Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

Hi, how to fix this mpd warning before next release.

exception: OutputThread could not get realtime scheduling, continuing anyway: sched_setscheduler failed: Operation not permitted

I have a annoy glitch sound when mpd start, it not happen with 3.1.
If it is not complicate I want to tired.

My current setting:
rpi2 + dac plus pro + LL Kernel + FIFO + 32/384 soxr very high multi threads.

Thank you.
Hi, how to fix this mpd warning before next release.

I have a annoy glitch sound when mpd start, it not happen with 3.1.
If it is not complicate I want to tired.

My current setting:
rpi2 + dac plus pro + LL Kernel + FIFO + 32/384 soxr very high multi threads.

Thank you.

Hi Joe,

Do the audio glitches occur with Standard kernel and SoX multi-threading turned off?

Add the lines below to [service] section of /lib/systemd/system/mpd.service file to fix the "OutputThread could not get realtime scheduling..." warning.


Thanks, add this config fixed mpd warning, the sound glitch still there but better.

I never used standard kernel because I need to run with 32/384.
With moode 3.1 + mpd 0.19.19 everything work great but when I replace with new mpd (0.20.6) and edit mpd.conf the problem occured.
It also occur with moode 3.6, I think mpd run with soxr multi threads caused this situation.
Unisolated cpu core or run at more core was not help.

Thank you.
Hi Tim,

I am running v3.6 in RPI3 with Boss DAC and 7" touch screen showing Moode in Chromium browser. Here's my sysinfo:
	  C P U    L O A D  

	CPU	%usr	%sys	%idle
	all	8.25	1.65	89.47
	0	6.88	0.53	90.48
	1	9.05	2.01	88.44
	2	9.00	2.00	89.00
	3	7.54	2.01	90.45

	  P R O C E S S    L O A D  

	 19      - chromium-browse 25.8   1 27.7
	 19      - chromium-browse 10.5   3  6.1
	 19      -       0.2   0  2.0
	 29      - mpd              2.2   1  1.3
	 19      - worker.php       1.1   3  0.5
	 19      - php5-fpm         1.3   1  0.5
	 19      - Xorg             2.7   3  0.4
	 19      - php5-fpm         1.2   2  0.4
	 19      - systemd          0.4   3  0.2
Should I get concerned with chromium-browse 27.7% CPU load?

BTW, here are my settings
Linux Kernel: Advanced-LL
CPU Governor: On-demand
MPD scheduler: TS

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Hi Tim,

I am running v3.6 in RPI3 with Boss DAC and 7" touch screen showing Moode in Chromium browser. Here's my sysinfo:
	  C P U    L O A D  

	CPU	%usr	%sys	%idle
	all	8.25	1.65	89.47
	0	6.88	0.53	90.48
	1	9.05	2.01	88.44
	2	9.00	2.00	89.00
	3	7.54	2.01	90.45

	  P R O C E S S    L O A D  

	 19      - chromium-browse 25.8   1 27.7
	 19      - chromium-browse 10.5   3  6.1
	 19      -       0.2   0  2.0
	 29      - mpd              2.2   1  1.3
	 19      - worker.php       1.1   3  0.5
	 19      - php5-fpm         1.3   1  0.5
	 19      - Xorg             2.7   3  0.4
	 19      - php5-fpm         1.2   2  0.4
	 19      - systemd          0.4   3  0.2
Should I get concerned with chromium-browse 27.7% CPU load?

BTW, here are my settings
Linux Kernel: Advanced-LL
CPU Governor: On-demand
MPD scheduler: TS



If you are not getting audio glitches then I wouldn't be concerned.

Set CPU governor to Performance.

Update MPD database when connecting USB stick

Hi there,

as I am using quite often different USB sticks, I wodered why I have to trigger the MPD database update by hand.

I did the following to "automate" it:

Added an udev rule:
KERNEL=="sd?", SUBSYSTEMS=="usb", RUN+="/var/local/www/"
that triggers a small script whenever a USB storgae device is added or removed.

