Near full range BMR (Balanced Mode Radiator)

Speakers done, electronics next.

Hi Kevin,

It was good to meet you on Sunday and glad you enjoyed the demo.

I am confident we have fully developed the loudspeakers, the BMR's, the matching bass / low mid-range and the subs are all now ready for production.

We are still a couple of months away from finishing the electronics.
We have a great DSP board and the power amps & DAC's are progressing well.


Yes it was a 12 inch sub and 15 inch sub that Kevin heard but different versions of the ones you heard, this time the crossover was 160Hz so I used drivers optimised for low mid-range speed rather than ultimate extension.....But I think Kevin still felt the sofa move....Just not the Earth!!!!

More soon guys, got a big month ahead so will be able to reveal a bit more about some DIY "killer Kits" bundled with a superb DSP / amplifier package....

All the best

PS Kevin I have saved the measurements of your Jordan Eikonas driver speakers so will check to see how the two channels compare.
I too had the pleasure of hearing Derek's system a month or so ago.

A few days after I wrote to thank him, and said it was the best system I have heard, and that in almost every way trumped the £250k naim, focal set up I heard the week before at the Bristol Sound and vision show, and every other system in that hotel.

I am now working on some designs to use the BMR's. These are not full range drivers, they are wide band, but are absolutely incredible drivers in their range. I heard the 6 array, with subs (12". 15" 2x8" Seas), and the single with subs.

Having come from designing and building using Mark Audio full range drivers, I love these for there complete simplicity, speed, accuracy, tone. I have now come around to the fact that the Mark Audio's can exist on their own, from record player to amplifier to driver. The BMR's need some active and digital love. Ran full range, with no eq they lack a lot. Or rather with EQ and active XO to subs at 160-200Hz they shine.

Hearing the single unit was surprisingly good, it lacked the height and complete immersion that the 6 array offered, but felt precise full bodied, without lacking. The 6 way (one side was silk, one rubber) so a little hard to tell the difference between the formats, was really good. These were being backed up by some good, fast well amped bass. But the whole system running through a mid priced Yamaha reciever, using only the inbuilt EQ (room optimisation).

I can only imagine what a more optimised cabinet shape, super clean Hypex amps, and a well set up room with professional grade active xo would unveil. World class game changer?

Well thats my plan. Ill keep you posted.
Splitting the kits

Hi Byrtt,

I have to be very careful with what products I release as kits.
My goal is to bring down the cost of high end audio reproduction and to showcase the BMR's which are specifically designed to be used with DSP / Eq / active crossovers.

I believe that splitting up the system will lead to mismatched / substandard products being used with my products and the result will be poor sound and bad press for my products....." When in doubt blame the new kid....!"

One experiment I would like to do is to take a "like for like budget" and compare my systems to the best conventional kits / DIY systems.

For example a $1,000 starter system, a $5,000 system and a killer $10,000 system. By the way when I say system I mean everything including the source and all cables (if using cables;)

I will be offering a few beta test deals to get some systems established in the main countries so that fellow DIY guys can visit and hear my systems to get a demo before committing to buying.

Hope this helps and all the best
Concept and implementation

Hi Studio Au,

Thanks for your review and enthusiastic words!

I think that just for fun I should take a room at next years Bristol show and put in a 10 : 1 system....My system will be a tenth (more like a twentyth!) of the price of the high end brands and I will blow them out of the water......Let the public hear the truth!!

Its great that you understand the BMR's are designed for use with DSP and a dedicted low midrange / bass system.
Having been around the full range block myself from mega bucks Manger driver to super value Vifa and the Jordans & co in between I am now sure there is no such thing as a true full range single driver.

In my experience a custom DSP / active amplification package driving a well designed BMR(s) plus bass driver(s) is currently the best value and offers the very best quality attainable in audio reproduction.

Fun times ahead guys!
All the best
Overkill Audio,
Think i read somewhere you intend DSP engines with not only IRR but FIR too and therefor very interested.
Should situation change think many will agree and welcome such useful tool for diy speaker builders.
Looking forward see your upcoming BMR kits and maybe i join :).
Thanks taking time understand reasons and all the best.
I am new to the thread here - but it is always intriguing when someone says it is the best sounding system they have ever heard. Congratulations.

Have you ever had a chance to compare the sound from the BMR to a good AMT system?

Hi xrk971,
I'm no expert but my point of reference before hearing Derek's BMR's was the Steinway Lyngdorf systems,they use AMT tweeters & sound sublime.

I can't say (without hearing side by side) that the BMR's sound better but since getting my BMR speakers running I've stopped dreaming of a Steinway & feel that I've found my speaker,I just love the sound of them & can't get enough of listening to them.
DSP resource...

Hi xrk,

Yup the new chip is a bit of a beast...!

I have attached a pic of the prototype which used an older chip ( cant remember which one) and her the board is placed on top of a credit card to show how small the board is....Very low power supply demands.

We have a serious DSP team ....A commercial partnership Via a spin out with Manchester University.
All our DSP is developed by a team headed up by Professor (of DSP) Patrick Gaydecki who has developed many DSP Filter systems including the remarkable Signal Wizard range....Signal Wizard Systems Home

Our new DSP is based on the already stunning SW 3 and we are now combining the best of hardware and software to push the boundaries of audio DSP.
Whats really exciting is that we are not just producing a hub with this level of advanced DSP....Each one of our loudspeakers will have a this DSP board inside.....We are bringing an unimaginable level of "smart" into the smart loudspeaker market!

The possibilities are mind blowing, esp when combined with WiSA and our DAC's and power amps.
More soon and all the best


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Have you ever had a chance to compare the sound from the BMR to a good AMT system?

Forgot to say, yes I was one of the first to build and test the original Beyma TPL AMT about 4 years ago....If you check back my posts you find a fair bit of info.
I really like the PHL midrange (6 or 8 inch versions) combined with the TPL.

Basically the PHL plus TPL is fab sounding but very expensive and like the Manger driver is you must use a great bass system and crossover in order to fully develop their potential.....If you are running them with passive crossovers or a cheap DSP (Behringer / Mini DSP budget Prosound gear) you are only scratching the surface of what they can really do....

Incredible as it sounds, my silk surround BMR's outperform the PHL / TPL combo in almost every area of performance....I would'nt be doing all this if the TPL was better!!

Hi Derek,
I can't find it now but I'm sure you posted a link to an updated diy cabinet guide for your BMR's,could you post it up again please,I really need to get some better cabinets made for mine.
Hoping to pay you a visit soon & check out these subs of yours !

Thanks Derek
Nice job!!! Can you do flush mount? It is the optimum mounting for this driver.

Yes, I did such project for my friend who is a professional Cabinet-maker :) This is an updated version bass reflex design called Tornado and he is very happy with the sound of these kids


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