Pipo X7 - Anyone has tried it ?

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Hi !
i would like to show you a little and cheap pc that i have found in the web

Pipo x7 Windows 8 1 Intel HD Quad Core Smart PC Internet 1080p TV Box 2GB 32GB | eBay

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

It comes with Win 8.1 Bing preloaded (very nice feature indeed. The OS alone costs almost like this pc).
i have the feeling that it has a high potential for audio in particular.
The sound is better than with my other win 7 bigger pc.
Problem is that the cpu tends to get hot. I reach 80 C during normal use and i guess this is too much for reliability.
I am attaching a picture of the board (the cpu is under an aluminum lid without heatsink).
The space between the board and the top cover is very limited.
Any idea about how to cool this cpu down a little ? possibly with a passive system ?
Thanks a lot, gino


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Looks like they're using the black thing as a thermal interface to use the entire chassis as the heatsink, which is a smart choice. However then the 80 degrees would not make sense as a good contact between CPU and case would result in the case reaching 80 degrees too which is not safe. There is some contact problem somewhere, fix that first.
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Looks like they're using the black thing as a thermal interface to use the entire chassis as the heatsink, which is a smart choice.

Hi and first of all thanks a lot for the kind and helfpul reply.
Yes, that would have been a smart choice if the thermal pad were in contact with the aluminum chassis, but it is not. There is about 1.5 cm gap above the thermal pad and the actual chassis.
Moreover the board is mounted on a plastic frame (of course not conductive) glued to the top cover.
No thermal contact at all between the hot parts and the metal box !!!
Let's say that the thermal aspect has not been treated with the due diligence.
And the cpu Temperature shows clearly.

However then the 80 degrees would not make sense as a good contact between CPU and case would result in the case reaching 80 degrees too which is not safe. There is some contact problem somewhere, fix that first

Thanks for the suggestion. But i see in many boards cpus and gpus having small passive heatsinks above them.
something like these ... in copper.
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

I wonder how much effective can be. For sure they are better than nothing.
And i have seen bare copper little plates like these ones here ...

I am going through all this work because as i said at the beginning i am impressed by the sound coming out from this unit. Honestly.
Very good indeed.
I guess a lot has to do with Windows 8.1 being better than 7 in this regard.
Thanks again, gino
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Maybe a rectangular cut in the case and then a bigger radiator will solve the problem.

Hi i have actually done something similar.
I bought some low profile (5 mm) copper heatsinks adhesive on one side.
these ones here ... as a 1st try.

8x Copper Adhesive Heat Sink Cooler for CPU GPU PC Laptop RAM DDR Cool MC 200 | eBay


better than nothing i hope.
These heatsinks will go on the aluminum metal plate in the picture attached below
I will check the core Ts with CPUID HWMonitor that i have been told is quite reliable.
If i will be able to keep cpu cores Ts around 60 C it should be enough for system longevity, i hope. :eek:
Thanks again, gino :D


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Is the operating software embedded on chip and does it have a hard drive or can one be fitted?

the OS (i.e. Windows 8.1 Bing version) and all the SW is installed in a 32GB eMMC memory soldered to the board. Like the one here (this is not the Pipo. In the pipo is under the metal cover in the picture together with the cpu)
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

There are also 2GB of RAM.
Of course is not very powerful (is not at all for 3D video games or HD video streaming), but for audio is very good. I like even the front headphone out's sound, just figure. The only ports are USB and one HDMI.
No memory slots at all.
Regards, gino
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I think in this case you just need some thermal pads. At my old workplace we had some extremely thick pads meant for use with power supplies, not easily available on ebay it seems.

So, get as thick thermal pads you can find, and find a block of metal - can be anything including a southbridge heatsink - sandwich the metal block between the two pads then sandwich that combination between the CPU and the chassis.
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I liked the idea of putting linux on it to make a media pc.Can you over write the emmc memory?.
I like a fanless pc,I had a via one once with a low power 1ghz cpu that I played dvds and cds on.

