Moderators and Commerce........A Conflict of Interest?

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Dhaen, you try to meet the kit sellers mafia also?

I'm sorry but I don't understand.
At present you will find my name on 2 wiki's, one to buy knobs from Peter Daniel, and one to buy DAC PCB's from Pedja.
Both of these I could do myself if I chose, but both are cheaper and less trouble to buy. It's my choice, and I'm grateful to those people for their work.
As usual, I'm a bit thick.... Is this what we are talking about?

As usual, I'm a bit thick.... Is this what we are talking about?

which resulted in(down the page) -
Originally posted by Peter Daniel

I guess Zobel discussion went already to far, so I created a separate thread for it:

Everybody interested in LM4780 board, please be assured that the board will feature a Zobel network.

Deftly done!, but it raises some interesting philosophical questions.
One might percieve this as a sleight of hand, promted by 'commercial' interests. I personally, feel that its rather a reflection of the poster's personality and ego. I don't think its really commercial interests that promted the bifrucation, but rather a manifestation of Peter's tranmorgrification into a piller of 'empirical' orthodoxy.

That being said, I wouldn't change the circumstances one iota. We must have closure in this universe, Yin and Yang, Frick & Frack. For that we must have a Fred, a mercurial roving techno ombundsman.

Aristotelian Ideals demand that this be so....

I have no problem with you and the majority of the moderators in fact you are doing a great job but I am concerned about several other moderators and what the rest of the moderators are doing about it. There seems to be no system among the moderators to police this, that is why I suggested that a seperate commercial forum be started so as to help clean up the existing one. We need more experienced members and a clear set of rules defining what a moderator can and cannot do.


I agree that some people have only charged a small amount for their hard work and I support them, but others are taking a different would it be so difficult to step down as a moderator as you persue your commercial interests or would that put a damper in sales.

So why are you taking this as a personel attack. I am reporting the facts as I see them , so prove me wrong and I will stand corrected.

Judgeing by you reaction to this, it looks that you you have something to hide or are you scared that more people catch on to what you doing...................prove me wrong!

jam said:
I agree that some people have only charged a small amount for their hard work and I support them, but others are taking a different course
I'll guess that you have seen what the prices where at my group buys. I'll guess also you know what it costs to order those pcb's? If you include the costs for the prototypes and the cost for the prototype pcb's, how much is left do you think. Correct, millions of dollars. Obviously no clue of what things cost.
jam said:
I agree that some people have only charged a small amount for their hard work and I support them, but others are taking a different would it be so difficult to step down as a moderator as you persue your commercial interests or would that put a damper in sales.

I fail to find any logic in the above paragraph. Are you trying to say that being a moderator allows you to charge higher prices and actually force people to buy your offerings?

What kind of damper would it put in sales, if he steps down? Please explain. I didn't even notice that P-A is selling anything.

We saw Mr. F selling extensively potentiometers on this board, constantly bumping his thread, yet nobody complained. Was it because Mr. F is not a moderator? BTW, he was selling those pots at a regular price, same price as Percy asks.
There seems to be no system among the moderators to police this, that is why I suggested that a seperate commercial forum be started so as to help clean up the existing one.

On the latter point, we all agree and that's in the works. I hope that will tamp down these sorts of concerns.

On the former point, there is a difference between "no system" and "seems to be no system." The mods are MUCH tougher on one another when discussing forum business than they are with members.

I have worked in the industry for years and I know whay things cost. I am concerned about the direction of the forum and it's leadership. I don't like the idea of moderators running a buisness and using the forum as venue to sell their wares let alone exploit someone elses intellectual poperty.

If the general consensus is that there is a conflict you should step down and be regulated by an impartial moderation system because right now how do you maintain an impartial stance when it when faced with a problem that places your interests against the good of the forum.

I bear you and Peter and any other moderator no ill will but for the forum to survive the good of the forum must be placed first.

Do the right thing.


I don't respond to threats kindly no Peranders tone or threats. If he had responded differently the outcome would have been different, if he had not been impolite to begin with.

This has caused such a reaction that makes me wonder..........besides I named no names when I started this thread.

I am glad to hear that a new system is in the works.

jam said:
I have worked in the industry for years and I know whay things cost. I am concerned about the direction of the forum and it's leadership. I don't like the idea of moderators running a buisness and using the forum as venue to sell their wares let alone exploit someone elses intellectual poperty.

Do you mind regular members running a buisness and using the forum as venue to sell their wares let alone exploit someone elses intellectual poperty?

jam said:
If the general consensus is that there is a conflict you should step down and be regulated by an impartial moderation system because right now how do you maintain an impartial stance when it when faced with a problem that places your interests against the good of the forum.

I would still like to see what the conflict is. Since you started this thread, would you mind elaborating on that and show some examples where moderators use their position to boost the sales (of whatever they offer)?

In answer to your first question....Yes I do.

Second question,

Simply posting pictures and links to web sites is enough to do this. A moderator is supposed to be controlling the proper use of the forum for this sort of activity not participating in. This of course does not include selling your old, used or excess parts. There is a difference.



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I haven't noticed any greater tendency on the part of moderators to sell products than on the part of some non-moderators. In fact, I found that the posters with something to sell (be it Per Anders, Nelson Pass, Hugh Dean ... etc...) tend to offer some of the sounder advice.

On top of this, I have to wonder about the anti-commercial attitude on the part of some members. I wonder how many of us could execute a working amplifier with out a purchased kit or at least a PCB (or at least a cookbook design based on a PCB offered for sale). I now fancy I can do so though with considerable difficulty, but only because of starting out with a kit/PCB. Without the commercial DIY sellers, the possabilities would be much more sparse.
diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002

Without the commercial DIY sellers, the possabilities would be much more sparse.

Sure, they're all welcome as members...but how would you react if they'd start plugging their kit in the middle of a thread?

I'm not saying this is actually what happens but what if?

And how about if that person was a mod?


Now that Nelson Pass is mentioned...

He is an excellent example of how such buisness should be dealt with, without polluting the forum. If you take a look at his posts, he have as far as im concerned never promoted any of his offerings without being asked to do so.....and even then its been done in a very decent manner, as opposed to others whos been running entire threads to advertise their commercial offerings.

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