• WARNING: Tube/Valve amplifiers use potentially LETHAL HIGH VOLTAGES.
    Building, troubleshooting and testing of these amplifiers should only be
    performed by someone who is thoroughly familiar with
    the safety precautions around high voltages.

Need schematic Chinese 6N1 6P3P showing voltages

Thank you all so far. When Silicon Ray came on this forum I actually had a layover in Beijing and had purchased this kit prior to leaving for that trip. He sent it to the hotel where I was staying, so I avoided the long shipping time and cost. There were no instructions at all but found the wiring diagram from his website at the time ( which no longer exist). This was my first tube kit that I put together and has always worked when I fired it up. I had not used it for a while and decided to hook it up for a listen and that's when I discovered the issue. Hopefully with all the help I am getting here , I can have it working again. More to come.
I need a schematic showing the voltages throughout the circuit. This will help in narrowing down the problem components.

Voltage findings
As per the schematic and diagram that chrisng sent I got the following.
Conditions...Variac adjusted to produce 300VAC pins 4 and 6 of the rectifier tube 5Z4P, 8 ohm resistors to speaker terminals

5Z4P........................pin 8... 333V dc .............................reference is 320vdc

6N1 input tube........pin 1..... 118V dc............................reference is 120vdc
6N1.........................pin 3......1.9vdc..............................reference is 1.7vdc

+ve terminal 22uf450v electrolytic cap......220vdc ....reference is 230vdc
6P3P ( 6l6gc used here)
..................tube1.....pin 8.....22.0 vdc............................reference is 20dc
..................tube2.. ..pin 8... 21.5 vdc............................reference is 20vdc

I also tested the other circuit voltages from the transformer to the tubes and they were
within specs.
My next move is to bypass the 100k potentiometer , check output terminals of speakers .
I'll report back
Did I miss anything?
Thanks all
Filament voltages from tube pins
6L6..... pin 2-7 both tubes......6.4 vac
6N1 ....pin 4 gnd 5 gnd...........3.2vac
5Z4P...pin 2 gnd 8 gnd...........5.2vac

Still a faint sound from speaker with volume all the way up.
There are no visible component stress signs ( burnt or bulging caps)
I believe the pot is shot. I'm getting 28 meg ohms ,thereabouts , between the ends and between ends and wiper ( center tab) . The value does not change between the center tab and the "end tab" when the pot is rotated. Those numbers are no way close to the 100k ohms that this pot should be. I measured the pot in place with the leads disconnected from the input tube pins
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