Moderators and Commerce........A Conflict of Interest?

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"You guys" are missing the point.....

When the creator of design tells a fellow forum to cease and desist, and that person is a moderator, and he doesn't...........

And he tells him more than once........

Who is going to complain to.......the rest of the moderators?

It is simple.......people who have wares to sell should not be moderators.

And Peter.......using Bill F. as an example is laughable. He seems to have a sense of humour about blowing out surplus pots at the going price.

If he charged $100/each, I would have been the first to tell him to shove it.

As for Planet 10....yeah, I guess he has stuff to sell. Looks that way from his sig. But I have never seen him promote his stuff. So he must not be doing a good job of selling. Unobtusive.........I do not see a problem.

But some guys here are always trolling for ideas, even when they are told to knock it off.

I gotta get back to drilling holes..............

Disabled Account
Joined 2003
It's not the only problem with moderators, they also let their political bias get into the moderation. Looking at the offtopic forum, there's a thread called GEORGE BUSH; madman or idiot, and moderators didn't have a problem with it. But when I posted a thread called DAVID SUZUKI, madman or idiot, explaining why I would say such a thing, a moderator deletes it. This is about as fair and balanced as Fox News. :mad: :mad: :mad:
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002

As to the second question, some members behaviour changed definitely, but I don't see a reason why I would be concerned with it. Those people were always like that.

Probably...Yet what I do notice is that you tend to react as if you're under constant attack from fellow members, even when it wasn't necessarilly meant that way.

IOW, you feel a need to justify more what you're saying or what you're advising others to do.
I don't mean as a moderator per se but mostly as a member.

Let's not forget that you are always viewed as a moderator when posting, regardless of whether or not you're wearing that funny hat.;)
That's something that just comes with the territory I'm afraid.

Don't think for a minute I'm in any way critising you as a person or a moderator, I am not.
It's just that at times it's worthwhile to do a little soulsearching, rewind the movie a little so a before/after evaluation can be made.

Sorry for the rant...As Philips say: "Let's make things better"
...Ooops, commercial.

Re: "You guys" are missing the point.....

Jocko Homo said:
When the creator of design tells a fellow forum to cease and desist, and that person is a moderator, and he doesn't...........

And he tells him more than once........

Who is going to complain to.......the rest of the moderators?

You miss a point Jocko. It has nothing to do with being a moderator. Unless I act as moderator, I should be regarded as a regular forum member. But it's much easier to attack a moderator than a regular member, there is no leverage in a second case.

If you wan't to complain about forum member, you do it to the moderators. If you want to complain about moderator, you do it to the forum members, just like you did now.

But I still didn't see what exactly you are complaing about. You show me a good reason, and maybe I'll make your day;)

But it has to be a good one.
ill argree with this one 100%.

there was a thread awhile back, i cant remember what it was, but it was attacking all US citizens, generalizing about them. its almost like saying "those damn japs".

i liken it to generalizing all germans to little hitlers. it was unfair and insulting. BUT, it did not get deleted, it became a quite popular thread that was undeniably destructive to the cooperative attitude that DIYaudio is supposed to have.

as far as moderators selling things, as the topic states, i have noticed it getting a bit interesting lately. i will say this, and im SURE i will get some response (possibly negative), but i feel i need to.

i have a problem with people selling items as group buys or kits (moderator or not), only when they become branded, or personalized. For instance (read: for instance), peter's case for his gainclone group purchase. since when does a logo or brand need to go on a case? a kit is arguably not very DIY, but having a brand and a logo on the case makes it so impersonal, its like going to the store and buying an amp. im not really explaining myself right, im sure of it (long day at work).

but it just seems that things of that nature really dont contribute to the forum, but instead apply a sense of commercialism. you could argue that peter isnt selling a diy kit, but a non-functioning commercial amplifier that needs a bit of repair"

will we have the day when someone can go and buy a "kit" that they plug into the wall? maybe. will it be ok? YES! as long as people arent really calling it DIY, and its not being sold by the people trying to weed out commercial offerings to the community.

peter, im not picking on you, it was just an example. i dont follow a LOT of the threads, so yours just came to mind, its not personal, so please dont interpret it as such.

Prune said:
It's not the only problem with moderators, they also let their political bias get into the moderation. Looking at the offtopic forum, there's a thread called GEORGE BUSH; madman or idiot, and moderators didn't have a problem with it. But when I posted a thread called DAVID SUZUKI, madman or idiot, explaining why I would say such a thing, a moderator deletes it. This is about as fair and balanced as Fox News. :mad: :mad: :mad:
cowanrg said:
with all due respect, maybe your services are no longer needed?

Cowanrg, then why you don't try to get rid of the Bush as entire world is sick of his B********* against so called terorists and he is the bigest moderator of the world today.

You have just seen how Canadians are responding to that mather as Peter just resigned.

NOTHING Personal just my strong opinion. :)

cowanrg said:
it shouldn't change.

you said yourself, when you are not acting as a moderator, you are just a regular forum member. you should be able to say whatever you want, moderator or not. you get the same treatment.

Actually, not.

I was just warned by WebMaster not to make any further posts in the current thread, because it creates a bad image of the moderator. Well, I couldn't take it and I resigned. It wasn't because of Jocko and the gang. Specifically, I couldn't "separate my membership from my moderatorship and act appropriately" as it was stated.
i was being mildly sarcastic, implying a theoretical perfect world.

IMO, if you have something to say that a moderator shouldn't be saying, you should not be a moderator.

Peter Daniel said:

Actually, not.

I was just warned by WebMaster not to make any further posts in the current thread, because it creates a bad image of the moderator. Well, I couldn't take it and I resigned. It wasn't because of Jocko and the gang.
i had a long response written, but then i realized three things.

1. this is NOT the thread to be discussing politics.
2. this is NOT the forum to be discussing politics
3. we have an election coming up soon, so things may fix themselvs.

trigon said:

Cowanrg, then why you don't try to get rid of the Bush as entire world is sick of his B********* against so called terorists and he is the bigest moderator of the world today.

You have just seen how Canadians are responding to that mather as Peter just resigned.

NOTHING Personal just my strong opinion. :)

You did miss the point, Peter........

I can not reprint private e-mail without permission, but......

Some of this is on the forum......just search for it.

Well-known audio guru tells a member......who is a moderator......(and his name is not Peter, although it has some of the same letters), to stop using his name on a PCB that he is "designing".

He tells him in public. He tells him in private. And guess what..........

He does more of the same.

So....I repeat....who is going to listen to him if communication to a moderator in public and in private is ignored?

You tell me...........because the person who tried to have his name dissassociated had no luck.

Did I make your day yet?????

So who is more valuable here..........someone that everyone knows by his first name........just like Nelson........or some guy who doesn't know when to give it a rest?

Well, the wrong guy made the decision. He felt that he had no other option.


Would that be P- A you are talking about................


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