New PassDIY Headphone Amp (now available)


Joined 2010
Paid Member
Yes indeed!

The PSU has been updated, with another RC filter stage and more local decoupling around the regulators and load, the PCB layout has changed to further isolate the PSU noise from the signal circuit, an optional feedback path has been added to control DC offset if you choose to use BJT output transistors and/or want to try different opamps.
Yes indeed!

The PSU has been updated, with another RC filter stage and more local decoupling around the regulators and load, the PCB layout has changed to further isolate the PSU noise from the signal circuit, an optional feedback path has been added to control DC offset if you choose to use BJT output transistors and/or want to try different opamps.

Sounds great! Thanks for the update!
just to stir things up , I have few questions :

-can we use 12V6 Accus ?
-will it drive F4 ?
-is it better than BA3 FE ?
-will it drive F4 ?
-can I use 32R phones ?
-can I use Stax statics ?
-will it drive F4?

no doubt , I'll be back with more ......


Good questions ......... :)


I'm not sure if Patrick has developed a sense of humour/sarcasm or he's being his usual diplomatic self.
As always, Zen Mod putting to use his well refined sense of bastardness. :)
Official Court Jester
Joined 2003
Paid Member
I learned few things about PL gang in last few yrs :

- never doubt in their capability to make even better (plenty of reasons for present status)
- never doubt in their good intentions
- they're still young , Greenhorns in fact ......... plenty of time to play with real deal ....... toobz



there is no project made for everyone

so - just take it or leave it :rofl:

I'm sure plenty of Greedy Boyz will buy new cans and enjoy
there is no project made for everyone

so - just take it or leave it :rofl:

I'm sure plenty of Greedy Boyz will buy new cans and enjoy
I like to support peoples ideas so I'm tempted to buy in, but really for my specific headphones there are more suitable choices.
It would be nice to see more of this though.
Probably should finish Patricks Jfet headphone amp first.
As mentioned earlier in the thread, you could build a discrete opamp. Papa even has an article on how to do it -

You could also bypass the opamp entirely as 6L6 stated in posts 34 & 35.

If you want more of a Zen style, depending on how you want to use the amp I bet it would be a reasonable approach to bypass the op amp to make a unity gain amp, and feed it with a DAC attached to a Zen I/V stage with the gain increased as per the article.

Honestly, we can complain about the fact that there is an op amp in the design until the cows come home, or we can accept Wayne chose the best tool for the job, or we can work around it to acheive what we want. This is DIY after all!

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
Yeah. Not arguing.
I just got over excited. A bit like when the first prequel to Star Wars was released. Super excited then afterwards, it was like "aah that was ok"
I can build my own design but I'm too lazy to do point to point wiring or make pcbs these days, so tend to support other peoples ideas.
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Yes this project does use an opamp. You can put a socket in and swap to your hearts content. Or solder in two fets and drive the output stage or a small board with what ever you want.

I tried to keep it simple because for some people it is difficult to get two transistors biased up.(it was for me at one point) The skill level here is from very basic to very advanced so this is a basic project that should pretty much just work.


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Yes this project does use an opamp. You can put a socket in and swap to your hearts content. Or solder in two fets and drive the output stage or a small board with what ever you want.

I tried to keep it simple because for some people it is difficult to get two transistors biased up.(it was for me at one point) The skill level here is from very basic to very advanced so this is a basic project that should pretty much just work.

Thanks for yours and 6L6 work on this.
I'll build it as a reference to compare it to other designs.


Joined 2010
Paid Member
I'm looking forward to the flexibility of this design - Want to use Mosfet output? Sure. Bipolar? Sure! Fet-input opamp? Absolutely! Bipolar-input opamp? Of course! All-discrete? Use a discrete opamp! :)

And, due to the sonic transparency of a source-follower Class-A output stage, (and directly into headphones...) this should be a fantastic tool to listen to the differences in opamps.