Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

I can post the steps for the I/R if that helps.

Cheers, Bob (from the 80's ;) )
ncmpcpp cheat sheet
Yes it would help me if you post the steps for the IR.
The justboom guide that i used in 3.8.4 does not work on moode 4. That's the thing that is frustrating. At every major update there are scripts that need to be re-written. I also need to find a way to install my oled display. The old script from audiophonics does not work with moode 4 (it was working on moode 3.8.4). That's the reason why i still use 3.8.4. to listen to my music. I installed moode 4 on another RPI just to see what the new features look like.

Hi Remy,

Yes, Lirc configuration files and locations changed with the move to Raspbian Stretch base. This was a Lirc change not a MoOde one..Lirc's to blame not Tim :)

This is an amalgam of the old Justboom instructions and others I found online and have adapted for MoOde.

I am assuming you have the hardware set up and the lirc configuration file for your remote from your 3.8.4 Lirc install.

You will recognise most of the steps and there are just a few extras at the start that will be new.

I have attached a pdf but if you can't copy and paste the commands from it let me know and I will zip up a txt document.

If you get stuck pm me. :)


  • Lirc-for-stretch.pdf
    36.6 KB · Views: 246
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Seems like I was successful after (a) being patient and (b) knowing that the password changes to moodeaudio after phase 1 of the installation.

I have reconfigured for my timezone, added my radio station shortcuts and configured my IQaudio-DAC+ for hardware volume. Now I wait whilst three terrabytes of NAS stored lossless files are added to the library <lol>

Under 3.8.4 I found the RT kernel to offer the best sound quality. Are there any instructions knocking about that may help me install an equivalent under 4.0.12?

Seems like I was successful after (a) being patient and (b) knowing that the password changes to moodeaudio after phase 1 of the installation.

I have reconfigured for my timezone, added my radio station shortcuts and configured my IQaudio-DAC+ for hardware volume. Now I wait whilst three terrabytes of NAS stored lossless files are added to the library <lol>

Under 3.8.4 I found the RT kernel to offer the best sound quality. Are there any instructions knocking about that may help me install an equivalent under 4.0.12?


Happy that you success to upgrade without too much troubles ;)
Hi Remy,

Yes, Lirc configuration files and locations changed with the move to Raspbian Stretch base. This was a Lirc change not a MoOde one..Lirc's to blame not Tim :)

This is an amalgam of the old Justboom instructions and others I found online and have adapted for MoOde.

I am assuming you have the hardware set up and the lirc configuration file for your remote from your 3.8.4 Lirc install.

You will recognise most of the steps and there are just a few extras at the start that will be new.

I have attached a pdf but if you can't copy and paste the commands from it let me know and I will zip up a txt document.

If you get stuck pm me. :)

Thanks a lot. Will try it in the evening and let you know if there is any problem. I am familiar with the justboom installation and have the proper hardware. I even managed to use an arduino combined with the remote controller to switch on the raspberry using the remote. I can turn on, play the music, turn off using the remote. I have mapped moode playlists to the buttons on the remote. You can see that having a working remote is a must for me.

I'm trying to install Moode Audio Player.

I got as far as downloading and running the Image Builder utilizing the code provided on the moodeaudioplayer website.

During the installation process, it asked me to attach a second storage device (USB or MicroSD). I decided to use a USB flash drive.

Is the next step for me to remove my microSD card that has my main OS (Raspbian) and try to boot off the USB drive?

After a little googling, I found the following:

"Before a Raspberry Pi 3 will boot from a mass storage device, it needs to be booted from an SD card with a config option to enable USB boot mode. This will set a bit in the OTP (One Time Programmable) memory in the Raspberry Pi SoC that will enable booting from a USB mass storage device. Once this bit has been set, the SD card is no longer required. Note that any change you make to the OTP is permanent and cannot be undone."

Am I on the right path?
Under 3.8.4 I found the RT kernel to offer the best sound quality. Are there any instructions knocking about that may help me install an equivalent under 4.0.12?


