Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Thanks Tim and koda59 for your tips in checking progress etc.
using Pi3/MacBook/8GB and 32GB micro SDcards.

I decided to start from scratch because I was getting weird errors on bootup (monitoring from TV HDMI connection) these were not consistent after reflashing my 8GB micorSD card using etcher app on my MacBook. i must have tried five or six times before I decided something was wrong with the file format.

I had more progress when I decided to use the Mac app 'SD Card Formatter' (also available free for PC) to format the card with Fat32 using 'overwrite format'. It takes a while but I believe using this instead of 'quick format' on a windows or Mac is better because after flashing rasbian lite I didn't get the same errors.

Getting my MacBook to ssh is fun also having to delete the 'known_hosts' file in users/my_name/.shh folder (hidden, so it needs to be shown using a 'shown hidden files' script first) Once all this is done the Pi3 can be connected to using ssh via Terminal on the Macbook (once empty ssh file is placed on root of flashed SDcard on MacBook in Finder) I tried using raspi-config on the Pi3 to enable ssh but that didn't work.

Following Tim's automatic install instructions I managed to get the image onto the second USB connected microSD card, the only strange thing being at the very last question 'do you want to save the image' and answering yes there was a string of numbers '/137/137/137' shown (could have been a different number).

On rebooting the Pi3 with the newly created SDcard I left it running for over an hour and a half - no dogs to take out just my wife wanting to go for some Christmas bits! I rebooted the Pi3 and could ssh to it but it still shows pi@localhost and on using the ls command all I get is the mosbuild folder with mosbuild and mosbuild.log inside. I think it hasn't worked again......
I can ssh to the Pi3 using pi@IP_adress using default raspberry p/w.

What could I be doing wrong guys?

Could you copy/paste last lines of mosbuild.log ... without that hard to help you ;)
Hi @all,

being quite new to the Raspberry, I just managed to get moodeaudio r40b12 running on my Raspi 2.
Looks good but I have the problem, that I tried to mount my NAS as the main music source and can get no connection. In addition, I am not able to delete the wrong mount data in the MusicSourceConfig page in the web browser. Before that, I used another Audio Player together with my NAS without any problems and on the first try.
Anybody with ideas to solve this???

@Tim Curtis: Thanks a lot for this really good work, I like it very much.
Since xmas ist approaching, I would like to ask for two features in the UI, especially when using the "official Raspberry 7" Touch Screen":
1. A screensaver, which can be configured
2. A functionality to dim the brightness of the screen since it is annoying when the room lights are low and the screen lightens the whole room.

Det :)
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You got it ;)

Thinking to fix the builder for the multi-slot adapter ... but in this case, we need some users to test ... I don't own this kind of adapter (and looks like neither Tim).

I can just test the "no regression status"

@Timcurtis : What do you think about that ?

The fix could be line at 147 of :

replace : if [ -z "$USBDEV" ] ; then
by : if [ -z "$USBDEV" ] || [ `echo "$USBDEV" | wc -w` -gt 1 ] ; then

If someone is able to confirm this fix, that would be great for the comunity !

I modified as per above. I get the following error when running the script. ./ line 147: [echo "$USBDEV" | wc -w: command not found
Moode direct install and other questions...


@Tim : can you remove "hdmi_drive=2" from your boot/config.txt? On my DVI display i can't see anything (i know, i don't need to see anything but without it you have more compatibility)

@Tim & @Koda59 : with my raspbian localised in french i have an error for the free space test in the, (yes i'm boring, but i'm french !) the function search the word "available".
My solution replace :
	FREESPACE="$(df -k . | grep -v Available |  awk '{print $4}')"
to :
	FREESPACE="$(df -k . --output=avail | tail -1)"

The second is more problematic, if I use wifi and have space in my SSID (same thing for the password... yes i'm very boring !) the script record in the properties file and it's loaded to environment variables, this step make some errors. So my solution :
replace :
updProperties () {
	echo "** Add options to properties file"
	if [ ! -z "$HTTP_PROXY" ] ; then
		echo "export http_proxy=$HTTP_PROXY" >>
		echo "export https_proxy=$HTTPS_PROXY" >>
	if [ ! -z "$SSID" ] ; then
		echo "SSID=$SSID" >>
		echo "PSK=$PSK" >>
	if [ ! -z "$SQUASH_FS" ] ; then
		echo "SQUASH_FS=$SQUASH_FS" >>
	if [ ! -z "$LATEST_KERNEL" ] ; then
	if [ ! -z "$ADDL_COMPONENTS" ] ; then

updProperties () {
	echo "** Add options to properties file"
	if [ ! -z "$HTTP_PROXY" ] ; then
		echo "export http_proxy=$HTTP_PROXY" >>
		echo "export https_proxy=$HTTPS_PROXY" >>
	if [ ! -z "$SSID" ] ; then
		echo "SSID=\"$SSID\"" >>
		echo "PSK=\"$PSK\"" >>
	if [ ! -z "$SQUASH_FS" ] ; then
		echo "SQUASH_FS=$SQUASH_FS" >>
	if [ ! -z "$LATEST_KERNEL" ] ; then
	if [ ! -z "$ADDL_COMPONENTS" ] ; then
Maybe make this to all Env var ?

Now, the funny part !

