Phase plug seems to make a new BSC necessary.

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I have been using the same BR cabinets loaded with FE206s for a few years now. I got some custom bronze phase plugs made and installed them. The sound was changed to such a degree that the BSCs that I had been using no longer worked well. I now just listen without any BSC at all but I think I need a little bit taken out of the lower mids. I am about to install some Fostex FT17Hs with some Lpads so maybe I should wait on the BSCs huh?
My experience with phase plugs in FEx07E drivers is that the plugs creat a hole in the frequency response in the 5-6kHz range. The effect is to reduce sibilance, particularly in female voice, giving a somewhat more relaxed sound. I am looking at a pair of FE167E's with Planet10 plugs in them right now, and they sound very good indeed.

I have played with FE206E's in a 35 l BR and I find that they need a lot more help than just a BSC to make them listenable, like at least 4 ohms of series resistance and a zobel. No phase plug is going to replace the BSC! But then, I generally use a T-amp. If you are using a high-Z SET or a transconductance amp, the rules change.

Still, I would think that your 206's sound pretty bright.

Bob Brines said:
My experience with phase plugs in FEx07E drivers is that the plugs creat a hole in the frequency response in the 5-6kHz range. The effect is to reduce sibilance, particularly in female voice, giving a somewhat more relaxed sound. I am looking at a pair of FE167E's with Planet10 plugs in them right now, and they sound very good indeed.

I have played with FE206E's in a 35 l BR and I find that they need a lot more help than just a BSC to make them listenable, like at least 4 ohms of series resistance and a zobel. No phase plug is going to replace the BSC! But then, I generally use a T-amp. If you are using a high-Z SET or a transconductance amp, the rules change.

Still, I would think that your 206's sound pretty bright.


I'm using a single ended EL34 amplifier to drive them. The design of the cabinet is the "alternate" one on the FE206E data sheet.
Hmm. Like Bob, I have to say, rather you than me... 😉

Adding phase plugs isn't going to obviate the need for some form of compensation for the -6db shelving action caused by the transition from 2pi to 4pi radiation space (i.e. baffle step loss, which is nothing directly to do with the driver, but the width of the front baffle). In the case of that 45 litre Fostex box, the -3db point is going to be at roughly 480Hz. That SE EL34 amp might be helping a bit in the LF regions (depends on the design), plus it will depend where you've got the things positioned of course. The effect of the plugs is principally higher up, as Bob noted.
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