Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

2017-07-13 15.34.01.jpg Yes it works...
Is it still working for you in Firefox?

The trial is supposed to be over now.

Sent from my Nexus 5X using Tapatalk

This BBC "Taster' or pilot/trial is set to resume tomorrow (Friday June 14th) at 2:30pm EDT.

Last time around I was able to access it with no issues in the U.S. however ONLY with Firefox 51 or newer, and as far as I know nothing has changed there, no other browser currently supports playback.

Unclear if this phase of the pilot will actually broadcast all of the Proms performances and run the full course of the festival or not, if it does that means it won't conclude until Saturday Sept. 9th.
Actually started Wednesday 12th in the pm sometime I think.

I believe all BBC Radio 3 programs are now available (not just the prom concerts) until the end of the Prom season.

Listening on good ol' squeezebox here in the Motherland :)


Good deal, that unfortunately seems to not currently be available in the States. I just tried and the page still shows the same as it has for the past 2 months, only just a promotional mention of the Proms and that's it, no actual lossless 16/48 broadcast available right now as best I can tell.
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This is my first post on my new gadget so please forgive any any answer I should have found myself.

Anyway I have a IQAudio Pi-DigiAmp+, the one with the output channel labels mixed up.

Just wired it all up in my bedroom as I like music to go to sleep by but I can't find a sleep timer option :(

I thought it would be in the clock option which I just enabled but that seems to be for waking up.

Next, can it display your playlist for example on your NAS under the Library tab rather than have to browse for them?

Last question for now is about replaygain, I have mainly flac files, 16,000 and like my playlists but the volume levels vary greatly from cd to cd, Mediamonkey which can analyze and write the gain values to the files but does Moode use this data and if yes which are the correct settings to get it to work?

Thanks in advance for any help.
This is my first post on my new gadget so please forgive any any answer I should have found myself.

Just wired it all up in my bedroom as I like music to go to sleep by but I can't find a sleep timer option :(

I thought it would be in the clock option which I just enabled but that seems to be for waking up.
Thanks in advance for any help.

@IM35461 No, there is no sleep timer option just yet. I've sent Tim a first version of one which works but which in my opinion is not yet ready for prime time. This version is simply a cut-down copy of the clock radio option. It stops playing or shuts down at a user-set time, 1045 PM, say; I'm working on a second version which stops playing or shuts down after a user-set time interval, 1 Hr 45 Min, say. Stay tuned.

This is my first post on my new gadget so please forgive any any answer I should have found myself.

Anyway I have a IQAudio Pi-DigiAmp+, the one with the output channel labels mixed up.

Just wired it all up in my bedroom as I like music to go to sleep by but I can't find a sleep timer option :(

I thought it would be in the clock option which I just enabled but that seems to be for waking up.

Next, can it display your playlist for example on your NAS under the Library tab rather than have to browse for them?

Last question for now is about replaygain, I have mainly flac files, 16,000 and like my playlists but the volume levels vary greatly from cd to cd, Mediamonkey which can analyze and write the gain values to the files but does Moode use this data and if yes which are the correct settings to get it to work?

Thanks in advance for any help.


There is a ReplayGain setting in MPD config. The (i) help link has information on how the setting works.

This is my first post on my new gadget so please forgive any any answer I should have found myself.

Anyway I have a IQAudio Pi-DigiAmp+, the one with the output channel labels mixed up.

Just wired it all up in my bedroom as I like music to go to sleep by but I can't find a sleep timer option :(

I thought it would be in the clock option which I just enabled but that seems to be for waking up.

Next, can it display your playlist for example on your NAS under the Library tab rather than have to browse for them?

Last question for now is about replaygain, I have mainly flac files, 16,000 and like my playlists but the volume levels vary greatly from cd to cd, Mediamonkey which can analyze and write the gain values to the files but does Moode use this data and if yes which are the correct settings to get it to work?

Thanks in advance for any help.

@IM35461 No, there is no sleep timer option just yet. I've sent Tim a first version of one which works but which in my opinion is not yet ready for prime time. This version is simply a cut-down copy of the clock radio option. It stops playing or shuts down at a user-set time, 1045 PM, say; I'm working on a second version which stops playing or shuts down after a user-set time interval, 1 Hr 45 Min, say. Stay tuned.


What about using ssh and "sudo shutdown - (time option) as a stop gap for the OP?