I agree about the sound quality. Better ambience and depth, and a slightly warmer sound with more 'bloom'.
There was some discussion about installing the RT kernel here on page 1252.
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You need something like this

I'm trying to install Moode Audio Player.

I got as far as downloading and running the Image Builder utilizing the code provided on the moodeaudioplayer website.

During the installation process, it asked me to attach a second storage device (USB or MicroSD). I decided to use a USB flash drive.

Is the next step for me to remove my microSD card that has my main OS (Raspbian) and try to boot off the USB drive?

After a little googling, I found the following:

"Before a Raspberry Pi 3 will boot from a mass storage device, it needs to be booted from an SD card with a config option to enable USB boot mode. This will set a bit in the OTP (One Time Programmable) memory in the Raspberry Pi SoC that will enable booting from a USB mass storage device. Once this bit has been set, the SD card is no longer required. Note that any change you make to the OTP is permanent and cannot be undone."

Am I on the right path?

The second storage device needs to be a microSD card in a USB adapter. Then you can use that card to boot the RPi for the main installation.
Alternatively you can do the whole installation on a single card: Look through the posts by @HeeBoo for the method.

It can also be done on a USB stick (I used it very often and the script was tested for that too) but as described, this is only on RPI3 and you must set it for that ;)

The second storage device needs to be a microSD card in a USB adapter. Then you can use that card to boot the RPi for the main installation.
Alternatively you can do the whole installation on a single card: Look through the posts by @HeeBoo for the method.

The single card Heeboo method worked very well for me. Loaded Raspian lite onto a brand new SD card in the RPi3. Downloaded Heeboo’s script. Said “yes” to all the options, set it running and went off to watch Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets!

Two hours later, loaded card into my RPi-Z W, configured t’ethernet and NAS, and before one could say Expelliamus it was playing music. Job done!
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I hear a lower perceived noise floor and better ambience recovery with the RT Kernel using 3.8.4 vs 4.0.12 and the standard Kernel.

I've done some comparisons today and I agree that 3.8.4 with RT kernel is better SQ than 4.0.12 with standard kernel

I agree about the sound quality. Better ambience and depth, and a slightly warmer sound with more 'bloom'.
There was some discussion about installing the RT kernel here on page 1252.

Could these difference be DAC drivers rather than kernel ?
Even a little bit of research on this thread would have shown you that guys are reporting issues with the onboard Wifi on a RPI3 used in conjunction with a hat dac.

I have an iPhone 7 and it works perfectly with Airplay using a RPI3 with a wifi dongle.

I’ve never used an external adapter and all my Pi3s work flawlessly.

It’s a bit of a generalisation to say ‘hat dac’ - different DAC behave differently.

Never had an issue with any IQ Audio HAT, any cheap Chinese PiDAC+ copy, but have had some issues with hifiberry.

Most/all problems seem to be DACs with reclockers, where the frequency generator interferes with the wifi signal.

The other thing to consider is that wifi ain’t wifi. I run a 750M MIMO router with multiple antennae, distributed gigabit Ethernet feeding 500M MIMO wireless APs for the more hard-to-reach parts of the Ponderosa. You won’t get the same results with the POS the ISP gave you for free.
Hi guys. A quick question from a newbie. Is there a way to build the image on a mac computer? I am afraid my linux knowledge is close to zero.

Use Koda's/Heeboo's single-SD card script. I've used it a bunch of times and it works every time with no need to do anything once you have kicked it off.

Basic instructions:

Download the Script and unzip it.

