Parts in Mumbai (India)

What is the current price of OPA2134 there in Mumbai, if you could kindly tell me?

Is there any better substitute of that in case of nonavailablity of that opamp?

Thank you.

I asked at Lamington Rd. the price quoted was whopping Rs550/pcs. I got it from rscomponent for Rs142/pcs. BTW I still have 2pcs untouched in original seal pack from the same lot.If interested PM me.
Thank you so much availlyrics as you so painstakingly did the query for me.

For the time being I am working with a 3 way active crossover and LM3886 based amp projects with NE5532 based filters and eagerly awaiting the completion.

I need some 12+ pieces of OPA2134 in near future depending on the demanding expansion of the projects. Right now they are in my wish list only. So prior to the purchase I will come back to this thread again.
Sansui T-550SW tuner repair

Hi Friends!

Just got an used Sansui T-550SW 4 bands tuner with the
understanding that it was in pristine condition. Paid Rs
5000/-. Unfortunately it just does not work. Dead! No dial
lamp! No output! Although showing full signal.

Does anyone know any responsible technician in Mumbai
who can repair it? Also where can I find the dial lamp
used in such tuners?

If I believe the seller then the problem might be very simple. But I am not sure.

Thanks and regards
Dial lamp

Looking for a dial lamp which looks somewhat like the
attached picture. The voltage across the pins in the circuit
is 16vac. Please tell me where in Mumbai this is available.

Thanks and regards


  • dial-lamp.jpg
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Amazing Lamington Road!

Being tired walking this afternoon along Lamington road, comments from several shopkeepers buzzing in my head with the broken dial lamp in my hand, was wandering what the hell I am doing, wasting my valuable time. Took last chance in Servo Electronics before boarding the train to Churchgate. The man on the counter brought out exactly what I wanted, 16v dial
lamp Rs 5/- (US$0.1) a piece. Amazing! I could not believe myself. Here is contact:

Servo Electronics
Mr. Prakash Ahuja
Mob. 9172207919, 9820039038
5, Motibai Bhvan
Ground Floor
3A Proctor Road
Grant Road (E)
(near the end of the tunnel )

Purchased motors from him before. He specializes in motors, switches, pots and now found out about bulbs (small 3v, 6v etc).

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