Pumpkin preamp - ordered by Steen , official making thread

nice PSU...finally i can understand it a little bit!

just one curiosity though:

why do you choose to mix up series reg with shunts?
If shunts regulators are better, i wouldn't include the stack of zeners Bordely on his shunt regulator only use shunt and RCs for the main filtering of the AC.

Another question: How come you choose normal BJT for the differential over low noise jfets? is there any specific reason?
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Stefanoo said:

why do you choose to mix up series reg with shunts?
If shunts regulators are better, i wouldn't include the stack of zeners Bordely on his shunt regulator only use shunt and RCs for the main filtering of the AC.

when you're young , you wanna both blondes and dark ones ;
when you're not so young , you mix 'n' match only in electronics ....


Stefanoo said:

Another question: How come you choose normal BJT for the differential over low noise jfets? is there any specific reason?

same as above - frustrations from the youth ........


construction reasons , what else ?
nature of some gadget sometimes isn't just algebraic sum of part's characteristics ..... or is it ?
like this - Shunty doesn't have much noise of his own .
ZM, will the Pumpkin drive these??
Lykkedk and I ( two only real :Pumpkin: -men on the planet) was out playing yesterday. We listened to the Martin Logans on the pic. They didnt have a chance to sound half decent, as should be obvious to everyone. Connected to crummy Bladelius amp with no heatsinks he-he :D ( The big one in the middle actually) Anyway, with a pair of Passlab amp's, I am sure they would have sounded much better;) I hope so at least, the pricetag was no pretty sight.
Here is a pic, taken with the cellphone.



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Not sure what happened to those dude's, but it could have been fun to hear them with a big smokin' X-amp.
The Katana's was the big surprise of the show. They sounded airy, detailed and with a fuller bottomend than you would expect from a 7" woofer. Both drivers are ceramic. Very nice sound and tremendous soundstage from a fairly compact box. The box is something they call V-tuned, whatever that is. The rep. didnt know. Still an ugly pricetag....
This just had to sound good. Even the CD-player had bigger heatsinks than many of the amps;)


BTW The Katana brochure was the only one I bothered to bring home from the show, except for a book about Jean Hiraga tubeamps, that I bought for 10 $...


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What you don't see on pic are the supposedly 370s and fellow. Instead of 109/389 (rarest as intelligence on this planet)
Please Holger, tell us more, whithout hurting Papas IP of course (if possible)
Sasha :
I am not polishing any lenses
(if you except "lentilles à l'Auvergnate" I am eating every 2 days in hope to get rid of this extreme right austrian flue (snirf))

Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
Manu said:
What you don't see on pic are the supposedly 370s and fellow. Instead of 109/389 (rarest as intelligence on this planet)
Please Holger, tell us more, whithout hurting Papas IP of course (if possible)
Sasha :
I am not polishing any lenses
(if you except "lentilles à l'Auvergnate" I am eating every 2 days in hope to get rid of this extreme right austrian flue (snirf))


crumbs everywhere ........

Papa certainly granted these high res piccies ;
besides easy readable values , even on smd parts , we can presume that UGS is made with highish input impedance , considering that dreky volume chip is in front of it ........

anyway - interesting ... yes and not ;
tnx to Papa - that's Deja Vu

(Papavu ?)


he spoiled all the fun , all the time ........ :bawling:
Sure ;)

Fine and very enjoyable review btw...

(obviously not trivial at all nowadays. In the october issue of french magazine HF there are also 2 pages about XP-10.
One of the badest review I ever read. :down: :yuck:
Just a lot of vacuus phrases and a few (not really funny) oddities due to the fact that the writer have no idea of what he is writing about... Just wondering what is the motivation of this guy...)

You're crazy Danske but this time you could be right.

It's obvious that in French Audio-Press Pass Labs products (the jewels we love) are, in my opinion, not befitting received.
Shame on my Vaterland. But also stunning about why?
May be it's because Papa prefers californian wines :rofl:

Anyway, happy to belong to the happy few (mebbe not so few after all)


BTW : we had delicious Sarma today at diner, courtesy of bellissima precious ...
With permission of Zteve I post a pic.
Wine is french drekk, of course, what else...


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