piCorePlayer = piCore Linux + Raspberry Pi + Squeezelite

Havent tested, but doesn't the command in the pcp GUI work? (Under Tweaks)


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29 August 2016 - piCorePlayer 3.01

Hi we have been working hard on fixing the issues that surfaced with pCP3.00.
So please update to pCP3.01.

Shairport not working with hifiberry DACs - fixed
Problem with User commands on tweaks page - fixed
LIRC killed the hifiberry DAC - fixed
Wrong LOCO DAC string - fixed
Problem with RPi3 on-board firmware not loading - fixed
lirc - long pause required on SB remote - fixed
Buffer string restriction in squeezelite - fixed

However - trouble doing the update.
Error downloading the Update script

Sourceforge not accessible!!

Will probably work later today.
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Yep. Confirmed. Just ran the update

All good.

Thx folks.

BTW. Just an idea.

The other day I increased my 0p2 partition just 200MB to load some extra packages for compiling squeezelite on my own.
Why just 200MB!?!? And not the full SD capacity as offered by PcP.

I don't want to have numerous 8GB backup files on the disk all the time.
And restore time goes seriously down.

After a SD backup I shrink my backup files to the size of the 2nd partition. ( I have a script doing that of course)
If you guys feel motivated, you might think about a configurable partition adjustment.
Joined 2002
Paid Member
hi soundcheck,

I think you will see this option (expanding the file system to a certain size) in a future release. We have been discussing this as a part of another pCP enhancement.

Plus an "image" backup/copy option would be doable as the process is similar to our pCP imagine creation process.

Hi Greg.

Some more feedback.

I made a proposal to Steen the other day regarding overclocking.

As you know, and that's what you guys actually do, you can differentiate the different PI types
in the config.txt. You use that feature already on the kernel etc.

You have the PI specific areas and the generic area in the config.txt.

Currently you have the overclocking settings in the "generic area". Hmmh.

No good!!! You can't distinguish between different PI types.

If you now put PI type specific overclocking schemes (PI B+, PI2, PI3, PI Zero) into respective areas, you won't have the problem
you're currently facing ( I'm referring to that PI3 warning under Advanced Overclocking).

Each PI would get its own plausible overclocking schemes. No more OC profile mixups.

Basically people would have to select PI type and under-/overclocking mode for that type and you just put it under the respective PI type in the config.txt

I'm doing that myself. I sent Steen a printout.

I also use my own custom overclocking scheme btw.
Your GUI can't cope with that right now though.
I think you have to work on the parser. But that'd you'd got to do anyhow if you'd consider this proposal.

It would also be nice to allow custom OC settings and custom OC profiles/schemes.

Last time I tried to use custom settings it didn't work properly - if I recall it correctly. I'd have to recheck this.

This subject would have much higher priority than my "partition size" subject.

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Joined 2002
Paid Member
hi soundcheck,

Yeah, we only give "official" overclocking options as defined in the raspi-config. We don't want to be responsible for someone blowing-up their Raspberry Pi.

I can see the point you are raising about setting the overclocking settings in the generic area of config.txt. If someone sets the overclocking options on one type of Raspberry Pi then moves the card to another that may not have compatible overclocking settings problems could occur.

I really only did this overclocking for myself, and to date, you are the only one that has expressed any interest. :confused:

When we started this, I think there was Raspberry Pi 1 and CM. The code was simple then, but as they add more versions of the Raspberry Pi things become more complicated. We will have to discuss if it is worth maintaining.

thanks again.
I understand that there's a high risk associated in offering OC profiles. I would
have a serious problem myself to go public with such a feature.
Unfortunately the PI default schemes were pretty useless last time looked at them.

I do know that many serious tweakers use overclocking with good results.
Especially if you run samplerate conversions, other DSP work or the LMS server
every MHz matters.
Some people even use underclocking to save some power and/or try to reduce noise levels.

Probably you guys would be on the save side if you offer a custom
settings dialog only instead of fixed profiles.

Does anyone know how to setup a WiFi access point on Raspberry Pi running pCP?

I don't need an internet connection, I just need to be able to connect via WiFi my phone or tablet to Raspberry Pi. I will be using this for outdoor parties.

I have a Pi 2 with WiFi dongle and a Pi 3 with on board WiFi. I would like to stick with pCP since I like it so much :)
piCorePlayer = piCore Linux + Raspberry Pi 3 + Squeezelite

Hallo All

I am newly registered in this forum and live in Germany. Searching for a multi-room-radio setup I got to your forum, installed
piCorePlayer 3.02 on a brand new Raspi3 with a 16 GB-MicroSD-Card.

To my (positiv) surprise it worked
straight on :)! Super, thank you very much for providing such a good service.

Now I have read the following at the beginning of the thread:

  • Touchscreen support improved (the official raspberry 7" touchscreen).
I wonder if you could send me a link where ic could pick up an image to habe an integrated touch sacreen directly connected to the Pi.

Best regards from a cold and wet Germany

PS: must it be an official touchscreen?
piCorePlayer = piCore Linux + Raspberry Pi 3 + Squeezelite

Hi Greg

lucky you with sunny skies, here in Germany the weather is only muddy - do we still have a sun?:mad:
thanks for your answer, however I am sure to be back with more questions:cheers:


PS: is there somewhere in the www a good tutorial to explain all the possible settings, specially in advanced mode?