plastic is not a semiconductor, plastic is a solid state material. The physics of solid state (and the physics in general) applies.

Please do some reading on what is called a "MIM diode", Wikipedia is a good start. MIM stands for metal-insulator-metal diode, where insulator can be anything from vacuum to plastic. Lack of knowledge is no ground for denying reality: any IV discontinuity is rectifying, no exceptions.

I guess now everybody understand why I invoked tongue-in-cheek "microdiodes, Ed's specialty". Your claims have in common with the OP the lack of grounding in physics, as we know it, and/or inventing a new private physics to support outlandish claims.

Your ability to misinterpret things is quite amazing. It is quite difficult to produce a MIM diode. The probability of it occurring by accident from contact contamination is virtually zero.

Any musician who has had a dead microphone and then tapped it to restore function has demonstrated how fragile many of these bad contact barriers are.

Of course in your world relays won’t work either.

Of course your posts have been both microdiodes are an issue and they aren’t.

Then my outlandish claims are followed up with tests and measurements.

So why don’t you show a single measurement and result.

First though we could discuss what a diode is!

Diode - Wikipedia
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contact barriers

This does not fully correspond to the thread topic, but let me put it here.
Attached is the photo of two RCA shorting plugs. The screenshot is the noise floor of the same MC preamp with different input shorting plugs. :confused:


  • RCA shorting plugs.JPG
    RCA shorting plugs.JPG
    819.7 KB · Views: 424
  • RCA shorting plug noise.PNG
    RCA shorting plug noise.PNG
    61.3 KB · Views: 203
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