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  • symetrical ltp vas.jpg
    symetrical ltp vas.jpg
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guys these are my esp p101 mono blocks i use now . chassis i built with 1/4 x 5 aluminum welded in the corners. face is 3/8 aluminum with bottom and top in open mess 1/8 holes giving all the cooling they need. plitron toridal 240va and 6x 6800 uf caps.

don't get me wrong but these are great amps in there own right but after i saw jwilhelm post of his slewmaster build i'm now on the hunt for a no holds bared diy amp i can build
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
guys these are my esp p101 mono blocks i use now . chassis i built with 1/4 x 5 aluminum welded in the corners. face is 3/8 aluminum with bottom and top in open mess 1/8 holes giving all the cooling they need. plitron toridal 240va and 6x 6800 uf caps.

don't get me wrong but these are great amps in there own right but after i saw jwilhelm post of his slewmaster build i'm now on the hunt for a no holds bared diy amp i can build
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

OS's amp is the same thing with higher voltage rails. These are amazing amps!
sorry i got ya now
still4given and i are just working out details. he asked me what ips board?
this is the input right. i don't enough to tell him. any thoughts on this?

IPS is the input board. There are lots to choose from. We've been finding CFA inputs seem to be better at highs and detail. VFAs are better at bass. Pick one that suits your taste or do like many other of us have done and build a bunch and pick the one you like.
ok i looked at that and didn't know at that time what cfa vs vfa was.
i'm scared now
i'm not a avid builder just a novice. a 52 year old hard core lover of all things audio.
i'm all in at this point. i will have a pair of these at 500w come hell or high water.
see i just built the p101 with no issue but these had step by step instruction.
p101 board has r1 r2 r3 and c1 c2 c3 and so on will the slew boards have labeling?