New Linkwitz "LXmini" speakers

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diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
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Good to get some informed views. I heard the Studio at Burning Amp (best ever!) and it sounded great, with the wide range driver having some of the advantages in imaging,etc. that that type of driver excels at. But how it sounds compared to the 521 I can't really say.

Of course theoretically the big advantage of the 521 bass baffles is that they are dipoles which SL likes a lot of course. I can see that the 4 driver bass baffles are expensive and probably more than needed. Hmmmm maybe it would be interesting to try a single driver bass dipole on each side in the same sized baffle. While still reasonably expensive, they would be half the price ($500 less), and maybe just as effective at the volumes the Studio works at, with the dipole advantage.

I've bought the 4 woofer drivers so am planning to make a 521 and a studio.
Then I'll have a legit opinion

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diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
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Well it isn't necessarily my ultimate goal. Might well end up that way...My justification was that I was planning to set up the speakers in my house I'm building out of the country and figured that I'd better get the woofers now and throw them into the container rather than pay a fortune to ship ferrite magnets or take one driver in my suitcase every time I go there from the US.

This way I can either have the LX studio with its extra good woofers or an LX521 in the living room and the LX mini's in my office! My wife actually prefers the looks of the 521! How great is that!

Is it reasonable to say that the LX studios do some things in a way that some might prefer them to the 521?

I suppose the stock dual woofers per side will reduce harmonic distortion some, admittedly at great cost! I think that your inexpensive way to get deeper bass with the LX mini's is a great thing. Suddenly the LXmini with woofers is a screaming bargain, if you have lots of amps as we tend to ;) The single SEAS woofer in an open baffle for the bass in an LX studio system open might turn out pretty well too. I'm excited to try that out! It might be a good match and ironically I might end up lugging two more of the SEAS in my luggage after all!
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I may be wrong but I believe Siegfried said that the LX Studio has more midrange impact than the LX521. Overall it isn't as loud as the 521, but that driver in the Mini/Studio has quite a bit of might be just fine.

He also tend to have his speakers turned up pretty loud for most demos. Close to "live" levels.

I also noticed they sound better when cranked up. it is probably typical of low sensitivity but good quality drivers. also I imagine Siegfried would choose his demo songs carefully.

I could also choose a few pieces after listening to which anyone would buy them on the spot. for example, try "Faith" by George Michael on LXMinis; the organ sound introduction leading up to the vocal; when I finished them I played it for my friends and they were all in awe.

but if I throw in some Mark Antony or something with a lot going on at the same time I end up going downstairs to my main system with Elsinores. That made me wonder about having a bigger driver play upper bass and low mids (so not just low bass like a sub) to get some effortlessness there. To compare I am planning to make LX521 top section (for bass I will use my 12" B&Cs in sealed boxes); I just have not figured out yet how to market them at home since I am running out of storage space for all my past "ideas" :rolleyes:.
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studio has a 60hz rolloff compared to 120hz of the lx521, so you wont get the same midbass either. it only saves you a little money and it looks worse.
tweeters are imo the only upgrade that makes sense for the lxmini, im surprised he hasn`t touched it yet. the 27TFFNC tweeters are cheap and would take only minutes to implement, since he already understand the curve cone etc.

i have not heared a fullrange driver i can live with, the same goes for the mini. using them for tv sound dialouges are sometimes a bit hard to pick up on. breakup occasionally shows itself on music with shouting.
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Is it reasonable to say that the LX studios do some things in a way that some might prefer them to the 521?

For me, no. I consider the LX521 system to be overall better from bottom to top than the LXmini. A listening room consideration might factor here for some folks though.

To koja and multitask. I don't think switching to a larger driver would improve the LXmini's. Yes, more bass response, but a larger driver narrows sooner and this would alter the polar response of the system in a negative way. (At least without other reconfiguration.)
A couple of our OPLUG members are performing some interesting experimentation aimed at increasing the cardioid behavior of the system. Doing so by altering the crossover and/or using a larger driver for the "tweeter." This is primarily aimed at making the speakers work better in smaller rooms and/or closer wall placement.

Adding tweeters to form a three-way system is certainly possible. This would obviously make for a much more complicated acoustic structure/layout and increase the electronics system complexity/cost of the LXmini's.

For me, no. I consider the LX521 system to be overall better from bottom to top than the LXmini. A listening room consideration might factor here for some folks though.

I was thinking that the LXmini architecture might offer some benefits that no conventional speaker could.

Would the LXmini topology benefit from better drivers?

Is the 521 able to do like the LXmini close to a wall? Does it have the same omnidirectional features that people love the soundstage on the mini for?

I hope you see what I am getting at here.

diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
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I think the LXmini has very good drivers and demonstrates what people like about wide range drivers: coherency, even tone and imaging, which it does very well, so that's what prompted my question.

The problem is that it's been quite a while since I've heard the LX521's so I can't compare. The 521 needs be at least a meter away from the rear wall I think.

But while the LXMini can be closer to the rear wall, it still seems to sound better with a bit of space behind it, maybe even a meter. I'd be very surprised if Siegfried added tweeters to the mini.

Isn't there now a official mini by SL with only one woofer per side as we were proposing a short ways back? As was commented then, it does seem like a good idea, and helps differentiate the two models.
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I've been to the SL site and he describes the lxmini as magical and a reference. I'm interested but don't want to buy or build 4 amps, two two channel amps, or one four channel amp.

Can one two channel stereo amp power a pair of lxmins? Can a passive crossover be built that would work? I also have a Velodyne powered sub. Would that work to get some low end. Would using my existing equipment negate or dimish the sonic quality of the lxmini?

diyAudio Editor
Joined 2001
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The answer to your first question is "No" IMHO. Siegfried's speakers work pretty much because of the crossover. He corrrects the response a lot with the crossover, considers the directivity, on and on and he's measured the bejeebers out of the drivers and various possible configurations, and then the final design. Since the signal has to go through a digital crossover box, you have to also be onboard with having your signal run through the DACs in the inexpensive ($120) digital crossover box If your source is digital then probably no big issue.

So if you want the sound of the LX mini you have to make it his way. Than means another amp and the Mini DSP box. This could be a chance for you to DIY an amp! A chip amp would work..

I'm building the LX 521 and it requires a minimum of 6 channels, but I see that as an excuse to Build More Amps!

There is a guy who designs open baffles with passive crossovers on the site here. He also has various models, so search for his various posts or go to his website. Here's a link to one of his threads to get you started.
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Thanks for the info. I've built a Modulus86 and love it. I'm about to start a Parallel86 build. Both are two channel and the Mod86 is already playing in one system. The Paralle86 is for a system in another room.

I'll be interested in Beo's or whoever's passive xover info. But guess I'll be staying with my speakers.
That makes zero sense. If there's "no right way," what the hell are we all doing? :)


Does adding the qualifier "single" after "no" make more sense? That's certainly how I took it, and would parse my own response in such a case.

Edit: while I've not yet heard any of SL's designs, I don't think anyone could dispute the tremendous effort and accumulated experience he's poured into these, and anyone attempting to second guess his total systematic approach would need to spend a lot of time "doing the maths" to achieve equivalent results.
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I don't like how the LXmini looks

Hi, as i said, i don't like how these speakers look. So I'm trying to make them a little different. IMG_1253.jpg


The original setup is inside the cardboard pipe.
Could this affect the sound?
I also plan on stuffing the space between the PVC and the cardboard with acoustic fiber. Thanks for your help.
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