Moode Audio Player for Raspberry Pi

You need to open a terminal and SSH into the Raspberry like this:

ssh pi@moode.local

You'll be prompted for a password which is raspberry and then you're in and ready to input the commands. Nano opens a file for editing so you'll have to find the line by scrolling and then put a # in front of it, exit and save and the enter the second command.
That should do :)

This is just getting too frustrating. I'm usin Windows 10. Had to instal openssh, all it gives back is
"no kex alg"

Putty doesn't work either. I'm lost.
This is just getting too frustrating. I'm usin Windows 10. Had to instal openssh, all it gives back is
"no kex alg"

Putty doesn't work either. I'm lost.

Tim has said an update to fix this is pending. I guess your choices are to await that or delve a bit deeper into linux-land...:)

If you're desperate and super keen you could download a linux live-distro such as Ubuntu and burn to a dvd or USB-stick and boot your computer from that.
Then you could simply open a terminal and run the commands needed.

Given your Windows familiarity you may be better off simply waiting a few days for the bugfix update.

If you have a PI2 or 3 then use that untill the Pi1 update comes out .

Should be releasing an in-place update this week for Moode 3.0 that addresses a number of bugs and issues. See below.

Many thanks to all of you for reporting these bugs and issues!



- UPD: Add real-time RR to MPD scheduler policy dropdown
- UPD: Bump squeezelite to version 1.8.5-823
- UPD: Reduce squeezelite DSP buffer setting for armv6l

Bug fixes

- FIX: Logic in Squeezelite restart job in Worker
- FIX: Pegged CPU due to FIFO schedule policy in squeezelite service
- FIX: MPD/Squeezelite fail on 1-core armv7l due to CPUAffinity setting
- FIX: Squeezelite compatibility with armv6l platform (Pi-1B/B+)
- FIX: PCM5121 chip options grayed out on Customize screen
- FIX: Incorrect coding for Audiophonics PCM5122 in audio device table
At last! I managed to go through those two steps. Now the error reads:
"connection to mpd failed" :)
Meaning... no big difference...

EDIT: Went through the last few pages AGAIN, and found I only changed fifo to rr, but didn't hastag the affinity. Now I really am a happy camper. :D
Thanks for help, guys!
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Hi Tim,
I would like to know if there is a way out to get an OUTPUT STREAM=384KHz/32 BIT from a ES9018 K2M DAC, connected through I2S, using Moode player. With the latest Moode drivers (Buffalo) I can reach 192KHz/24 bit.

Thank you,



Have u installed the Advanced kernel?

In theory, Advanced kernel + either Buffalo II/IIIse or Generic-1 (hifiberry-dac) can work with ES9018 boards but YMMV.

Hi Tim,
I would like to know if there is a way out to get an OUTPUT STREAM=384KHz/32 BIT from a ES9018 K2M DAC, connected through I2S, using Moode player. With the latest Moode drivers (Buffalo) I can reach 192KHz/24 bit.

Thank you,


Advanced kernel + Generic-1 (hifiberry-dac) gives OUTPUT STREAM=384KHz/32 BIT (when resampling set) from a ES9018 K2M DAC tested here. (Buffalo II/IIIse setting produces no sound at all.)
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Install update via SSH

Hi, this has probably already been covered somewhere but is it possible to install a new version of MoodAudio directly via terminal / ssh to the SD card or does it have to be done as per usual by taking the SD card out of the Pi and sticking it into a computer ? thank's ;-)

Hi Tom,

Root is effectively disabled in Raspbian. There are articles explaining the particular config that the OS dev's used to do this but I can't recall the links. You shouldn't need root to compile a driver AFAIK.

You could try installing an EW-7811UTC driver (if one exists) that has been pre-compiled for kernel 4.4.30+ and 4.4.30-v7+. These drivers are made by "MrEngMan". See post below and scroll down a bit.

If this works then I can run through the same procedure and incorporate the drivers in Moode.

Hi, this has probably already been covered somewhere but is it possible to install a new version of MoodAudio directly via terminal / ssh to the SD card or does it have to be done as per usual by taking the SD card out of the Pi and sticking it into a computer ? thank's ;-)

I'm going to say yes.... BUT! It would be more a case of a custom installation. You'd have to update and then edit the boot partition and have both V2.7 and V3.0 filesystems handing around on the card initially.
I'm going to say yes.... BUT! It would be more a case of a custom installation. You'd have to update and then edit the boot partition and have both V2.7 and V3.0 filesystems handing around on the card initially.


There is no in-place update for 2.7 --> 3.0 because of a change in the root partition size in 3.0 to provide extra space necessary to store dual Linux kernels.

sudo su -

Thank you! That did the trick. Unfortunately, now I'm getting errors about there not being a /lib/modules/4.4.30-v7+/build directory.

Hi Tom,

Root is effectively disabled in Raspbian. There are articles explaining the particular config that the OS dev's used to do this but I can't recall the links. You shouldn't need root to compile a driver AFAIK.

You could try installing an EW-7811UTC driver (if one exists) that has been pre-compiled for kernel 4.4.30+ and 4.4.30-v7+. These drivers are made by "MrEngMan". See post below and scroll down a bit.

If this works then I can run through the same procedure and incorporate the drivers in Moode.


Thank you!

I had read that forum post before, but I apparently hadn't gone far enough into the thread. At the bottom of the third page of that post, MrEngman responds to another user, and in that post (#3189), he lists a script to automatically check your USB dongle and install the proper driver for your kernel and dongle model. I used his script and it worked! (It was like using Windows or something! LOL) Then I messed it up again. Somehow I broke it trying to get it to go into AP mode. It may have something to do with it forcing a 2.4GHz AP when it should probably offer both 5GHz and 2.4 or just 5. I'm going to wipe it and do a fresh install of MoOde and reinstall the WiFi drivers and see how it goes from there.

Tim, if you'd like to try it out, here are the commands to get/use his script:
tar xzf install-wifi.tar.gz
Thank you! That did the trick. Unfortunately, now I'm getting errors about there not being a /lib/modules/4.4.30-v7+/build directory.

Thank you!

I had read that forum post before, but I apparently hadn't gone far enough into the thread. At the bottom of the third page of that post, MrEngman responds to another user, and in that post (#3189), he lists a script to automatically check your USB dongle and install the proper driver for your kernel and dongle model. I used his script and it worked! (It was like using Windows or something! LOL) Then I messed it up again. Somehow I broke it trying to get it to go into AP mode. It may have something to do with it forcing a 2.4GHz AP when it should probably offer both 5GHz and 2.4 or just 5. I'm going to wipe it and do a fresh install of MoOde and reinstall the WiFi drivers and see how it goes from there.

Tim, if you'd like to try it out, here are the commands to get/use his script:
tar xzf install-wifi.tar.gz


Try editing /etc/hostapd.conf and set hw_mode param to a value that provides support for 2.4 and 5 GHz bands.

Hostapd config file reference link

I don't have one of the dual band adapters so not possible for me to test.
