Pictures of your diy Pass amplifier

Thanks, guys! Yes, the LEDs provide a subtle blue from underneath - after seeing how beautifully the wood cleaned up, I couldn't bear to put another hole in it. The last image is indeed with the amp upside down. I had been using the small Lepai amp from PE for the past few years, but the volume control kept getting gunked up with corrosion and making terrible noise as I adjusted the volume, so now it's been replaced.
Hipcheck: The knob came from ebay - search "44x25mm Golden Solid Aluminum Knob" from seller "gd-parts" It has a 6mm mounting hole. The wood is Cocobolo and has NO finish at all, just sanded smooth. The red with dark grain is a natural characteristic of the wood. This is VERY dense/heavy wood and machines like a dream. I started sanding with 150grit paper and finished with 2000(!) grit. Smooth as glass and shines like it has a clear coat on it! The dust is an irritant, though, so a breathing mask is a must.

I'm not real excited by the stepped pot, though. It a 25k log pot that doesn't sound very "log" to my ear. The first few steps are huge and the middle set of steps are barely perceptible.
B-1 pictures

At last I finished my B-1.
I used a linear volume control, maybe I shall replace it with a log pot.
I also understand Mark Levinson going for the Lemo connectors in the 70ties. My ebay obtained RCA sockets varies wildly with regard to diameter.
Anyway, some pictures are attached.


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Here are some images of my new ACA for the office. I learned that cheap SM power supplies from ebay are best left on the 'bay. I got one for $7 that physically vibrated and emitted an audible buzz under the load of the amp that came out of the speakers and bled noise back into the house AC system. Replacing it with an actual Dell power supply made all of the noise go away.

On to the pictures...

nice looking