Hi i will try to check in the weekend the bios if it possible a boot from usb
Maybe linux drivers will be an issue. I do not know if they even exist.
But 8.1 is very good IMHO for audio at least.
Main problem for me is the cpu running at 80 C ... it will not last that long in these conditions. I have to cool it down at least at 60 C.
Regards, gino
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I think in this case you just need some thermal pads.
At my old workplace we had some extremely thick pads meant for use with power supplies, not easily available on ebay it seems.
So, get as thick thermal pads you can find, and find a block of metal - can be anything including a southbridge heatsink - sandwich the metal block between the two pads then sandwich that combination between the CPU and the chassis.

Hi and thanks for the valuable advice. But now i have bought these heatsinks. I will put them only above the cpu.
I will try to place them in order to keep some internal ventilation.
I have already made a simple support to place the pc vertically.
But this solution has no impact on T ... they stay as high as with the unit horizontal.
Thick thermal pads would stop air circulation inside the unit completely.
However i understand that using pads the aim is to use the Al case as heatsink.
I think i will try these heatsinks first. And check Ts ...
Thanks again, gino
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Hi Gino,
I have also order the Pipo x7 for the same purpose but still waiting for delivery.
Have you tested Audio and video yet?
Feedback would be very appreciated.
I Am planning for Plex or Jriver for this unit but are right now running Daphile on a Intel NUC and it works really well but what I understand you cant reboot the Pipo X7 from USB via UEFI...?
Regards, Ulf
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Hi Gino, I have also order the Pipo x7 for the same purpose but still waiting for delivery.

Hi Ulf ! great ! so we can learn a little of this unit together.
Very good indeed.
As i said for now the very main issue is the cpu temperature.
I am using CPUID HWMonitor to check it and even with a normal use 80 C are the norm ... i think this level can damage the cpu in the long term.
In the pc i normally use i have no more than 45 C on all cores.
This is due to a bad thermal design of course, even if i understand that passive cooling is more challenging.

Have you tested Audio and video yet?

Obviously the unit has limited processing power. So if you are into high rez both audio and video i would look somewhere else without hesitation.
Even the refresh of video in Youtube is a pita. Much worse than with the main pc, a i5 with just 4GB and additional video card.
It is an Atom, with 2GB of Ram and a much slower mass storage than the SSD on the other pc, and there is no possibility to upgrade.
With redbook files instead i like the sound very very much indeed.
It is very musical. Clean detailed and also relaxed, beautiful.
Not a small thing with digital.
I think a lot is due to 8.1 ... a much better OS than 7 for audio.
A revelation for me. I have to try 8.1 on the bigger pc. I am sure it will sound much better than now.
I am looking for and audio and video streamer solution by the way.
Only audio for me is not enough. I like much more concerts on dvd or BR for instance. I need video also.

Feedback would be very appreciated.
I Am planning for Plex or Jriver for this unit but are right now running Daphile on a Intel NUC and it works really well but what I understand you cant reboot the Pipo X7 from USB via UEFI...?
Regards, Ulf

If you can live with the NUC fan i would stay with the NUC. A much better unit for sure. I have also one myself (barebone) still not open because i read of the noisy fan.
I will try to cool down this unit. If i will not succeed i will use it for some occasional surfing.
To sum up: very cute, quite weak HW, running hot, great OS ...
I think you will be disappointed coming from the NUC, a much better pc.
I will keep you informed about the temperature.
And of course if you have nice solutions just tell me.
Thanks and regards, gino
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Hi Gino,
Thanks for your reply!
Yes, the NUC is really noisy, I planned to use the NUC as a mediaplayer but in fact it is to noisy for that, the fan is running all time, now it is in the office just play some background music......quite expensive solution but I can´t have this NUC for music.....
Obviously there seams a problem with heat on mediaplayer as your experience with Pipo X7 running without fan, the unit get too hot without fan and with fan (NUC) it is too noisy......
Great too hear the Audio is working fine on the Pipo, looks promising.
I read some test about video on Pipo X7 and video 1080 res. should work quite well -but we will see.
Keep in touch!
// Ulf
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Hi Gino, Thanks for your reply!

Hi and really thank to you. I am everything but an expert.
But i have this hobby ...

Yes, the NUC is really noisy, I planned to use the NUC as a mediaplayer but in fact it is to noisy for that, the fan is running all time, now it is in the office just play some background music......quite expensive solution but I can´t have this NUC for music.....

as i said having read about the noise i did not even open the box and did not buy ram and ssd.
But i have looked in the Nuc forum and maybe some ways to reduce the fan speed do exist. I should look better.
That is a pity because it is a very nice piece of electronics indeed.

