'Perceive v2.0' Construction Diary

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tinitus posted:

I really dont like when sides are coupled to each other.... you know that little stick inside a violin that couples deck and bottom to each other, if you remove it there will be very little sound at all

I agree with you. However, I don't brace that way. I try to "complete the triangle". I look for ways to transfer loads into adjacent panels that offer the most resistance to movement. ie., panels that are perpendicular to one another. The corners of boxes are generally the best for this. The mid-point of a complementary panel the worst.

Throwing mass (lots of it) into the equation works as well, just not as elegantly. er....Mongo like mass...:xeye:

Shut up Mongo! :mad:

I wonder if anyone here has attached the output of an accelerometer to Speaker workshop or the like?
diyAudio Member
Joined 2004
tinitus said:
I think Shin has come to a point where his box design contradicts with his goals .... maybe thats why he is so grumpy :mad:

And that's the straw that broke the camels back.

I think its clear this will be my last contibution here.

Al/Vik/moderator, please delete my account. I'll be taking my activities off-line from now on. Too many idiots and trolls on here to get anything worthwhile done anymore.

I've got many folks email details who I consider friends but Scott I'd still like to keep in touch and let you know how things are going. If you email me at zeroex_15@hotmail.com I'd appreciate it.
What happened to this thread?? :dead: :cannotbe:

Gents, have a couple of beers and enjoy your speakers!!!

I thought I would come back to read Shin going all out with v3...now this?

Shinobiwan....no need to go anywhere, bud!
personally, I feel that you're a great contribution to the DIY community and it'd suck if you would leave. Continue on doing what you love and that's all it matters (to me at least)
diyAudio Member
Joined 2004
Just a quick goodbye and clarification.

First off I'd like to thank 99% of the population on DIYA for making this the best waste of free time I've had over the last couple of years. Really its been an amazing journey, I started out knowing very little and now come to this point where I now know a little :) There's some truly and I mean truly knowledgable folks on here. These folks put up with many of my endless questions and also continue to share their knowledge in an admirably unselfish way. That for me is what makes these forums better than the rest.

Forget what I said about the dissenting voices on here, I think the top and bottom is I just need a break and come back fresh when I'm more centered and have things settled in my day to day life, wherever that may be.

Al will be temporarily disabling my account with the option to return later. I really think this is wise because it removes my temptation to spend even more time here :D

So for now, peace and good health to everyone and thanks for making me feel so welcome here these past couple of years.

- Ant

PS. I've not died or anything, so if you fancy keeping in touch, asking questions or whatever really, my email address is above and should be active for the next couple of months.
diyAudio Member
Joined 2004
The v2's have now been sold... will miss them but its just not in my nature to hang onto anything for more than a few weeks so they did really well at several months :)

Sounds like they're going to be getting better treatment than even I gave them with the owner lavishing all sorts highend kit on them and yet another Deqx for the crossover.

I've now moved onto fullrange drivers which is ironic because the chap that bought the Perceives is coming from a Hedlund Horn setup using Lowther DX drivers. Not sure if its me or him thats moving in the wrong direction! :D I guess its more a case of trying something different and just enjoying the journey.

So my driver of choice this time around is a trio of Mangers. Superb drivers they are too.
diyAudio Member
Joined 2004
alexcd said:
Did you at least get your money back for the drivers?

There was just over £1500 in drivers because I blew up one of the Scanspeak tweeters a few weeks ago. The chap has replaced this with a new one at a cost of £235.

I think because of this expense and the fact that there was no crossover of any kind included then I took a big hit on the price. In the end I virtually gave them away at just under £1100 which was absolutely peanuts for all the effort put into them. Had I included a full complement of working drivers and a competant passive XO then I reckon I'd have got £2000 fairly easily. But because of the short comings and incomplete state of the loudspeakers I limited the sales audience to rather eccentric DIY'ers which were prepared to put in around at least another £500 to get them back up and running. Luckily they've gone to a great home with somebody who can see the sheer potential and has already invested £2600 on a DEQX and a new tweeter to get them back up and running and on top form. I also found it heart warming that he's a real audiophile who's owned some amazing kit yet was really prepared to invest that large amount in them because they sound so good. I really can't get a better compliment than that.
I've found this thread both entertaining and instructive. Shin's encounter with his SEAS Excel also prompted me to examine my own use of this driver in an open baffle (with ribbon tweeters and Peerless XLS10" basses), and I found the sound both harsh and unformed especially in the region for flutes and trumpets + plus a neighbour's comments on "lacking bass".

I thought I'd replace the 2-7 kHz region, so that the ribbons (Aurum Cantus G2Si) could be crossed higher up, nearer 6-7kHz, and the Excel still be used to about 1k. An added amp for bass would allow the other amps to be shifted around (all sourced from e-bay, hey, I'm nothing if not generous in my investments). I was thinking of a fatter tweeter, but settled on a PHL1120, a 5" driver sourced from e-speakers in the States. The amp I chose was a Behringer A500 with 200W(ish) per channel to drive the XLS's in a open 'W' configuration in a single sub, crossed at 100Hz. Then I put the Excels onto an Arcam (80w) and I just stuck the PHL's on some cushions at the base of the open baffle, connected to a NAD3020, with another one (I like them!!!) on the tweeters through a CX3400.

I fired these up through a DEQ and DCX and was quite disappointed: a pretty veiled sound. Then I got the four drivers equalised through the DEQ (having set the DCX to no equalisation, just crossed-over at 100Hz and 1KHz, tailing off at 6kHz, where the CX took over to the tweeters, but in analog only), and now I could really hear the bass - real thumps and twangs, and the Behringer A500 in this setting, seems pretty good with enough left over to apply some pretty steep equalisation between 40-20Hz (about 20db gain). Overall, I stil had a muddy presentation, and no coherence. Using the mike, I set delays on the DCX and ..........BOY !!!!!

Darkness to light, sows ears to silk purses....Wow. The mud just dispersed to a narrow presentation of the solo instruments or voices, each in its place. Real presence (or is that just 30Hz rumble coming through...). I am much happier, and am getting a more relaxed sound instead of the tiring edginess I had before. It all still needs tweaking around a bit and being built properly into the baffle, but I think I'll stay with this version for a bit.

So thanks guys for the ideas and inspiration.
omega87 said:

Very serious figures. You will need a lot of power, a lot of speakers and lots of space. This equation usually equals to lot of $$$.
Take a look at the system, pushing 120 dB (rock music)average SPL at 20 feet away. Max SPL is beyond simple SPL meter, but big enough that there is no audible compression or distortion except in listener's ears.

That sure looks like the HPV MAD system (from Cost Mesa, CA) I used to sell.
With the v2 done, dusted and sold, I've started a new thread for the Manger project if your interested:

Hello ShinOBI,

somehow I can`t see the photos of the Perceive's construction diary. My browser says " links not available". I guess, its because the first few posts are too old. Is there a way, that you can repost the pictures?

And another question, I saw your great designs of the perceive V3. Did you build them too, or was it "just" a concept?

Thanks a lot.

Greetings from Germany.

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