New Linkwitz "LXmini" speakers

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Apparently I am the only one here who has actually heard the LX minis.

I spent a nice afternoon with a pair and would have to pronounce them as
fairly spectacular.


With all due respect, but this is the kind of review you read in any audiophile magazine about a $10000+ 2-way bookshelf covered in leather.

I've built myself a pair of TV speakers out of PVC tubes, hidden behind the TV. I've spent countless of nice evenings with them and would like to pronounce them fantastic (seriously).

PS: I do think the LX521 are exceptionally well engineered speakers.
My wife said "Plutot bien !" and pronounced them as spectacular just seing it and also ask if maxi instead mini was possible ! :eek: Suspect it's a liitle freudian thought !

Well you asked about leather on mini speakers, why not on the tube or even fur ! ... sorry foam...

Seriously, does a LX Mini do bass as a 12" mid bass does or the push pull of its big brother does ? Don't think so to have a 8" Seas Proac D15 at 35 hz - 3 DB : it do bass... bu not the same bass as a bigger speaker can do. It doesn't mean the sound is bad, Proac D15 have a nice and very accurate tonal color ! But sometimes ROck n' ROll ask for more !

Well, are the bass and the treble not have an intimatly dependance then asking about a subjective good tonal balance ? Is there a ratio or are just the highere frequencies not necessary for clearness, subjective transcient and impact with bass to mid-bass drums e.g. .... Really want to know as two serious fellows (Papa & JG) have a serious good testimonie.

A new paradigm... new theories (not about just polar response) but for the width of the frequency range ?????
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Omni vs. lxmini


Is it an omni your after? If you want to build one of those, you can certainly do that. :)
This system has a different objective than an omni. One that I thought was pretty clear in his description.

Anyways, getting way off topic from the original. I've taken a look at the miniDSP setup file for the new LXmini system and it really does make use of the capabilities that a DSP box can bring to the table. It's probably worth starting another thread.




I got the impression that the mini is intended as an overall improvement over the Pluto and that the altered radiation pattern is just one factor. Not sure which would sound better in my room. My walls are brick w/ no treatment right now so I suspect that side attenuation would improve intelligibility. I'd like to be able to play around with the pattern a bit if possible. I do have at least 3' between the sides and rear of the speakers.

I am also concerned that removing the rear cylinder on the mini would necessitate EQ'ing the HF driver to the point of distortion due to front & back cancellation..

BTW, Totally confused about the phasing SL recommends. Makes no sense to me...

Dan: Is this plot what's troubling you?

The large null centered at 850 Hz happens when the polarity of one drivers is reversed from the normal connection. This is only done as a test of how well the crossover is doing it's job. The Linkwitz-Riley crossovers are in-phase at the crossover frequency. By reversing one of the drivers a null should appear at the crossover. It's a very convenient test. The orange trace is the system response.

diyAudio Editor
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Certainly the tubes would look nice wrapped in veneer. Since the curve is in one direction only, one could use the veneer with the birch backing. It's thicker but completely fool proof. The only time the thickness is a problem is when one can see the edge of th e veneer , and with this design there are no edges uncovered! Overlap the seam at the rear, cut through them both with a razor knife, then glue and there you go..
I am seriously considering these right now due to the fact that I will be moving into a 800sqft Condo in a few months for a new job.

I was planning on a larger build until I found out about this move late last week. Seeing as how even a SEOS10 and 10" midbass will be a little more imposing than this in such a small family room I think this might be a better option.
The "tweeter" is an FU10RB Seas driver. The woofer is the same as used in the Pluto.


Thks for the info, the concept of LXMini looks like an interesting project to experiment on, I have left over of 4" FR driver and 6" woofer to conduct some experimentations on this speakers configuration, like some of other projects I have done, e.g. JK's NaO, etc.

I own measuring instrumentations, software and hardware to conduct measurements on this project, hopefully I should be able make it to work.
The one and only
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May I ask how it was amplified when you heard them? I am curious how well the full range driver used in this would work with one of your Firstwatt amps even though Linkwitz states 4 channels of 50-100w.

It was driven by 4 channels of an Emotiva 5 channel amplifier with I believe
has a 100 watt/ch rating.

The FW amplifiers do not have enough power for the bottom, and the gain
of the high pass on the dsp unit would have to be raised about 10 dB in order
to have something like a J2 drive the top. SL informs me that this 10 dB
would be do-able.

amps for miniLX

...not all that familiar with the new mini, but wasn't SL keeping the HP gain down for an enormous boost on the low end? so a preamp might be called for on the HP portion to help a FW product, and a high gain AB amp on the bottom. maybe even something by Papa: AB bipolar which started life as a commercial order that fell through but might be ideal amp for this section?:
or am I missing something? (which should not really suprise anybody :spin:)
just an afterthought: a few selected papa amps might be able to do better on the top portion (minus the added heat :redhot:) , if SL used a higher sensitivity 4ohm version. right now both of his drivers are 8ohm, right? (or am I missing it again?; well the safe thing for me is probably to shut up now:rolleyes:)
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There is more boosting EQ programmed into the HF section than the LF section so removing the 10db HF attenuation might cause a clipping issue. Regardless of EQ settings, the voltage output limitation of the standard 2x4 miniDSP unit still remains, so a power amplifier would need appropriate sensitivity to not compromise the gain structure. SL has already investigated this for the LF section (as noted on his site) but I'm not sure about the HF section (if attenuation removed.)

No offense to Mr. Pass, but I'm not sure why someone would want to use a multi-thousand dollar amplifier for just one portion of a system like this when one of the main attractions is the relatively low cost it can be assembled for. You could build approximately four complete LXmini systems (with Emotiva amps) for the price of one Pass J2 amplifier. :)


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