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NicMac's Spring Clean sales thread

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Being an addicted group buy participant and component freak I have accumulated tons of stuff that I am very unlikely to use or finish in my life time. For the benefit of everybody I will put the material up for sale at a good price in this thread.
Buyers please report back when you have received the item.

Obbligato PSU Film 100uF 400V, 4 pieces
100 µF, 10%, 400V. I never found the space in my amps for these. Never used, never connected. I'm asking 80 euro + postage for the lot of 4.

Having played extensively with Twisted Pear's Buffalo DAC in various dual-mono configurations I have a series of I/V-stages to spare as my experimentation has moved towards other I/V-topologies.

The IVYIII Balanced Linestage - SOLD
Fully assembled, tested and functional. Slightly modded. Two identical units available. Price per unit 45 euro + postage.

The Legato Discrete Balanced I/V Stage Version 2.0
Fully assembled, tested and functional. Slightly modded. Two identical units available. Price per unit 55 euro + postage.
NEW PRICE! 50 euro for both modules (+postage)

The Legato Discrete Balanced I/V Stage Version 3.1 - SOLD
Fully assembled, tested and functional. Slightly modded. Two identical units available. Price per unit 70 euro + postage.

The Wire AMP - SOLD
Complete kit for a stereo amplifier with two SMPS power supplies.
Never connected, not assembled, never tested and sold as is. According to Owen the best performing AMP on the planet🙂
The amp kits are described in this thread, the SMPS supplies here and some measurements of the combo here.
The amp kits and SMPS supplies cost me around 450 euro and I will be selling it all for 300 euro excluding postage. EU only.
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Here is a photo of the unit.


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Legato 3

Modded with Shinkoh I/V resistors and Takman output resistors.


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