One line for launch the installation process from Raspbian :
wget [url][/url] && chmod+x ./;sudo ./

for look at the progress directly from an unix command line (replace ip.of.r.pi by the ip of your RPi):
ssh [email]pi@ip.of.r.pi[/email] "cat ~/mosbuild.log | grep 'COMPONENT\|STEP\| Compile \| END\| Error'"
Enter the password "moodeaudio" and see the step or state...
At the first reboot the password isn't already changed so the password is "raspberry"

And finally the direct installation ! (You ! Yes, You who have only one microSD card, no USB adaptor or no raspbian installed...)
I have modified the (who modify the ^^), corrected it with my advice and add an option to directly install MoOde on the Raspbian install:
- Download my version of
- Download the last raspbian stretch lite version from any system
- Use you favorite image writer to write the raspbian to the MicroSD card ( ??)
- Replug the microSD card to your computer for remount-it
- If you know how to configure wifi and ssh from here (you must do this if you have no screen attached to your RPi) this is the time !
- IMPORTANT !!!! edit the /boot/cmdline.txt and REMOVE :
- Copy the file on the "boot" disk
- Unmount the MicroSD, put it in your RPi and start it
- if you have already an SSH access and a Wifi or Ethernet Connection to login to your RPi, else plug a keyboard and a screen to the RPi and login
- move the file into the home of the Pi user :
sudo mv /boot/ ~/
- Launch it !
sudo ./
- answer yes to "Use the main SDcard to install...", configure proxy, wifi, squashfs, last kernel and additional component.
- Proceed ? Yes !
- Wait, wait... wait and see ! (additional component on a RPi0 is very very long ! for the progress see the top of the Funny Part !)
- Open your web browser on any computer and go to Nymeria or on mac Nymeria and configure like you want your new MoOde Audio Installation

Et voilà !

Congratulation to all who have participate in this beautiful project.
I'll be back for my real problems with MoOde Audio, we can do better !


    5 KB · Views: 141
Too complicated for me, I decided to give up installing version 4.0. I have to find a way to connect a screen via HDMI, and then try to enable ssh, to perform image builder ... There are bound to be many obstacles along the way.

volumio can install the image file directly.

So, Bye Moode Audio player
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Too complicated for me, I decided to give up installing version 4.0. I have to find a way to connect a screen via HDMI, and then try to enable ssh, to perform image builder ... There are bound to be many obstacles along the way.

volumio can install the image file directly.

So, Bye Moode Audio player
MoOde Audio is a feature rich and these features are not available elsewhere. There are not many obstacles (non programmers /new to rpi and Linux folks like me will face minor issues). I have successfully built image of it. though need to tweak some settings in gui.
Considering it's all done by one single person (Tim), I would say this is phenomenal.
Are you sure to copy with the right syntax (be careful with the quotes) ?

Had the quotes correct but not the spacing. Sorry it was late.:headbash:

Had a look at the syntax with fresh eyes and noticed I did not have the spacing right.

I fixed it and success!!!!!

It correctly identified the MicroSD card and is busy building the image as we speak.

I am using a RPI Zero at work with a Transcend Multi Card reader.

Thanks @Koda59.
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@ HeeBoo.
Building now...:) Your instructions are most clear and worked so far.

I configured for ssh then booted, logged in, moved then started your

The Pi rebooted as expected and I am now waiting for it to complete.
I will report when it does.

This is very good as it removes several variables such as card readers etc.
It's time...

@ HeeBoo. Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi
Works just fine.:) Took slightly less than an hour on a Pi2.

 ssh [email]pi@ip.of.r.pi[/email] "cat ~/mosbuild.log | grep 'COMPONENT\|STEP\| Compile \| END\| Error'"
is very helpful to check where the build has reached and to know when it has ended.


You're welcome!
Good to read that. Have you selected the option for update the kernel and the additional components ? For estimate the time...
@ Tim:
Need I any other things to do, when I connect the official Touchscreen, or is it enought in Moode the 2 switch ON set: Display; Touchscreen.
Thank you!

The boot srceen run, and it stops this line: Login Moodeaudio_

from tablet i can remote, but it has a big lag...and plays only 1 track. (without screen was everything all right with 12Beta)

when the boot screen goes, a yellow "ligthning sign" blinks on the right top of the screen.
I have an analog power supply, with 3,3A output for Pi2, ant the screen.

Thank you for your help!
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Hi @all,

being quite new to the Raspberry, I just managed to get moodeaudio r40b12 running on my Raspi 2.
Looks good but I have the problem, that I tried to mount my NAS as the main music source and can get no connection. In addition, I am not able to delete the wrong mount data in the MusicSourceConfig page in the web browser.
Found the right spot to delete it. Is a bit unlogical and hidden. :confused:
Before that, I used another Audio Player together with my NAS without any problems and on the first try.
Anybody with ideas to solve this???

@Tim Curtis: Thanks a lot for this really good work, I like it very much.
Since xmas ist approaching, I would like to ask for two features in the UI, especially when using the "official Raspberry 7" Touch Screen":
1. A screensaver, which can be configured
Forget it, meanwhile found the place to set it :eek:
2. A functionality to dim the brightness of the screen since it is annoying when the room lights are low and the screen lightens the whole room.

Det :)
Dimming the brightness of the screen is still an important issue for me.
Also would it be nice to switch off the touchscreen completely during shutdown of the Raspi.

Det :)
Too complicated for me, I decided to give up installing version 4.0. I have to find a way to connect a screen via HDMI, and then try to enable ssh, to perform image builder ... There are bound to be many obstacles along the way.

volumio can install the image file directly.

So, Bye Moode Audio player
Tim has done a great job putting features that we like, in fact MoOde offers many differentiators. If you ever have a chance to compare between the different media player software, it will be pretty obvious.