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MyRef_C with Ultimate BOM

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I am super impressed with the obbligatos. They are soldered in but I wanted to get an idea what it might sound like DC coupled so I took a few alligator clips and wire and bypassed the caps with straight wire. The difference was so hard to tell I had to do it several times.

I've already made the same mistake... (see from this post to this one)

Obbligatos are very good caps and the difference from DC coupling is tiny but clear....

If you want to hear the real difference you'll have to desolder one cap's end....
Got It!!

:) Uriah, received my package today. Wow, what a packaging job. Individual double boxed with all the styrofoam filler and crumpled paper topping - you left nothing to chance with the post!!? Thank you so much sir.

I did not have time to review what I received vs. the latest BOM, but my first thought was very well packaged sir! I'm looking at how everything is wrapped and double wrapped and sorted and packed and I'm thinking each box would take alot of time to pack, then haul to the post. And you're doing over 100 of these????

Thank you very much. I'm very excited about this amp build. I hope to be able to set up my soldering station next week and get 'er done! I'm still looking for a case though.

Anybody got any other direction / suggestions on a suitable solution that not too darn expensive?

Treytexag :D
Thank you so much Trey.
If you guys show some interest I will have chassis for them soon. I think a Chassis group buy will be a lot easier than an amp group buy. These guys deserve a proper chassis. 10am in the morning I will be over at my friends house looking at a few options. He is a mechanical engineer and has designed chassis for a lot of the high end name brands in audio. This is what he did when he lived in California.... design audio cases. Now in Texas he does what all engineers do in Texas.... works for Oil in some way or another.
I'd like to present my preference for a case that has the heat sink in the back so we can take full advantage of the shielding effect of the the big power supply caps. It makes sense to me to have them shield the audio portion of the circuit board from interference from the toroidal power supply transformers.

I am only a taker in this whole GB. Many thanks to all of the givers in this project.

I use Par Metals as well. 2U for my preamp. Just the only problem is that they are ugly and need to be drilled out. I just see so many DIYers never finish their projects for lack of a presentable or easy to use case. The case I am going to look at this morning has balanced and single ended input already drilled. IEC and power switch already drilled. I think the fuse is as well. It has venting. For this amp and other chip amps the sink you could fit in there would be fine for the dissipation required. Anyway I will take a lot of pics and will take a board and a transformer along and put them both in the case. Should take a obbligato to. Then we can see how they fit.
I dont think its big enough. The second one down on this page Magnum Series Amplifiers from D-Sonic would work well, but I dont think DIYers would pay anything like 150 for it. Its solid. Its well built. Its not built in China. Thats a good thing and an expensive thing so.. I am kind of numb on the idea right now. If you guys are interested let me know and I will make it work. I just doubt there will be big interest. Parmetals may be the way to go. With ParMetals a minimum of 3U is necessary. I suppose with any manufacturer thats true :)
i'm with you guys

i can't stand those ugly boxes from par-metal and the likes. there is no wife approval factor at all in those.

how about something in steel/aluminium like those boxes from vt4c?
Audio Catalog

I really like both their ss and their steel boxes (only thing i really dislike is the brand name on the front but that can be removed).

if we can get something like that done with predrilled holes/blanks for inputs/outputs and power then i would be really happy!

And i would pay decent money for made in the US. I'd be willing to go up to $100 (which is twice of what the chinese are asking).,
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Too late for a stereo pair?

Let me get back to you on all of that. I have to check stock on the amps. I definitely have extra boards.

Hi Uriah,

Just checked on Uriah Dailey but the kits are not available. If you have extras - I would love to get a stereo pair of kits from this group buy. I know I am very late to the party - if no more kits can I still get a couple of boards?

Thanks much,
Case design

Aside from heat sinking issues, signal path length, and/or potential ground loops\interferance the case itself will not effect the sound of an amplifier so much providing the routing of power wiring is duely considered and the amp is earthed safely and correctly...

But... damn it music is art, man! 'Great music' and 'compromise' are for ever securely isolated!
Let's get creative with the enclosures too!

Pick a theme and go for it! Biscuit tin, baking tray, lunch box... all sorts of stuff in your local home centre/diy store/wall mart.
Break the mold, go for what you fancy...
I'm going for recycled seasoned cast iron face plate (man!), and possibly a cast iron heat sink at the rear... not sure about the backside yet.
Seasoned cast iron is black magic! A Dutch oven would work fine!

Saw a guy build a high spec computer in a toaster oven carcass somewhere in blogland... you could see all the bits through the glass door...

'Knobs' is a whole other problem of course!

Sorry if I bored everyone!:eek:
You are not boring us! I like your idea of making creative enclosures refurbishing old stuff. If you look carefully around you, there are lot of trash that can be used.
The downside is that you need a workshop if you want to do it on your own from scratch or using any old equipment case. There is lot of work involved with "heavy" machinery.
I do all my work in my bedroom, where I have all kind of tools for electronic purposes, and for little works. But my electric tool inventary comes to 1 drill and 1 dremel tool, so I got stuck when I have to cut something "large" (nothing more that a few cm).

But if you have got the place, it is the way to go, and the funnier one.

Okay, let me talk to Dennis again. That little box wont do the trick. You cant get a sink into it. However the stereo one will work fine. I will talk to him about ordering maybe 10 of them. Will get back with you guys about it. The only drilling that would be necessary would be inside the chassis on the floor of it to get the boards mounted and to put an L bracket to hold your heatsink. There are press nuts on the floor already so if I were to use this I would get a scrap piece of sheet metal and drill it out for the boards then drill it to fit the press nuts and mount it on the press nuts with the boards already mounted to the sheet. So you create a false floor without drilling on the case at all.
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