My head is scraping the floor

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Grrrrrrrr i dont know if i can take the ribbing ;) I wasnt a surfer i was a skater .... how many skaters do you know that could boast having an almost complete tube system at 19 ? My daddy got to me early. Its to bad i grew away from that when real life took my money :dead:

Ahh well i still say DUDE, you were like a god back then, coulda been the drug induced listening euphoria. Zepplin just does not sound the same on my KRK's using my HTPC and audigy as a source. I go to cry about the old days now.

Look away, i'm hideous :bawling:
Heh i will post a picture of me and you can compare it to Nelson, then you will understand why thats not going to happen. I am the wrong kind of geek. I couldnt build a tube amp laid out before me and numbered BUT i can cobble together a completely dismantled car in ubder an hour ready to compete in any event and probably win :D

Seriously though when you say cool designs, like what? Is it possible to build a stereo tube amp or two mono blocks for under a grand ? Other wise i can just go track down a couple MC-30,s they gotta be under 800 bucks now i sold mine years ago for just over that.

Ok gotta go back to loudspeakers where i belong and see if anyone answered my question :cool:
Is it possible to build a stereo tube amp or two mono blocks for under a grand ?

A grand .... Woah! I've built a preamp, a headphone amp, an integrated amp, and a stereo power amp so far, and I still have room left before I hit the $1000 mark.

I think Dave (planet10) invented the term "frugalphile", a term that applies to most of what happens around here!

Cheers, Terry
Well if one of you fine gentlemen would point me in the direction of a not to difficult project with about 20 watts stereo to power what i hope to be the worlds best speakers :D i would greatly appreciate it.

I just spent far too much money on raw drivers which are now on stand by, so that spent money is now part of the cast of LOST.
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