The script looks like this:

truncate /var/local/www/libcache.json --size 0
/usr/bin/mpc update USB >/dev/null
) &

Is there a better way to do this?

Best wishes
Crash on boot

Hello, I have ran into some problem, hopefully someone can help me.
I downloaded moode audio and bought the code. With 7-zip, SDformatter and win32diskImager I put moodeaudio on a 32gb and 16gb SD card, but once I tried to boot my Raspberry pi 3, it crashed somewhere near the Pi login phase. I tried with 4 different chargers, all of them 5V and over 2A. 2 different raspberry pi 3-s and one Raspberry pi 2 B and ofcourse 2 different SD cards. None of them worked. Just for testing I put OSMC on my 16gb SD card and it worked with my Raspberry pi 3. Sometimes right before the crash I can see a yellow lighting bolt, which suggest voltage drop, but using a multimeter I couldn't detect a voltage drop. I tried changing the power cable, like some posts instruct, but that didn't help.
Hopefully someone can aid me.
I've just got Moode 3.6 up & running (switched from Volumio), I'm very happy indeed. There's only 1 very minor issue that I'd like to fix if possible:

My RPi has a HDD attached via a USB hub with all my FLAC files on it organised into 'Artist/Album' folders, each album folder has a cover art image in it called 'cover.jpg'. I've created several m3u playlists that play these files from the HDD, these play perfectly but Moode thinks they're radio stations not playlists of local files - the text 'Radio station' appears below the cover art on the 'Playback' page, and the generic radio 'cover art' image appears instead of the correct cover art for the song being played.

When a certain song is played as part of a playlist then 'Radio' image appears as described above, but when i play the exact same song by going to the 'Browse' tab and selecting the album or song manually the correct album art appears perfectly.
Is there a documented way to enable video output via the HDMI port ?
In am keen on trying the RPi & Moode audio player as my main playback device. In a small listening room this feature could do very nicely. USB mouse would also have to work.

*Jedi mind control : Tim, you "want" to implement a toggled option for HDMI video output* :D

Tim, do the terminal commands to implement the hardware on/off switch (for the Audiophonics i-sabre V3 DAC) still apply for revision 3.6 ?
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Hi @ken300,

Did you create the playlists with Moode?


Apologies Tim,

Problem solved - I've been generating playlists in the same way for years - export them from Amarok then tweaking them using find & replace in kwrite. The resulting playlists have '#EXTM3U' as their first line which causes the album art issue, delete that one line and everything is perfect!

I just never noticed a problem because i was using an older version of Volumio that didn't use album art....
Is there a documented way to enable video output via the HDMI port ?
In am keen on trying the RPi & Moode audio player as my main playback device. In a small listening room this feature could do very nicely. USB mouse would also have to work.

You're asking for two different things.

The first thing, enabling on-board video output, is pretty straightforward and answered by Morias. You'll have to make some adjustment for your specific display (orientation, size).

The second thing, enabling on-board user input, is stickier. In a subsequent message, Morias notes Rune and possibly Volumio has implemented touchscreen input.

I suspect more than one of us is noodling with getting similar capability into MoOde Player, but I hope your mind control technique fails. Tim already has a substantial ToDo list of higher priority items. If not having this feature is a deal breaker, use an alternative player until the time comes.

Is there a documented way to enable video output via the HDMI port ?
In am keen on trying the RPi & Moode audio player as my main playback device. In a small listening room this feature could do very nicely. USB mouse would also have to work.

*Jedi mind control : Tim, you "want" to implement a toggled option for HDMI video output* :D

Tim, do the terminal commands to implement the hardware on/off switch (for the Audiophonics i-sabre V3 DAC) still apply for revision 3.6 ?


lol, Jedi...

I'm still trying to understand the usage scenario where an HDMI connected display with kbd/mouse is preferred over just using a Laptop, Tablet or integrating the Pi 7" Touchscreen as described in the post below

I'm not familiar with

"terminal commands to implement the hardware on/off switch"