Download Raspbian Stretch Lite -

Burn the Raspbian image to your SD card - I use Etcher on the Mac, but YMMV - Etcher

After Etcher has done its job, remount the SD card and open a terminal window. Enter the following
touch /Volumes/boot/ssh
That will create an empty file called 'ssh' on the boot partition of your SD card

Copy the file you downloaded and unzipped earlier to the boot partition of the SD

If you intend on building it over WiFi, you will need to create a file called wpa_supplicant.conf
in the terminal window:

cd /Volumes/boot/

nano wpa_suppllicant.conf

copy the following (cmd+v) into the file, change the SSID and password to your home settings, exit by ctrl+x and reply 'y' to save the file. 
ctrl_interface=DIR=/var/run/wpa_supplicant GROUP=netdev

confirm your edits with 'cat wpa_supplicant.conf

cd ~/ (to release the SD from your control)

Eject your SD - correctly, don't just pull it out.

Put it in the Pi, power up, give it a minute to boot and sign on to the wifi/start networking.

you can check with 'ping raspberrypi.local' - when you get a reply, you're good to ssh.

ssh pi@raspberrypi.local
enter 'raspberry' as the password - you may be prompted to accept the security question - reply 'yes'

The authenticity of host 'raspberrypi.local (' can't be established.
ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:i4pF4wIuNsMkHgdSghePlhp8fYKOxg+QXrA833mlAS8.
Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no)? yes
Warning: Permanently added 'raspberrypi.local' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.

now you are ready to roll...

sudo mv /boot/ ~/
sudo ./

Sit back and wait about 40 mins - an hour.

You can monitor the progress periodically using the following command from your Mac terminal window:

ssh pi@moode.local "cat ~/mosbuild.log | grep 'COMPONENT\|STEP\| Compile \| END\| Error'"

You can keep an eye on it between reboots using the 'top' command:

ssh pi@moode.local


ctrl+c to exit.

If it stops, try the ssh pi@moode.local "cat ~/mosbuild.log | grep 'COMPONENT\|STEP\| Compile \| END\| Error'" command to see what went wrong. Hopefully it will complete through to the end.
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The execution of the script looks like this:

You can use the same replies I did, or choose your options. I know the ones I used worked out of the box. Obviously it will use your Wifi settings if you are using wireless.

pi@raspberrypi:~ $ sudo ./ 
**  Moode OS Image Builder v1.0111
**  Welcome to the automated process for creating the wonderful
**  custom Linux OS that runs moOde audio player.
**  You will need a Raspberry Pi running Raspbian with SSH
**  enabled, at least 2.5GB free space on the boot SDCard and
**  a spare USB or USB-SDCard drive that the new OS will be
**  written to during the build process.
**  Be sure to backup the SDCard used to boot your Pi

// STEP 1 - Download Raspbian Lite and create a new, base image

** Do you have a backup of your boot SDCard (y/n)? y
** Unplug all USB storage devices from the Pi
** Are all USB storage devices unplugged (y/n)? y
** Check free disk space
** Change the default password and hostname (moodeaudio, moode) (y/n)n
** Would you update this installation to Moode Audio ?
** install moOde Audio on the main SDCard (y/n)? y
** Option 1-5: use a proxy server for Internet access (y/n)? n
** Option 2-5: use a WiFi connection instead of Ethernet (y/n)? y
** You're already connected in wifi with theses settings :
** country : GB
** Password : *******
** Theses settings are correct (y/n)? y
** Option 3-5: configure /var/www as squashfs (y/n)? y
** Option 4-5: install latest Linux Kernel (y/n)? n
** Option 5-5: Airplay, Ashuffle, LocalUI, Scrobbler, Squeezelite and UPnP/DLNA
** Install additional components (y/n)? y
** Change the hdmi_drive option (default = 2) (y/n)n
** Ready for automated image build
** Proceed (y/n)? y
** Test Internet connection
** Download helper files
** Add options to properties file
** Load properties into env
** Modify image
** Enable SSH
** Enable familiar network interface names
** Install main worker script
** Enable script for autorun after reboot
** Change host name to moode

// STEP 1B - Change Password & download latest moOde release

** Change password for user pi to new password
** Download latest moOde release
** Unzip release
** Install boot/config.txt
** Cleanup
** Reboot