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Polkaudio cobra speaker cables

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Polkaudio cobra speaker cables Lowered price

I have a 25 foot pair of the legendary polk audio cobra cables they are in very good condition no issues

100dollars delivered


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HOWEVER, google 'Arthur Salvadori audio' for another opinion...he - for years - claimed that these, re-laid, were the best cables for him! 50' gives you some chance of making a short pair.

He claims;
"POLK & COINCIDENT EXTREME SPEAKER CABLES- There are two versions of the Coincident; one "regular" and the other, which is thicker and less flexible, optimized for bass frequencies. I use the thicker version only when I am biamping. When using only one amplifier, fullrange, I use the Polk for the midrange and tweeter and the regular Coincident for the woofers. I believe these cables have been improved, but I haven't heard the latest versions. The Polk is only 3' long and has 6 individual cables wired in parallel.."

[Many believe that his views are totally erroneous.]

[In normal guise they will almost certainly cause trouble with an elderly Naim power amp!! I know this - to my cost.]
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