Placement of resistors in signal path.

We have argued for about 12 pages now over a paragraph on speakers.
The doctor tells a fellow he has only a few months to live. The fellow asks if there is any way he can live longer. The doctor tells him to move to New York City and marry a local women. Incredulous he asks how that is possible. The doctor responds "Well actually you won't live any longer, it will just seem like it!"

So goes this thread on resistor distortion.
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before Mark started producing word salads.
More like damage control / evasive maneuver. Or maybe not?
Didn't it come up in the context of loudspeaker distortion, not circuit distortion.

However, even in the case of circuit distortion there are unstated assumptions such as a nonlinearity being time-invariant. That is, that the circuit nonlinearity doesn't have something like a memory effect, maybe due to temperature, or due to some other more hypothetical effect, say, to take a wild guess only for illustrative purposes, maybe having to with the state of stored charge in a transistor at the instant of a fast transient signal, say, as verses what it might be for a continuous sine wave. Another thing with transistors is that state of voltage and current in a transistor when driving a resistive test load my be different when driving an more complex load such as a speaker. Depending on the state of the speaker impedance at some point in time, the transistor instantaneous operating point (voltage and current) and thus nonlinearity may therefore be a little different. I know there are serious people who think about such things, but maybe it can get too complicated for a diy forum? Maybe it doesn't matter that much to some people? But there are small things like that going on in reality.
Joined 2019
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We have argued for about 12 pages now over a paragraph on speakers.
Eh, no.
Example from that blog got completely new life and meaning here, because honest case presentation and clear answers were missing from the beginning, and some took the opportunity to expand the story. It took 12 pages to get answers and admissions. In the process, valuable contributor to the real DIY is lost. Oh wait, this is compensated with new member that will provide riddles and marketing contribution. Great replacement.
well try doppler distortion and force factor modulation in a speaker
Now where is it shown that these 2 produce similar signals that were shown on that Purifi marketing blog? And where is it shown that only the well trained development staff of Purifi can hear these (as Lars claimed earlier)?

And regarding the lengthy arguing: this thread started on resistor distortion. The speaker stuff came along with Lars.
Joined 2014
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Now where is it shown that these 2 produce similar signals that were shown on that Purifi marketing blog? And where is it shown that only the well trained development staff of Purifi can hear these (as Lars claimed earlier)?
I don't care about the audibility argument, but wouldn't it be far more interesting to start a thread on modelling speaker distortion that the cess pool this thread has become? I'm with DT in that it really has reached the end of any use without being restarted with a sound base.
And regarding the lengthy arguing: this thread started on resistor distortion. The speaker stuff came along with Lars.
NO. Markw4 dragged the Purifi blog in to fail to support his argument. Lars just came to answer questions and was ambushed. this is the second thread Mark has done this on. No idea why he does it but poor Lars is going to be quoted for years on here by him now, same as ESS.
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The most important thing here is to learn that it is not so easy to define what changes in audio reproduction. Is it always AM? (like typical THD measurements) or is there, sometimes, an FM component as well? Then how do we recognize, and even measure it? So far as I know, even the best FFT analyzers don't usually test for FM modulation. Am I incorrect about this? And if I am correct, why don't they?
And regarding the lengthy arguing: this thread started on resistor distortion. The speaker stuff came along with Lars.

Not even that!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Distortion is a measurable property, the thread actually started with smoke and mirrors brand based "resistor warmth" audibility.
Just as a refresher:
Good evening, I just wonder. Maybe this is a silly question but here we go. Say we have a construction that have a resistor in signal path, then a another component then a resistor again. Or even 3 resistors in the signal path. But say we have two. And you have picked up two resistors that you will go for, say Shinkoh Tantalum and Vishay VAR / Charcroft Z-foil The first one natural and tiny warm / colored and the second one neutral with no coloration. Witch to place first in line, the one that has the clean sound or the one that set the " coloration / warmth ? Or does it not matter? Or why mix two different brands, just go for one brand ? ( I know I with many like to mix parts to maybe get the good stuff from both parts ).


FWIW just on the third post I answered it:

Absolute nonsense, no such a thing as a warm or anything sounding resistor, they are all absolutely flat within the audible range so absolutely neutral.

Anybody saying otherwise is only trying to separate you from your money or has no clue or is pulling your leg.
A few posts also answered the real thread, such as Nigel´s:
Any difference in cables etc is very small and not able to be heard. If you can you have a duff component or a very poor design.
A resistor would be useless if it altered the sound. Its function is to resist not capacitate or inductate !
Tone controls are there to set the equalisation.

The bulk of the other 350 something posts are COMPLETELY UNRELATED AND IRRELEVANT and, like in a Rorschach test, only serve to show what OBSESSIONS lurk in every patient´s mind.
All later diyaudio threads about audibility follow the same path. Heated discussion about something off topic. And Markw4 repeating one or more of these that are somehow supposed to prove his remarkable capability to hear beyond measurements:

3. How he passed PMA's ultimate opamp distortion AXB hearing test with ease (this is still missing)

May I see the link?
Here is what I know: Mr. 08 attacked me and lrisbo in two consecutive posts. I thought Mr. Risbo and I were seriously trying to explain something about typical spectral analysis where phase information is omitted. This occurred not too long after Bonasi posted a graphic in another thread. My last comment to Mr. 08 was that his responses to me and lrisbo were, "so emotional." Not too long after that I found out 08 was banned.


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I don't know which thread Markw4 refers to so you will have to ask him. But Markw4 has referenced this remarkable achievement ad nauseam. Here are just a few:

I have links to all my listening tests, there are just 2 of them with opamp swapping:

Maybe @Markw4 would tell us, he used to be very specific.