Obviously there seams a problem with heat on mediaplayer as your experience with Pipo X7 running without fan, the unit get too hot without fan and with fan (NUC) it is too noisy....

i did not check leaving the unit idle to see if the heat generation depends on the amount of processing going on, but i think that even at idle it gets hot.
Speaking of NUC there must be a model suitable to set up a passive cooled pc.

Akasa Newton x Case for Intel NUC D34010WYB D54250WYB Fanless | eBay

Akasa Newton X Case (For Intel NUC D34010wyb/D54250wyb) [Fanless]

i have to check better ... i think mine is indeed a D54250wyb !!!! :rolleyes:
i really have to check better

Great too hear the Audio is working fine on the Pipo, looks promising. I read some test about video on Pipo X7 and video 1080 res. should work quite well -but we will see.
Keep in touch! // Ulf

as soon as i will receive these copper little heatsinks i will test it again this time very seriously. The 1st impression has been extremely positive.
I have only listened to cd files anyway.
I have been quite worried instead by the performance when watching HD videos on Youtube but it could be a problem with Chrome or settings.
Let me know your impression when you get the Pipo.
And if you find any way to cool it down i would be very interested.
Thanks again, gino
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Hi Gino, Thanks for your reply! Yes, the NUC is really noisy, I planned to use the NUC as a mediaplayer but in fact it is to noisy for that, the fan is running all time, now it is in the office just play some background music...... // Ulf

Hi Ulf sorry it's me again
Have you already looked in the Nuc forum ?
i have seen some threads about this issues with some interesting advice
Maybe some different settings in the bios
You can always check the temperatures with a SW.
Bye, giuseppe
Hi Giuseppe,
I recieved my Pipo yesterday and so far;
- Very easy first start up, just connect power and the unit start up as a normal windows computer imidetly.
-I installed Plex and everythinworks without a lot of adjustment
- Watch 2 movies, in 1080 res. and everything works perfect.
- Have listen to music all day and it is really good and varm sound, excellent sound i my opinion.
- The unit is not getting warm at all, i dont have this heating problem, (so far....)
- very pleased with eveything and tomorow i will check the heat with a thermometer and tracking .

Thanks for your suggestions about the nuc, i have tried most of it and the Nuc is still running the fan all the time....

Best regards, ulf
Joined 2009
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Hi Giuseppe,
I recieved my Pipo yesterday and so far;
- Very easy first start up, just connect power and the unit start up as a normal windows computer imidetly.
-I installed Plex and everythinworks without a lot of adjustment
- Watch 2 movies, in 1080 res. and everything works perfect.
- Have listen to music all day and it is really good and varm sound, excellent sound i my opinion.
- The unit is not getting warm at all, i dont have this heating problem, (so far....)
- very pleased with eveything and tomorow i will check the heat with a thermometer and tracking .
Thanks for your suggestions about the nuc, i have tried most of it and the Nuc is still running the fan all the time....
Best regards, ulf

Hi Ulf :) it is not the case that gets warm (actually the contact with the hot parts is not existing), but sadly the cpu.
On the top of the cpu there is a little piece of thermal pad and above all the components a small aluminum sheet not enough as heat sink (see picture).
Check the cpu T with CPUID HWMonitor ...

you should get around 80C after a little use.
And i think 80C are a lot indeed. They shorten the cpu's life for sure.
I should receive some heatsinks soon to try to cool it down.
But i am skeptical. The contact surface on the cpu is just 11x11 mm !!! and this honestly i do not understand.
This make the passive cooling a big challenge.
I understand that this cpu was designed with tablet and cell phones in mind.
The only positive outcome is the experience with 8.1 ... extremely positive.
Great sounding OS indeed.

Good luck !


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Apologies if this is OT - I was looking at the Pipo X7 but opted for the Minix Neo Z64 after reading about the X7 overheating. I've got Foobar running on the Z64 outputting DSD128 over DoP and DXD to an SMSL M8 dac without any problems at all. From memory the X7 and Z64 have similar/same processing and RAM so I'd expect the X7 to work just as well.
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