Old Slogans You Remember

About the same time, print ads showed a scantily-clad young woman sporting a come-hither look and the tag line, "All my men wear English Leather, or they wear nothing at all."


one TV version even finished off with ".. every one of them" even a teenager had no trouble parsing the sub-text there - imagine their disappointment when real world women didn't quite live the same ethos

was that Jacqueline Smith at her most "innocently" nubile?
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"Mother, please, I'd rather do it myself" --

I am surprised that this line from an Excedrin ad wasn't used in the "Everybody Loves Raymond" sitcom.

I think that was actually, Anacin? , which IIRC was in its original formulation just Aspirin and caffeine - amazing how many of the pain relievers contained that stimulant

Can't remember any cultural touchstones by Excedrin
Joined 2011
Paid Member
Quasar- works in a drawer! (Motorola TV)

From the land of sky blue waters (sung to a Native American tomtom drumbeat - Hamm's beer)

A hundred years from now, only little girls will ride horses. Men will walk on the moon. And Henry Weinhard's beer will be sold in Abilene, Texas. (HWB)

Us Tareyton smokers would rather fight than switch. (Tareyton cigarettes)

The most expensive television in America, and darn well worth it! (Curtes Mathes TV)

The quality goes in before the name goes on (Zenith TV)
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Nothing runs like a John Deere
Don't squeeze the Charmin
Gimmi a break. (Kit Kat bar)
Nothing sucks like an Electrolux
This is your brain on drugs
Betcha can't eat just one (chips)
Melts in your mouth, not in your hand (M&M)
The quicker picker upper (Bounty)
You're in good hands with Allstate
See the USA in your Chevrolet
Wouldn't you really rather have a Buick
If it works, it's a Fluke (Fluke Instruments)
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