My 1980's Tangential Tone Arm and my 2010 improvement

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Hello ColinA

Just looking at the picture and drawing one thought comes to mind.
Over engineered!
Look at all those pivot points which WILL either bind or rattle (to some degree)
I can not believe that the improvement in tracking angle would compensate for the deteriation caused by miss-behaving bearings.
I.M.H.O. 😱


My tonearm is a proof of concept prototype and as such may be more complicated than it should be. When building prototypes, one does not have the luxuries of die casting, injection molding and other industrial methods of production available to oneself.

I use only ABEC 7 precision instrument ball bearings in my tonearm design.
they don't bind or rattle, period. The design of the carriage is such that, all the bearings operate in a condition of preload.

The vertical motion of the tonearm is supported by stainless steel flexures, which have no friction.

The proof is in the pudding. If you could be here, I think you would agree.



I received your private message. All I know about a patent is that the process is very expensive. Somebody you trust on diyAudio needs to hear and evaluate your stunning tonearm. Worst case, your tonearm is a junk and no need to sell. Best case, and because you worked so long and hard to perfect tonearm, your tonearm lo and behold turns out to be fantastic!!! Now you can sell one to somebody who wants it very bad. Good luck to you. Is your tonearm 100% finished?

Also, the thread should be changed to my 2015 improvement
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