Prepare several suitable time limits and cut and paste as appropriate (or use an APP for ssh)

some info here

Raspberry Pi • View topic - Shutdown after specified time

I installed librespot a while back using these instructions. How can I update to the lastest version? Thanks, I am noob.

If it still works I would not bother.

Also a linux learner, but how about (not saying this will work)

Empty librespot directory, delete the contents. Google is your friend
wget the latest librespot and unzip
Reload daemons
Enable your new service
Enable and activate your new service

What about using ssh and "sudo shutdown - (time option) as a stop gap for the OP?

Prepare several suitable time limits and cut and paste as appropriate (or use an APP for ssh)

some info here

Raspberry Pi • View topic - Shutdown after specified time


Sure, that works, but of course it forces the user to work outside Tim's nice web-client interface.

Actually, I was remiss in not pointing out that because of the way it is coded, the existing Clock Radio function can be pressed into service as a Sleep Timer.

1) in the Playback pane, for some item in the playlist (it doesn't matter what), click on its hamburger icon and select "Set for clock radio"
2) in the popup window, set Enabled = "Yes", set the start time before the current time, set the desired stop time, choose Shutdown after stop = "Yes" if that is desired, and click "Update Settings"
3) now select and play things as usual. MoOde Player will stop playing or shutdown as desired at the stop time.

This is a bit baroque and also leaves the Clock Radio function enabled which is why I embarked on my little project to create a new, dedicated Sleep Timer function.

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Thanks for that, I just learned a bit more :)

all my librespots seem to connect but give no sound.

Well I don't know what ahppened but somehow my Firefox was changed from 64 to 32 bit, I reversed that and all seems well, librespot working.
“Curiouser and curiouser!” Cried Alice

Sure, that works, but of course it forces the user to work outside Tim's nice web-client interface.

Actually, I was remiss in not pointing out that because of the way it is coded, the existing Clock Radio function can be pressed into service as a Sleep Timer.

1) in the Playback pane, for some item in the playlist (it doesn't matter what), click on its hamburger icon and select "Set for clock radio"
2) in the popup window, set Enabled = "Yes", set the start time before the current time, set the desired stop time, choose Shutdown after stop = "Yes" if that is desired, and click "Update Settings"
3) now select and play things as usual. MoOde Player will stop playing or shutdown as desired at the stop time.

This is a bit baroque and also leaves the Clock Radio function enabled which is why I embarked on my little project to create a new, dedicated Sleep Timer function.


Kent, I imagine you with a bow tie and a pipe. :cool:
very elegant :);)
I'm all :confused: and :eek:

I shall try it tonight, many thanks.

The box will likely end up in the loft so the shutdown script idea could be tricky turning it back on (unless via a remote power module).

Sure, that works, but of course it forces the user to work outside Tim's nice web-client interface.

Actually, I was remiss in not pointing out that because of the way it is coded, the existing Clock Radio function can be pressed into service as a Sleep Timer.

1) in the Playback pane, for some item in the playlist (it doesn't matter what), click on its hamburger icon and select "Set for clock radio"
2) in the popup window, set Enabled = "Yes", set the start time before the current time, set the desired stop time, choose Shutdown after stop = "Yes" if that is desired, and click "Update Settings"
3) now select and play things as usual. MoOde Player will stop playing or shutdown as desired at the stop time.

This is a bit baroque and also leaves the Clock Radio function enabled which is why I embarked on my little project to create a new, dedicated Sleep Timer function.

I am following a tutorial to install the script for an “oled display”. The script needs a module called “moment”.
The problem is that when i try to install that module using: “sudo pip install moment”, i get an error message as in the attached text file.
According to some members in the audiophonics forum, that same command and the script were just working fine in previous versions of moode audio. Any help will be appreciated.


  • errormessage.doc
    24.5 KB · Views: 52
Many thanks for the info, I had set the option but was not sure it worked with flac format files.

Also do you have to set hardware or software volume control or it does not matter?

Any other settings matter?
e.g. volume not at 100%

I have an IQAudio digi amp also.

My settings on a Pi3 using integrated wifi are:

Linux kernel: Advanced LL
CPU governor: Performance
MPD scheduler: RR

Volume control: hardware
SoX resampling: 24-bit/*kHz
SoX quality: very high quality
SoX multi threading: yes

Works great