Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi


I'm not sure I understand the scenario. Can you provide an example?


It exists an extended tag called AlbumSort. If user fill it with something like « «year - album title» for example and moode can sort Albums not alphabetically but by exploiting AlbumSort tag, you got the trick ;)

I tried to modify your mpd command modified-since (adding sort AlbumSort) to exploit this tag directly from Mpd when you create Json file but I can’t success.

MPD Documentation said:
find {TYPE} {WHAT} [...] [sort TYPE] [window START:END]

Finds songs in the db that are exactly WHAT. TYPE can be any tag supported by MPD, or one of the special parameters:

any checks all tag values

file checks the full path (relative to the music directory)

base restricts the search to songs in the given directory (also relative to the music directory)

modified-since compares the file's time stamp with the given value (ISO 8601 or UNIX time stamp)

WHAT is what to find.

sort sorts the result by the specified tag. The sort is descending if the tag is prefixed with a minus ('-'). Without sort, the order is undefined. Only the first tag value will be used, if multiple of the same type exist. To sort by "Artist", "Album" or "AlbumArtist", you should specify "ArtistSort", "AlbumSort" or "AlbumArtistSort" instead. These will automatically fall back to the former if "*Sort" doesn't exist. "AlbumArtist" falls back to just "Artist". The type "Last-Modified" can sort by file modification time.

window can be used to query only a portion of the real response. The parameter is two zero-based record numbers; a start number and an end number.

I was thinking to modify playerlib js to avoid sort on album if mpd already returned json sorted with this tag.

Samples from my current mpd database

song_begin: 01. Dead Inside.flac
Time: 263.946000
Title: Dead Inside
Album: Drones
AlbumArtist: Muse
AlbumSort: 2015 - Drones
Artist: Muse
Genre: Rock
Date: 2015
Track: 1

song_begin: 01. Sunburn.flac
Time: 234.626000
Title: Sunburn
Album: Showbiz
AlbumArtist: Muse
AlbumSort: 1999 - Showbiz
Artist: Muse
Genre: Rock
Date: 1999
Track: 1

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It exists an extended tag called AlbumSort. If user fill it with something like « «year - album title» for example and moode can sort Albums not alphabetically but by exploiting AlbumSort tag, you got the trick ;)

I tried to modify your mpd command modified-since (adding sort AlbumSort) to exploit this tag directly from Mpd when you create Json file but I can’t success.

I was thinking to modify playerlib js to avoid sort on album if mpd already returned json sorted with this tag.

Samples from my current mpd database

song_begin: 01. Dead Inside.flac
Time: 263.946000
Title: Dead Inside
Album: Drones
AlbumArtist: Muse
AlbumSort: 2015 - Drones
Artist: Muse
Genre: Rock
Date: 2015
Track: 1

song_begin: 01. Sunburn.flac
Time: 234.626000
Title: Sunburn
Album: Showbiz
AlbumArtist: Muse
AlbumSort: 1999 - Showbiz
Artist: Muse
Genre: Rock
Date: 1999
Track: 1


Hi Eric,

Ok, i see what you are going after. I think you might want to try using AlbumSort instead of Album in the library loader, similar to how AlbumArtist can be used instead of Artist. I think it will be sorted ok in the JS w/o modifications.

Look in the function below.

function genLibrary($flat)


Hi Eric,

Ok, i see what you are going after. I think you might want to try using AlbumSort instead of Album in the library loader, similar to how AlbumArtist can be used instead of Artist. I think it will be sorted ok in the JS w/o modifications.

Look in the function below.

function genLibrary($flat)



Thanks Tim,

this line do the trick and is fully backward compatible with no AlbumSort tag :D :

$album = $flatData['AlbumSort'] ? $flatData['AlbumSort'] : ($flatData['Album'] ? $flatData['Album'] :'Unknown');


Hi @koda59,

Nice :)

I could certainly incorporate that modification but do u think AlbumSort tag is used very often in collections, like AlbumArtist?


Seems like a feature I wouldn't use with my extensive multiple-genre collection, but as long as I don't have to retag it just because you made the modification, then I see no reason to say don't do it.

No install


install don work...:mad:

Any ideas?



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I'm running moode4.0 on Pi2b+iqaudioDac+ and Pi3+IqaudioDac+

On both systems I have a "pop"-Noice on every skip to the next/previous" playlistentry (mpc play next etc.). (BTW: one of my amps is able to suppress the Nois; on Headphone i can hear it ever - even on my other amp). The noise ist independend of the volume (Volumecontrol set to hardware in mpd-settings).

Anyone with the same Problem?
Any idea for a solution?
Maybe Pulseaudio?

Audio information
Encoded at: VBR compression
Decoded to: 24 bit, 44.1 kHz, Stereo
Rate: 128 kbps
Resampling: off
Crossfeed: off
Equalizer: Graphic EQ: (off), Parametric EQ: (off}
Crossfade: 0 seconds
Other: Volume normalize (no}, Replaygain (off)
Chip options: FIR interpolation with de-emphasis, gain=0 dB, boost=.8 dB
Volume ctl: Hardware (on-chip volume controller)
Format: 24 bit, 44.1 kHz, Stereo
Rate: 2.117 mbps
Device: IQaudIO Pi-DAC+
Chip: Burr Brown PCM5122
Architecture: Sigma/Delta Advanced Segment 24 bit 192 kHz
Interface: I2S

Any thoughts welcome.
Problem with PI Display

i have installed the newest version of moode.
When Ethernet is connected, everything works just fine.

But when i diconnect Ethernet, reboot the PI with the PI Display, i the chromium Browser starts up, but in the Playback Tab i could only see a white Scrren in the middle with light grey buttons.

If i connect a Tablet over Wifi, the Webside is normal to see, but not on the PI Display itself.

MPD seems to work, the music plays normal after the Reboot.

Nothing helps here, no reboot, nothing.
What could be the Problem.

I want to use it only with wifi, so no ethernet needed.

If i press on browse, sometimes the middle part of tghe display comes back, but from 10 tests, only 2 times.

Any Ideas what i can do?

Best regards, Mirko

On both systems I have a "pop"-Noice on every skip to the next/previous" playlistentry (mpc play next etc.).

I don't have a fix, but I can add a me too. it does it every time the audio device is initialised. I see this in the dmesg:

pcm512x 1-004c: No SCLK, using BCLK: -2

I've read this is harmless.

one one of my systems setting "always_on yes" in the output section helps.

audio_output {
type "alsa"
name "ALSA default"
device "hw:0,0"
mixer_control "Digital"
mixer_device "hw:0"
mixer_index "0"
dop "no"
always_on "yes"

I only use the mpd queues not airplay etc, I suspect this will break them.
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IQaudIO PI-Dac+ pop-noise

I don't have a fix, but I can add a me too. it does it every time the audio device is initialised. I see this in the dmesg:

pcm512x 1-004c: No SCLK, using BCLK: -2

I've read this is harmless.

one one of my systems setting "always_on yes" in the output section helps.

audio_output {
type "alsa"
name "ALSA default"
device "hw:0,0"
mixer_control "Digital"
mixer_device "hw:0"
mixer_index "0"
dop "no"
always_on "yes"

Thanks for your reply,

I have addet the line "always_on "yes"" and restarted mpd - still the same pop-noise.